<![CDATA[Treatments - Bellatory]]>https://bellatory.comhttps://bellatory.com/site/images/apple-touch-icon.pngTreatments - Bellatoryhttps://bellatory.comTempestThu, 16 Dec 2021 09:02:56 GMTThu, 16 Dec 2021 09:02:56 GMT<![CDATA[Why Is Neck Skin Care Important?]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Your-facial-skin-care-routine-is-on-point-but-what-about-your-neckhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Your-facial-skin-care-routine-is-on-point-but-what-about-your-neckSun, 05 Dec 2021 20:46:41 GMTSkin care is something that most of us are familiar with. Many of us focus mainly on facial skin care and tend to neglect other areas such as the neck and décolletage. Here are a few tips on how to care for the skin on your neck to reduce and prevent overall signs of aging.

As a former personal trainer, Sarah is passionate about all things health, beauty, and self care.

Caring for your neck skin is important too!

Do You Need Skin Care For Your Neck?

At a certain age, most people find that their typical moisturizing routine is not enough to avoid common signs of aging. As a result, many of us turn to different skin care methods in hopes of preventing or at the very least slowing down the natural aging process. Some of these tools may include a variety of creams, serums, and cleansers or cosmetic treatments to tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles. About one year ago, I realized that while my facial skin care routine is great, I’ve been completely neglecting my neck.

Luckily I don’t have any significant signs of aging around my neck. Still, I have noticed some lines running horizontally across my neck that are seemingly becoming more and more evident. I also want to avoid these lines from getting worse and find ways to prevent the dreaded turkey neck that comes with loose skin as we age. After doing some research, I now have a course of action to tackle the aging process not only in my face but in my neck and décolletage. Below is a list of factors contributing to signs of aging in those areas and what can be done to mitigate them.

Ever heard of skin elasticity?

Photo by ᴇᴍɪʟʏ on Unsplash


Studies suggest that wrinkles can primarily be blamed on elasticity (or lack thereof), particularly in the neck area in which your skin is much thinner and less elastic than in other regions of the body.

As we get older, our skin loses its elasticity due to changes in connective tissue, meaning that it is less likely to snap back to its original form once it is stretched. Based on this article by the National Library of Medicine, lastosis (the loss of elasticity) can also be affected by sun exposure as well as the general fact that our bodies produce less collagen and elastin (primary proteins responsible for repairing the skin and the main components of connective tissue) as we get older, making it much harder for it to repair itself.

Because your neck is a more delicate area, these factors can significantly affect the quality of that area, which is why the best way to maintain your elasticity is to tackle these factors early on, at the beginning stages of the aging process.

How to Improve Skin Elasticity

  • Wear sun protection (learn more about this in the following section).
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects and promotes collagen growth. It can be taken as a supplement, injected, or applied topically.
  • Add Retinoids to your routine. Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that regulate epithelial cell growth, which goes hand in hand with collagen growth. Studies demonstrate an improvement in facial wrinkles with the use of Retinoids, resulting in a tightening effect.
  • Bakuchiol is a meroterpine derived from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, which has similar effects on the skin as Retinoids and typically is used in the form of a serum. Some people may prefer this option over Retinoids because it is less likely to irritate the skin.
  • Introduce Peptides into your neck skin care routine. Peptides are short chains of amino acids which are known to aid in the formation of proteins. Based on this study, they can help produce collagen and elastin in the skin, naturally resulting in improved elasticity.
  • There are several medical-grade skin tightening treatments that use various methods to safely cause minor damage to the skin, causing it to produce loads of collagen and elastin to repair itself. Some of the most common methods used to create this controlled damage include different forms of microneedling, laser treatments, and vitamin-infused injectable treatments. You can read more about how it works here.
  • For preventative purposes, you can also get Botox injected into your platysmal bands, relaxing tension in the neck. When your neckbands are flexed, it can cause your skin to stretch over time, which is the ultimate force behind the formation of the “turkey neck.”
Sun tanning can be highly damaging to the skin if done improperly.

Photo by Jesse Schoff on Unsplash

Sun Damage

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, sun exposure causes damaging effects to collagen, resulting in loss of elasticity, wrinkling, and leathery-looking skin. Your neck, which has much thinner and more delicate skin than other regions of your body, is especially susceptible to this damage.

