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Natural Ways to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair

Brittanie loves sharing her knowledge on natural health and beauty.

Try these natural ways to get rid of the frizz.

Try these natural ways to get rid of the frizz.


Everyone gets them, and I don't know one person who likes them. They go by many names frizzies, flyaways, split ends. That hair that just wants to do its own thing and is always out of place. Serums and salon visits can get expensive, and who really knows what's in those commercial hair products. The ingredients look like a foreign language most of the time. Luckily there are some natural ways to get rid of frizzies, and most of them are under five dollars and can be used over and over again.

Lack of moisture

Lack of moisture

What Causes Frizzy Hair?

Lack of moisture is the culprit. Different hair types can have a harder time with this, especially curly hair because it is the driest of the dry. Heat styling can be another cause since it robs the hair of oils and dries it out. Sun damage especially if you live somewhere with lots of sun and heat can cause your hair to dry out. Chemical usage like dying, bleaching, relaxing, and so on. Anything with chemicals that you put in your hair is going to cause serious damage and take away oils and moisture. Dry hair is more likely to break snap, get frizzy, and stick up so the two major keys to solving this problem are prevention and moisture.

Natural oils

Natural oils

Using Natural Oils

There are a few different ways to use oils to get rid of flyaways. All of them work wonderfully and are great for different times of the day.

Quick Topical Use

This is when you just grab a bottle of your favorite oil like olive oil or maybe coconut because it smells so good. You rub a pea-sized amount onto your hands and gently rub it into the ends of your hair and on the frizziest areas on your scalp. Only use a small amount to avoid grease slicks.

Hot Oil Treatments

This is better for a long term solution to get rid of the untamed hairs. All you need to do is pick your favorite oil and warm it up in a bowl. Make sure it is not too hot. Apply to dry clean hair and comb through to make sure it's all over and evenly distributed. Leave in anywhere from a half an hour to two hours before rinsing out with shampoo and water. Air dry your hair, and love your soft, smooth hair.

Adding an Oil to Your Regular Conditioner

If you are looking for something even simpler that you only have to do once to get results every day. Just add a tablespoon or two of olive oil to your normal conditioner and when you're in the shower, let it sit for an extra couple of minutes before washing it out. This is a very subtle way to fight off the frizz, but it helps, and it does not take too much time or thought to accomplish.

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Different Oils

There are many kinds of oils your hair can benefit from. They don't only help with flyaways, but they promote new hair growth, smell great, and add vitamins to your hair, but each oil is different, and so is each person's hair. A list of different oils that are great for hair is listed below.

  • Argon
  • Coconut
  • Moroccan
  • Jojoba
  • Olive
  • Almond

All of these oils are great for your hair and do different things. When choosing an oil, think about your hair type and fragrances you like.


Keeping up with the usual hair care maintenance is a good way to prevent flyaways. This means trimming your hair every six weeks. Using the right brushes. Brushing your hair starting at the bottom and working your way to the top. Not brushing your hair when it's wet. Heat style as little as possible and use a heat protectant when you do. Doing all of these little things will help prevent split ends and little unruly pieces of hair. This is just regular hair maintenance but if you follow these rules you will see a big difference.

Egg Whites

Putting some egg whites in your hair for an hour or two may sound a little gross, but it's a miracle worker on hair. All of the protein in the eggs gets absorbed by your hair, making it stronger and bringing back elasticity. If you don't like the idea of using eggs, you could always you mayo, but it is a little smellier. This is great for damaged and dried out hair. The healthier your hair, the less breakage you have, and this means less frizzies. Dried out snapping hair equals super frizz.



Using Honey

Adding honey to your usual conditioner works really well, and it does not take much time or effort. Just add a tablespoon or so. This may work out differently depending on the kind of conditioner you have. Another way to use honey is to mix a half cup with a half cup of olive oil or any other oil you prefer. Put this solution in your hair in a half an hour before rinsing out. This will help with flyaways and make your hair silky soft. I have used honey many times; it is my favorite way to condition my hair.

Anti-Frizz Myth

When I was younger, I thought that putting water in my hair and smoothing it out with my hands would get rid of flyaways. This is NOT true. It did help my hair look nicer and get into place for a few minutes. Then my hair would dry again, and then all of a sudden, it would come back!

Water does not really help. Using something thicker like a little tiny bit of oil, lotion, or your usual conditioner can help weigh those strays down and make them conform. I don't actually know how many other people out there thought or think water will help, but I just want to help bust this myth in case I am not alone in having been fooled.

Frizzy Hair?

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Cynthia Lyerly from Georgia on June 17, 2013:

I'll have to try the egg whites. Right now I am using Aveda's heavy moisturizing line and loving it. When the humidity comes out, I often use shea butter. The flat iron does a number on my hair!

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