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The Good and the Bad of Hair Rebonding


Irina enjoys giving advice to others regarding how to care for their hair and skin.


The hair, also called a person’s crowning glory, is one of women’s greatest assets. It can project a woman’s personality when styled according to her preference. That is why several hair treatments are made available to further enhance the beauty of one’s hair, including hair rebonding. Hair rebonding is a process wherein the natural bonds of the hair are broken down through the use of chemicals and heat, rearranged, and bonded once again. The waves and curls are flattened so that the hair looks straight and beautiful. The result of this process promises silky, shiny, and sleek hair.

Some women are tempted to get a hair rebond because their hair is dull, frizzy, and unmanageable. But is hair rebonding really for you? Check out the benefits and side effects that you may experience from this hair treatment.


  • The first benefit of hair rebonding is that it gives permanent results. Unlike other hair treatments, rebonding your hair can make it permanently straight. Whether your hair is naturally straight with slight ‘S’ curve, or curly, it is guaranteed that you will have straight and silky hair at the end of the treatment.
  • Another benefit of the treatment is a marked improvement of your hair’s manageability when rebound. It lets you stand a windy environment without messing your hair. You can also style or tie your hair without compromising its straightness.


While there are several benefits of this particular hair treatment, it also has its own downsides. Most of them occur when a substandard chemical is used or a step during the treatment is not done properly.

  • For one, hair rebonding may cause hair breakage. The chemicals and heat applied during the process can take a toll on your hair and may make it break easily.
  • You might also notice you have more hair loss when you’ve gone through this treatment.
  • Another downside of this treatment is that you may sustain burns during the process. The straightening iron may not only burn your hair, but also your scalp as well.
  • Finally, even if the process leaves the hair permanently straight, it is also necessary to do a follow-up maintenance through hot oil treatments and such to keep it beautiful.
  • You may need to spend a few more bucks for a separate treatment.
  • The process of rebonding the hair doesn’t come cheap as well because of the number of hair products applied and its laborious process.


When deciding whether to rebond your hair, you should also take into consideration the type of hair rebond you want to achieve. You should also consider if you can afford the hair products you may need to purchase to keep your hair beautiful and prevent hair loss after the treatment. Finally, your stylist must be experienced enough in this kind of process in order to prevent harm and ultimately bring out the beauty of your hair.

Indeed, you need to carefully consider your decision if this process is going to give you more good than harm. Hair rebonding should help you feel and look more beautiful. Otherwise, there are other less risky and natural hair treatments that you can consider.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: What is the right age for hair rebonding?

Answer: Hair rebonding is not recommended for girls who are under the age of eleven, as the child's hair has not yet been fully formed. In this case, the procedure may harm the hair. This is perhaps the only age limitation. Women at any age can carry out this procedure. The main thing is to choose the right stylist.

Question: What oil treatment should be done after rebonding hair?

Answer: Hair Rebonding is a chemical treatment. After applying the chemical composition, the components penetrate deep into the hair shaft and break the bonds of disulfides, because of this, the hair loses the ability to curl.

During the procedure, the hair structure collapses even with the usage of low chemicals. That is why straightened hair requires special nourishing and care.

For rebonded hair, you can use argan oil which has a lot of vitamins E, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. It is also excellent hair protection from harmful UV. Olive oil has similar properties.

Oil is applied to wet hair and left for at least an hour. Another way is to apply the oil before washing the head (especially good for curly hair).

Coconut oil is used as the base oil. It consists of small molecules and penetrates deep into the hair. In addition, coconut oil is similar to hair proteins, so it effectively restores hair from the inside.

However, 3 days right after the rebonding stay away from all the hair treatments.

Question: Is it possible to do another hair rebonding after 3 days?

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Answer: It is best if you have your hair rest for at least 2-3 weeks before rebonding. Otherwise, you can harm your hair. It is difficult to tell whether you can rebond your hair again or the hair is damaged too much. You need to consult with good hair stylist to make the proper analysis.

Healthy virgin hair can take retouch of rebonding very well. Coloured hair can be rebonded again with careful timing. The damage is cumulative for the hair which has been rebonded over and it’s hard to predict when they fail.

If your rebonding is successful, you do not need to do rebonding on the already rebonded hair. It is permanent. It is done only on the roots later on.


Res on June 28, 2020:

Hi, I got rebonded again this is my 2nd time and after 3 weeks I noticed my Hair is falling out and when I touched on the top of My hair it feels like mans hair, I don’t know what to do. I’m so depressed.

Anjum Eva on November 03, 2019:

Is it sweat bad after rebonded hair?

jel on November 02, 2019:

hi, is it okay not to take rebond process again if my hair is have a history in rebonding?

rose on January 22, 2019:

it is good for hair??

chary on December 14, 2018:

hello am planning to take balayage and try rebond after 8 months. Is it ok for first timers? I mean virgin hairs?