To prevent this from happening, it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun. I wear a minimum of SPF 30 every day, no matter where I go and what I do to make sure I protect my skin from the sun. If I am having a beach day and know that I’ll be spending a lot of time exposed to the sun, I go higher in SPF and make sure to reapply it several times throughout the day.

You should also try to avoid things like tanning beds, which cause a significant amount of damage in a very short time due to the intensity of the UV radiation used for a quick tan. Instead, opt for a spray tan if you want a quick bronze.

Expressions and Posture

Studies have provided evidence that excessive facial expressions result in the formation of wrinkles in the face. If you see lines on your forehead when you raise your eyebrows, for example, you may not have any wrinkles to begin with. Still, the repeated movement over the course of several years gradually causes those lines to stay, forming permanent wrinkles. This wrinkle formation is enhanced as we age and lose collagen in our skin.

This is no different for your neck, meaning that different motions and positions can lead to the formation of wrinkles in your neck. While it is nearly impossible to avoid this completely, you can try to be more mindful of your posture and neck positioning.

  • Try to sit up straight, especially if you work from a desk and have a tendency to slouch.
  • Sleep on your back for a relaxed and level neck and chest.

Aging Is Completely Normal!

Aging is completely normal and an inevitable course of nature. For most people, the main focus in reducing signs of aging is on the face. However, the aging process does not discriminate.

If you want to maintain an overall youthful appearance, don’t forget to focus on the areas that go hand in hand with your face, including your neck. With consistent care using the tools mentioned above, you can reduce and prevent the typical signs of aging safely and effectively.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[How to Battle Dry Winter Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Heres-How-I-Battle-My-Dry-Winter-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Heres-How-I-Battle-My-Dry-Winter-SkinSun, 05 Dec 2021 18:19:43 GMTDry skin has always been an issue for me. In the winter months, the dryness is heightened due to the changes in humidity levels and temperatures. Here's what I do to make sure my skin stays hydrated, especially throughout these dry winter months.

As a former personal trainer, Sarah is passionate about all things health, beauty, and self care.

Winter skin doesn't have to be dry skin!

Dry Winter Skin

I generally consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to the quality of my skin. I don’t break out often, and it is overall reasonably smooth. The main problem that I have always faced with my skin was its dryness, making it appear flaky and feel tight and itchy. This gets particularly intense during the winter months when the cold air outside and the baseboard-produced heat inside cause excessive dryness in the air, leaving my skin dehydrated and looking bland.

While this is unfortunate, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help battle this drained-looking skin, from addressing the dehydration itself to improving the appearance of my skin covered in dead skin cells. Here they are!

Moisturizer will save your dry winter skin!

Photo by Poko Skincare on Unsplash

Keep You Skin Hydrated

In order to keep my skin hydrated, I take a few additional steps aside from the typical morning and bedtime moisturizers. Here’s what works best for me:

  • Applying a light moisturizer several times throughout the day
  • Moisturizing DIY facials
  • A lot of water
  • Air humidity

Moisturize 24/7

If your skin is like mine, the moisturizer you put on in the morning never lasts all day. Instead of applying moisturizing lotion twice a day, I go for a lighter cream that can be applied throughout the day to use it as soon as I notice my skin starting to dry out. Overall I would say I apply a cream to my face 3- 4 times a day before applying the final layer before bed. This keeps my skin hydrated all day without any in-between time.

DIY Facials

I also use home facials two to three times a week designed to hydrate your skin. Based on the American Academy of Dermatology Association, some of the most beneficial ingredients for relieving dry skin include Hyaluronic acid, Lactic acid, and Jojoba oil, which tends to be less irritating than lotions, which is why they are the main ingredients that I look for in the masks I like to use.

