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My Review of Corpore Sanctum Studios Fun Therapy Scrub-Doh and Mask-Doh


I've been an online writer for several years. My articles focus on a wide range of topics, including skin care, fashion and holidays.

If you have been following my articles for a while, then you may recall my previous review of the Skull Stem Cell Face Serum from Corpore Sanctum Studios. If, however, you are new to my articles (welcome!) then you probably have no idea what I am talking about, and for you, I have attached a link above to this past review in the hopes that it may also be of interest to you.

In this article though, I will be discussing my thoughts and experiences of using their most recently launched skincare products; Mask-Doh (Green Tea Face Mask) and Scrub-Doh (Volcanic Face Scrub).

Disclaimer: These products were kindly sent to me for free by Corpore Sanctum Studios, however, all opinions are my own.


About Corpore Sanctum Studios

As mentioned in these past articles, Corpore Sanctum Studios are a cruelty-free and vegan friendly company who produce high quality paraben-free skincare products made from entirely natural and organic ingredients. Along with their devotion to proving that making the switch to entirely ethical products does not mean compromising on quality, they make it not only incredibly easy but also fun to do so.

They take things a step further than that though, by donating 5% of their revenues each month to different animal and environmental charities. This means that with every purchase you make, you are not only showing support for the company, their products, and their ethics, but you are also playing a huge part in changing the world for the better.

Not only do they value making a positive difference to the world that we live in, they also strive to create products that will not only benefit our skin but that are also contained in quirky, creative and eye-catching packaging that looks fantastic on display.

Mask-Doh (Left), Scrub-Doh (Right)

Mask-Doh (Left), Scrub-Doh (Right)


I think it's safe to say that we all know I love how these products are packaged. It's such a fun and individual idea that CSS have come up with and it sparks intrigue and curiosity.

Usually, I find that leaking is always a problem I have with these kinds of tubs, especially if they are stored in drawers or are packed for travelling. But fortunately with these CSS ones, apart from being aesthetically pleasing, they are also practical. Inside each tub is a plastic guard over the product that you can easily remove and replace which stops any of the product from leaking and it's also good for hygiene purposes too.


Scrub-Doh Volcanic Face Scrub (100g)

Charcoal is a major hit at the moment in the beauty industry and can be found in a wide variety of products from toothpaste to face masks because of its amazing properties.

The Scrub-Doh, or Volcanic Face Scrub, retails for £17.99 and is aimed towards Acne prone or Oily skin as it contains volcanic charcoal and licorice which deeply cleanses the skin leaving the overall texture smooth. The addition of licorice aids the regeneration of your skin giving a more balanced and radiant complexion.

Read More From Bellatory

As someone who suffers from moderate acne (with the occasional severe outbreak), I know that most of the products targeted at acne-prone skin don't help to relieve any of the symptoms ,i.e. blotchy red skin, scarring, uneven skin texture, impurities, etc, and in some cases they actually aggravate the condition.

The Scrub-Doh is very freshly scented with blackberry and lime and is thick in consistency as well as feeling silky smooth and gentle on sensitive skin. I have added the Volcanic Face Scrub into my regular skincare routine and have since found this scrub helps to brighten my skin and reduce any redness I have greatly as well as making my skin feel much cleaner overall.


Mask-Doh Green Tea Face Mask (100g)

The Mask-Doh retails for £19.99 and is Green Tea face mask with Hyaluronic Acid. If you haven't heard of or used Hyaluronic Acid before and are worried about it being harsh to your skin or painful, then rest assured that it is, in fact, the complete opposite. Hyaluronic acid helps to keep skin looking hydrated, plump and youthful and is very gentle even on sensitive skin.

The mask, like the scrub, has a very thick consistency and is freshly scented, this time with a combination of green tea and lime. For ease, I use a flat foundation brush to apply an even but generous layer all over my skin and leave the product on for around 15 minutes before washing off.

As this mask doesn't dry out it feels very nourishing and hydrating on the skin and this quality also makes it very easy to wash off (cheers to no more spending precious time in the bathroom scrubbing off stubborn face masks).

In my experience, a lot of face masks either don't do very much or they give instant but short-term results. The Green Tea Face Mask, fortunately, proved itself as a great product after leaving my skin visibly glowing and refreshed even throughout the following day.

The Power Of Green Tea

The anti-ageing and detoxifying, properties of green tea help reduce the signs of premature ageing by improving elasticity and collagen production of the skin

— Corpore Sanctum Studios

Even if you are more interested in trying out one of these products over the other, I recommend purchasing both of these products together as they are available as a duo beauty bundle that works out cheaper than buying them both separately. Also, in my opinion, although they work well separately, they work much better in conjunction with one another.


I think we all loved Play-Doh as kids. The bright colours, the cookie cutter like moulds but most importantly the freedom and extensive possibilities that came in those little yellow tubs that encouraged our imaginations to run wild. With Corpore Sanctum Studios new skincare range comes a wave of nostalgia and reminiscence of what was to many of us a favourite childhood pastime but that we can now have a piece of in our adult lives as well with these Play-Doh inspired products. I can't wait to see what CSS comes up with next!

Remember to take part in the polls and if you have any thoughts, opinions or questions about these products, then feel free to write them in the comments section below.

I hope you have found this review helpful and will become part of the #CSSsquad too!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 BunnyClaws

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