Eya on June 04, 2018:

Hi. Today is Monday that this is the day to wash my hair after rebond. But im not happy for the result. Its like nothing is change. Then my friend told me to fix it by applying again and do rebond for 4hrs. Is it good to do it?

Badeth on September 02, 2017:

Hi! I got normal delivery after 4 months, and now I had Hair fall. They said its normal, but I want to treat my hair because my hair is frizzy also losing due to hair fall. What treatment should I take if rebond is not good and has a side effect?

Thanks and more power!

IrinaV (author) on February 01, 2017:

Hi, mithila! Yes, hair fall after rebond is one known side effect, sadly you can only try to fix it with hair supplements like masks, oils etc.

mithila on January 02, 2017:

my hair looks good and sightly straight as well if I do shampoo properly. Even after I want to rebond to look much more perfect, but what about the hair fall after rebonding?????? I really want to loss my hair :( :(

IrinaV (author) on September 04, 2016:

Hi! Urmi. Thanks for your question. It's definitely not ok to do hair rebound when your hair is damaged! You should first consult with your hairdresser or a specialist who is going to do the proсedure! I think you should fisrt fix your hair problem and only then if you still want your hair straight then do rebonding! Otherwise you can end up loosing your hair.

swati on March 04, 2016:

I have rebonded ma hairs today itself from local parlour bt nw scared that may it will affect ma hairs as ma hairs are very thin in texture..

sonakshi on January 24, 2016:

Before 22 month I gone through the process of my 2nd rebounding due to which hairfall in huge amount took place and during the time period of my first rebounding was awesome normal hairfall

Now again I want to rebond my hair again is it ok or not

IrinaV (author) on August 21, 2015:

Hi huny, thank you for your question, its quite difficult to answer in a simple messge! Im going to make a research on that problem and post an article!

huny on August 21, 2015:

I have thin n unmanageable straight hairs nd I want to rebond them but I am conscious for after effects and what will the precautions and products should be use after rebonding if suffer from hair lossage

IrinaV (author) on July 29, 2015:

Yes sure! Would love to help! :)

IrinaV (author) on July 29, 2015:

Kaya hi, as I've said if you look for organic or natural hair wax then it should be fine to use it! Read the ingredients they all should be natural and safe!

IrinaV (author) on July 28, 2015:

Just google hair styling wax and you should find it! There is very little damage for the hair if you use it! Just like almost any hair styling product. (You might want specifically search for organic or narural ones to make sure its harmless for your hair)

IrinaV (author) on July 28, 2015:

Oh sorry, the only way I know how to make hair look smooth in a ponytail is to use some hair wax! Or you may try to use hair straightener, but it's also maybe quite damaging for the hair especially if you do it often.

kaya on July 28, 2015:

Thank you so much for your advice. Actually the only reason that I want to rebond is be looking nice when tieing a ponytail isn't there any other way that I can look nice when tieing a ponytail???? I thought that cutting my hair like the letter V what about that? Is there any other way? ?? Please reply fast!!!!!:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

IrinaV (author) on July 28, 2015:

Well if you afraid of damaging hair much then probably you shouldn't do it, but remember that hair can always grow back! :)

kaya on July 27, 2015:

Thank you so much!!! But all of the people from whom I asked about the side effects of this told me that after few days it will totally damage my hair. Just like you have written in this page. So plz tell me what do I do? ??? I'm so confused. Plz reply me fast. I'm waiting for a reply.

IrinaV (author) on July 25, 2015:

Kaya, sorry i couldn't reply earlier. After treating hair and getting rebonded, you need to take care of your hair more than you used to do before.

Maintaining the rebounded hair requires regular touch ups within 6 min months after the treatment.

However it's difficult to say if this can effect someone's  education or not because in some cases even watching TV may effect it! It depends on the personal skill and motivation!

kaya on July 25, 2015:

Plz leave me a reply! I am waiting.

kaya on July 18, 2015:

Thanks a ton for your reply. Will this affect for my education? I am asking this because I have heard that there are many treatments that should be done after rebonding.

IrinaV (author) on July 05, 2015:

Kaya, rebonding can be done at any age if you can go through a service that takes pretty long time. It really depends on a young lady. The only thing to worry about is the level of professionalism of the stylist. The consequnce of a poorly done job could be extreme breakage or chamical burns.

kaya on July 03, 2015:

I'm just 14 years old so is it suitable to rebond my hair at this age? Will it damage my hair? Also thanks for the tips. Is there any age limit for this process? Plz give me some idea!

shehzeen on May 08, 2014:

Thanx for give me this tips but now my hair are ribondid so what thing protect my hair after ribonding because my hair have been damage plz give me some idea what i do for my hears

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