  • Hyaluronic acid can be found in various lotions, serums, and facial masks and has become popular in the world of skin care due to its hydrating qualities. It is a compound found naturally in the body and is responsible for retaining moisture. While it mainly only hydrates the more superficial layers of the skin, it is a great addition to any skin care routine that is in need of hydration. Hyaluronic acid also has proven anti-aging qualities when used topically, making it a great addition to your skin care routine at any age.
  • Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is clinically proven to function as a barrier when applied to the skin, protecting it from potentially harmful external factors such as UV radiation, and offers anti-inflammatory benefits. It is commonly found in moisturizing products and is particularly beneficial for people with more sensitive skin as it helps maintain the epidermal barrier.
  • Jojoba oil is an oil extracted from the Simmondsia Chinensis plant and can be found in various health and beauty formulations, including creams, serums, shampoos, and more. Its benefits have been studied in several clinical trials confirming its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, and antimicrobial qualities. It can even be used to help battle acne and psoriasis, making it incredibly useful in various aspects concerning the skin.

Hydrate Often!

Finally, one of the easiest steps that doesn't require applying anything to your skin is to hydrate. And by hydrate, I mean drink water. By drinking the recommended amount of water daily (2 - 3 liters a day), you will hydrate your skin from the inside out, which can’t be beaten by even the best moisturizer!


Dry skin is often caused by our environment and humidity levels. Because the winter months are typically dryer due to the weather outdoors and the indoor heating systems, I got myself a humidifier to reduce the dryness in the air at home. It has worked really well and stops me from waking up with dry and itchy eyes, which is another added benefit.

Foundation can easily dry out your skin even more.

Makeup Isn’t Always Your Friend

I know it’s tempting to cover your skin’s impurities with makeup, but putting foundation or concealer on dry patches of skin makes everything look ten times worse. When I do have dry spots, I avoid putting makeup on them and try to work around them instead.

Many foundations contain ingredients that can not only dry out your skin but also irritate it. One of the primary ingredients known for such reactions is called sodium lauryl sulfate, which has been shown to irritate the skin in clinical trials. Other potentially harmful ingredients in makeup include BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), both of which are used as preservatives that can result in skin irritation.

I apply a primer and slightly less foundation in the winter months to avoid that from happening. You can also try finding makeup that doesn’t include these ingredients, though most makeup products will contain one or the other.

Seeing a professional could be a good idea if you are new to skin care.

Photo by Albert Stephens on Unsplash

How to Reduce Flakiness

Even with my skin care routine, my face still tends to get flaky sometimes, especially when I’m wearing makeup. In order to avoid that uneven skin texture, I’ve added a few additional steps to my skin care before, during, and after applying makeup, including:

  • Microdermabrasion
  • Glycolic and Salicylic acid


One of the most efficient ways to get rid of dead skin is microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is essentially a very fine scrub that exfoliates the epidermis, the most superficial layer of the skin. There are two types of microdermabrasion: a scrub that can be used at home and a professional microdermabrasion treatment.

  • The DIY version comes in the form of a very gentle scrub containing pumice, water, and a variety of oils. The scrub is then to be applied to moist skin and massaged for approximately two minutes. You may notice a little bit of redness afterwards, but your skin will be visibly and texturally smoother. I do this every other day and love how my skin feels immediately after.
  • The professional version of microdermabrasion involves using a handheld device (also called a wand) that sprays tiny aluminum oxide crystals over the skin. An esthetician uses this tool to massage and work the crystals into the skin, like a gentle sandblast. Some of the handheld devices have a sandpaper-like surface made of diamonds, which are massaged into the skin rather than spraying crystals on it.

Both methods offer deep skin exfoliation and are clinically proven to improve melasma, acne scars, striae distensae (stretch marks), and photoaging. I use mine every other day, and my skin always feels so smooth right after. Sometimes I do it before I put on my makeup, to have a nice smooth surface to work with.

Glycolic and Salicylic Acid

Finally, I use a cleanser that contains Glycolic and Salicylic acid as they have an exfoliating effect on the skin. Studies suggest that these compounds can also reduce acne, which is a huge plus. I usually cycle between microdermabrasion and my glycolic and salicylic acid cleanser and follow both of them with my moisturizer.

Go play in the snow without worrying about your skin!

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Say Bye to Dry Winter Skin!

While dry skin isn’t the end of the world, it can get pretty frustrating and even feel uncomfortable. Using the tools mentioned above, I’ve managed my skin better and controlled the dryness and flakiness.

They also have additional benefits, making my overall skin care routine ideal for my skin type. If you do use these tips, I would also suggest speaking with your dermatologist to ensure that what I’m doing will also benefit you.

The steps mentioned above work great for me, but keep in mind that your skin is a very complex organ, meaning that no single treatment is right for everyone.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[An Introduction to Men’s Skin Care]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-care-for-skin-as-a-manhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-care-for-skin-as-a-manWed, 01 Dec 2021 14:34:36 GMTLearn top tips on how to take care of your skin as a man. Find guidance on men’s skin care routines, products, and men’s body care advice, here.

Need some help with you skincare routine?

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Men's Skin Care

Looking after your skin is important no matter who you are. But it can be a little confusing. Why are there different skin care products for men and women? How best can I care for my skin as a man? Here are the answers to your questions about men’s body care and skin care.

Choosing the Right Products

First things first, men’s skin is different from women’s skin. That’s down to hormones like testosterone. So it’s a great idea to use products that have been specifically formulated for men.

Did you know that men’s skin is typically oilier than women’s, and can be more prone to blemishes? Or that there’s more elastin and collagen in men’s skin, which is usually thicker and rougher than women’s skin? For these reasons (and more), specialist men’s body care and skincare products will offer more tailored help.

You can get even more detailed by picking products that work with your particular skin type, whether that’s dry, oily, combination, or normal. You can learn about this and much more when you delve into fascinating skin care facts.

Cleansing your face is step 1!

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Creating a Skin Care Regime

It’s not just the products that are important – it’s the way you use them, too. Creating a solid routine will help you keep your skin looking and feeling fresh. Follow these key steps each morning and evening.

  1. Cleanse. You don’t need an actual cleanser for this first step – a men’s face wash will do the job well, too. It’s essential to wash your face every morning when you get up and before you head to bed to remove dirt and pollutants.
  2. Exfoliate. You don't need to exfoliate on a daily basis – twice a week is a good guide. But exfoliation is a useful addition to your regime, as it helps to buff away dead skin cells that make your skin look dry, rough, and dull. You can use an exfoliating body scrub, too.
  3. Moisturize. If you only apply one product to your clean skin, make it a moisturizer. It helps to hydrate your skin and creates a protective barrier against environmental aggressors. Your skin will feel and look better thanks to this crucial step. Don’t forget to moisturize your body after you shower, too.
  4. Balm. If you shave, you’ll benefit from using a post-shave balm to help protect against redness, shaving rash, and dehydration. Before you shave, soften and dampen your facial hair by having a shower – the steam will make it much easier to shave. You might like to use pre-shave oil too.
  5. Night treatments. When you sleep, your body does a lot of repair work, so it’s the perfect time to help your skin with some specific night products. It’s also a good time to let skincare products work their magic because you won’t be disturbing those products while you’re sleeping. You might like to try an eye cream if you have puffy eyes or dark circles. Try a special night cream for deep rejuvenation!
Moisturizing is so important!

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Other Skin Tips

How Do You Know What Your Skin Type Is?

If you feel like your skin is tight, it's probably dry. On the other hand, if you notice a noticeable shine on the nose and forehead, then it's likely that your skin is normal or a combination. In addition to the forehead and nose, you probably have oily skin if you also discover shine on your cheeks.

The Importance of Facial Sunscreen

It's very important to use facial sunscreen every day since the facial skin is almost continuously exposed to the sun and UV rays directly. In addition, the thickness of the skin in this area of the body is thinner, which contributes to making it more fragile and vulnerable to solar radiation.

With these tips, you’ll find it easy to care for your skin as a man!

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Lourdes Villalobos

<![CDATA[Acne Treatments at Home]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Acne-Treatments-At-Homehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Acne-Treatments-At-HomeSun, 23 May 2021 12:00:51 GMTThe majority of people want to get rid of their acne. As a result, there are several acne treatment options. The Natural Acne Remedy is a unique type of acne treatment.

I am a freelance writer and I am passionate about writing content about topics that I know and love!

Acne Treatments Can Start in Your Kitchen

The majority of people want to get rid of their acne. As a result, there are several acne treatment options. The Natural Acne Remedy is a unique type of acne treatment. Natural Acne Remedy, unlike most acne treatments, treats acne by natural processes. There should be no negative side effects from using these natural acne treatments since they are all-natural.

The only difference between natural acne treatment products and non-natural acne treatment products is that natural acne treatment products have no side effects. While natural acne treatment products have grown in popularity in recent years, another form of acne treatment, homemade acne treatment products, has emerged as a common option.

Natural and non-natural ingredients can be used in homemade acne care products. The most significant benefit is that you can experiment with various acne treatment products before finding one that you like and that works best for you. So this way, they do not need to buy many different products to find one that works best but easily make the product at home to try it and make more when it gives a good result.

Basically, homemade acne treatments are made with the sources that one has. Since everyone is different, the identical acne treatment product will not give the same results to everyone. So, therefore, homemade acne treatment can quickly find the perfect acne treatment product for you. For a long time, this form of acne treatment has been gaining popularity. This is also the cheapest form of acne treatment available. Some researchers have discovered that other people's acne remedies don't always work, but using a homemade acne remedy can help you get rid of your acne.

There is also a disadvantage of using home remedies for acne. They may or may not function, and in some cases, they may add to the problem. If the treatment isn't done properly, it may increase the acne problem by causing side effects and other skin problems. Most people can rely on trial and error because most skin problems caused by side effects can be cured. It is best to do some research before making your own homemade acne treatment product.

8 Home Remedies to Consider

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal appears to have some properties that help to improve acne and the overall appearance of the skin. Who'd have guessed?

One way oatmeal helps cure acne by absorbing excess sebum, which is a big cause of acne. It does so by preventing pore congestion, which in turn avoids potential breakouts.

It can exfoliate the skin without being too rough. According to Healthline, oatmeal is a great gentle exfoliator that helps to slough off dead skin cells, making it a perfect choice for those who prefer natural skincare. It also has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that may help relieve dry, irritated skin and protect against damage.

You can get rid of toxins and acne-causing bacteria daily by using it as an exfoliator without messing with your skin's natural oils. Isn't it fantastic?

2. Honey & Cinnamon

Cinnamon's anti-inflammatory properties, combined with honey's antimicrobial properties, enable this combination to be ideal for acne treatment.

To make the mask:

  1. You’ll need three tablespoons of manuka honey and one tablespoon of true cinnamon.
  2. Microwave for 30 seconds
  3. This mixture should be applied to the face to mask acne and pimples.
  4. After 10 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water.

3. Garlic

Although the smell is unpleasant, we'll take a chance when an ingredient can make you glow forever. Chock full of antibacterial, anti-aging, and skin-smoothing properties that will help you maintain a healthy, flawless complexion.

Here's how to use it in your beauty routine:

  1. To release the juices from a fresh piece of raw garlic, cut it in half and press it.
  2. Apply this to the blemishes and spots.
  3. Allow for a five-minute soak before rinsing. It aids in the reduction of redness and swelling. If the juice is too much for you to handle, mix the juice with a little honey.

4. Orange Peels

The acidity of oranges, combined with their high vitamin C content, makes them one of nature's perfect acne remedies. Given that vitamin C is anti-inflammatory, it may help reduce redness and swelling related to acne when used topically. Thus, it may improve the appearance of acne lesions

Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is known for fighting free radical damage to skin cells and may help treat acne.

To treat acne, you can use orange peels and orange juice as much as you like. If you don't see positive results after six weeks of therapy, see a dermatologist for more help.

5. Tomatos

Tomatoes are not only delicious, but they are also good for your skin. Tomatoes are important to eat since they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that acts as a natural sunscreen. Some people claim the enzymes in tomatoes can offer exfoliation benefits when applied to the skin.

Tomatoes are an anti-aging agent because the antioxidants help to prevent cellular damage and skin reddening, researchers have also found that lycopene has a powerful anticancer effect.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has a reputation for treating a number of conditions, including acne. According to Healthline, tumeric has been touted for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor effects.

Turmeric's antibacterial and antiseptic properties help reduce the risk of acne breakouts and the healing of existing acne. Turmeric is rich in antioxidants, which can help slow down the skin's normal aging processes.

In addition to being a fantastic natural exfoliant. It also has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to alleviate certain acne symptoms.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent skin treatment choice, especially for oily, acne-prone skin, and is widely considered the best natural acne treatment. Tea tree oil can help prevent the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, making it particularly effective in the fight against acne.

However, it is very important to note that you cannot ingest tea tree oil as it is toxic. Ingesting it can cause serious symptoms, including confusion and ataxia. You also have to dilute tea tree oil to not burn your skin!

Tea tree oil can also be used as a cleanser and as a moisturizing solvent. It quickly removes oil and dust while also helpful in the protection of the skin from oxidative stress. Tea tree oil combines with the skin's natural oil when added, preventing the blocked pores from becoming the bacteria’s food. Without nourishment, the acne-causing bacteria won’t grow.

How to use tea tree oil safely:

  1. Dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil into 2 ounces of witch hazel.
  2. Use it as a toner throughout the day. You can use a face wash, moisturizer, and spot treatment containing tea tree oil as well.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

<![CDATA[10 Secrets to Getting Rid of Dry Skin on Lips]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/10-Secrets-To-Getting-Rid-Of-Dry-Skin-On-Lipshttps://bellatory.com/skin/10-Secrets-To-Getting-Rid-Of-Dry-Skin-On-LipsFri, 23 Oct 2020 14:17:00 GMTTo get rid of dead or dry skin on your lips, follow these ten tips. Learn how to keep your lips softer than silk!

Amber is a web writer whose articles focus on beauty, skincare, health, and wellness!

10 steps to alleviate dry, chapped lips.

If you’re anything like me, winter weather is an instant recipe for having dry, cracked lips. It starts when the chilly air of fall hits. Before you know it, you’re waking up with cracked lips. The dead skin peels off, making it impossible to wear lipstick and have it look good. There are a few things that you can incorporate into your routine to make your lips kissably soft every day of the week!

Why Do We Get Dry, Chapped Lips?

Lips are one of the few areas of the body that do not have oil glands. For example, when your face gets dry, oil glands ramp up production to help keep your face moisturized. Lips are not capable of doing this, making them more prone to being dry. This, in turn, makes dead skin start to flake and peel off.

How to Get Rid of and Prevent Dry Skin on Your Lips

Dry skin seems inevitable for some people, myself included. Follow these ten tips to get rid of dry skin and prevent it from happening again.

  1. Gently scrub away dead skin with a toothbrush.
  2. Moisturize to help chapped lips.
  3. Make sure that you stay hydrated by increasing your water intake.
  4. Turn off the fan during the winter (if you can).
  5. Prevent sinus congestion to help you sleep with your mouth closed.
  6. Exfoliate your lips regularly.
  7. Develop a lip care routine.
  8. Carry Chapstick or lip balm in your purse.
  9. Invest in Neosporin lip treatment to heal scabby lips.
  10. Don’t lick your lips!

Once you start to incorporate these tips into your daily life, you won’t have to worry about dry skin every day!

1. Gently Scrub Away Dead Skin With a Toothbrush

After you’re done brushing your teeth in the morning, make sure that all of the toothpaste is rinsed off of your toothbrush. Then, gently rub the toothbrush along your lips in a circular motion. This can help remove some of the dead skin from your lips. It’s a cheap, effective alternative to exfoliating, and you can do it daily.

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer for your lips.

2. Moisturize to Help Chapped Lips

Coconut oil is one of the best ways to moisturize your lips! When you apply coconut oil will depend on your makeup routine. If you love to wear lipstick or lip gloss, apply the coconut oil at night before going to bed. If you’re not a fan of makeup or stay away from lipsticks, you can carry a small container of coconut oil with you to apply it throughout the day.

To apply coconut oil, dip your finger or a cotton swab in the coconut oil. Then, apply a small amount to your lips. Remember that a little bit goes a long way!

3. Make Sure That You Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body properly hydrated starts from within. Help keep dry skin from forming by making sure that you stay hydrated. If you’re not a fan of plain water, try:

  • Foods packed with water, like watermelon
  • Water enhancement options (I really like Mio)
  • Gatorade or Powerade
  • Water with a slice of lemon

As long as the inside of your body is hydrated, the outside of your body will be more hydrated, too!

4. Turn off the Fan for the Winter

When the wind blows on your face consistently, it results in dry, chapped skin. The same thing happens when you sleep with the fan on. If you need white noise to sleep, consider a white noise machine or point the fan away from your face at night.

5. Prevent Sinus Congestion to Help You Sleep With Your Mouth Closed

Even if you don’t breathe through your mouth all day, there’s a good chance that you’re sleeping with your mouth open. The second your nose gets congested, you open your mouth in your sleep. Pick up some decongestants to stop breathing through your mouth. This is usually the culprit behind dry skin that is worse in the morning.

6. Exfoliate Your Lips

Exfoliating your lips is just like exfoliating your face. You rub a lip scrub across your lips. Then, leave it on for the length of time the directions state. Usually, this is only a few minutes. Finally, rinse it off.

I use this organic lip scrub that works amazingly well. The directions say to use it twice weekly, but I use it during my weekly routines every Sunday with awesome results.

DIY Lip Scrub

If you want to save some money, DIY lip scrubs are always a great option! These are a bit more budget friendly, and you always know exactly what ingredients are in your DIY products. This article has three easy-to-make recipes that use ingredients from your kitchen.

7. Develop a Lip Care Routine

A lip care routine is important to make sure that your lips stay smooth. Exfoliating once is a great idea, but you need to be consistent to see continued results. My lip care routine consists of exfoliating once a week and applying coconut oil nightly.

Then, I make adjustments as needed. If I have a cold, I take something before I go to bed. When I break my own rule and pick at my lips, therefore making them significantly worse, I upgrade to a Neosporin lip treatment.

Chapstick, coconut oil, or lip balm are great ways to moisturize and protect your lips.

8. Carry Chapstick or Lip Balm in Your Purse

When your lips are dry, they need to be moisturized throughout the day. Remember, they can't moisturize themselves. Pick up some chapstick or lip balm and toss it into your purse. As the day goes on, apply it any time that your lips feel dry.

9. Invest in Neosporin Lip Treatment to Heal Scabby Lips

I try so hard not to pick at my lips. I’ve been great at sticking to proper lip care these last few years. Before that, I couldn’t help but pick at the dead skin. A friend of mine bought me some overnight Neosporin lip treatment, and I have been a huge fan ever since.

If your lips are scabby, apply a thick coating before bed at night. You’ll see a drastic improvement by morning. This lip treatment can also help protect your lips if they tend to get dry at night. People that simply cannot sleep without a fan on their face can benefit from this being part of their nightly routine.

10. Don’t Lick Your Lips!

According to this article, licking your lips is a recipe for disaster. Saliva contains powerful enzymes to break down food. If it can help break down half-eaten pieces of food because you ate too quickly, just imagine what it can do to the delicate skin on your lips! Instead, apply lip balm or chapstick.

A quick guide to healthy lips.


What Causes Dead Skin on Lips?

Lack of moisture either in the body, such as dehydration, or simply on your lips. As the skin gets chapped, it starts to peel. This turns into dead skin.

Should I Peel Dead Skin off of Lips?

No! You can accidentally peel off too much and damage your healthy skin. Instead, pick up a pair of fingernail clippers or cuticle scissors to get rid of dead skin to guarantee that you don’t accidentally peel off healthy skin. Make sure you sanitize whatever tool you use first.

How Do You Get Rid of Scabby Lips Fast?

Pick up some Neosporin overnight lip treatment. Apply a thick coat before bed. Then, reapply throughout the day. You’ll begin to see improvements in just a couple of days!

Why Do My Lips Peel When I Wear Lip Balm?

You’re sensitive to at least one of the ingredients. Purchase another brand, or opt for a natural remedy. Coconut oil is a great alternative!

Is Coconut Oil Good for Your Lips?

Yes! The moisturizing properties found in coconut oil can help keep your lips silky soft. Put some in a small plastic container to carry in your purse to have at the ready.

Prevention Is Key

If you already have dry skin on your lips, use preventative methods to make sure that it doesn’t get worse. Then, continue to use them and implement a lip care routine to ensure that you don’t have dead skin peeling from your lips in the future.

<![CDATA[DIY Peel-Off Face Masks for Acne and Dull Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Peel-Off-Face-Mask-For-Acne-and-Dull-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Peel-Off-Face-Mask-For-Acne-and-Dull-SkinThu, 15 Aug 2019 20:10:12 GMTMake your own peel-off face masks with these simple recipes. You can make these masks at home with only a few ingredients to tackle acne or clear up dull skin. Most can be made with common ingredients like honey, tea tree oil, and gelatin.

Katy has been making beauty products at home for years and strongly believes you can get professional results at home with enough research!

How to Make Peel-Off Masks at Home

Peel-off face masks feel so luxurious, but they're so pricey at spas and salons. You can actually get the same effect at home and really pamper your skin.

The key is to find ingredients your skin needs. Mix them with a substance like gelatin or honey that will form a mask you can peel off.

Learn how to make your own peel-off mask and what ingredients to add.

Mask Benefits

You should try a peel-off mask, even if you've tried other skincare products without results. Here's why: peel-off masks let the moisture and astringent ingredients sit directly on your skin. The removal process can pull out toxins and dirt and leave your pores super healthy.

Masks are a way to deliver a concentrated dose of a skincare product. I use them to clear up acne after a particularly bad break out or get my skin out of a dull rut. It helps to jump-start any skin makeover.

As with any new beauty routine, it’s important to take it slow to give your skin time to adjust. Only do one per week and don't add any new products. If you’re new to any of the ingredients, try the mixture on the back of your hand first. Give it 24 hours to react before committing to your face.

Adding honey is an easy way to make a DIY peel off mask without gelatin.


How to Make a Mask

All masks need some substance to act as the "glue." This keeps the mask together after its dried so you can peel it off and get the gunk out of your pores.

Gelatin is a good way to form a mask. You can usually find gelatin in powdered form, which is the easiest to use for an at-home mask.

I've seen some people try to do masks with just honey and leave out the gelatin. Usually the mask doesn't stay together well enough to peel off. That can be okay if you're willing to do just a normal wash off mask. But if you want the cleansing effect of a peel-off mask, gelatin works great.

The other option is sheets. To use a sheet you can either buy them or use tissue. You put the mask puree directly on your skin and then pat the sheet on top. Once everything is dry you can peel everything off by peeling off the sheet. These do work pretty well but it can take some practice.

Peel-Off Mask for Acne


  • 1 tbsp Gelatin
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 2 drops Tea Tree Oil


  1. Start with a clean face and remove all makeup.
  2. Add gelatin to a small microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 10 seconds.
  3. Stir gelatin and let cool until it starts to thicken (a few minutes).
  4. Add honey and tea tree oil drops. Stir.
  5. Apply to face.

Why These Ingredients?

Honey is a natural anti-microbial and holds the mask together. Tea tree oil will penetrate your pores and dry up acne. Be careful to not use too much or it will dry out your skin.


Want even more pore-clearing power? Give the mask a boost by adding a 2% salicylic acid solution. You can get these solutions from most beauty stores or by ordering online. They're all the same products so don't shell out extra cash for the fancy brand.

To make this mask extra effective I give my face a gentle steam before applying. Use the few minutes you're waiting for the gelatin to cool to do a quick steam. I just use a pot of boiling water on the stove. This opens up your pores so the mask can do its work.

Tea tree oil helps dry up pimples when used in peel off masks.

Peel-Off Mask for Dull or Dry Skin


  • 1 tbsp Gelatin or Honey
  • 1/4 Avocado
  • 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil


  1. Start with a dry, clean face.
  2. Add gelatin or honey to a small microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 10 seconds.
  3. Stir and let cool until it starts to thicken (a few minutes).
  4. Add mashed avocado and lemon oil drops. Stir.
  5. Apply evenly to face.
  6. Wait 10–15 and then peel off.
  7. Gently cleanse skin with water.


You can tweak this mask to fit your skin type by using different ingredients. I'm pretty prone to breakouts, so I will add salicylic acid to any moisture mask.

If you want to venture into the realm of chemical peels then adding lactic acid to this one could be a good place to start. Lactic acid is pretty gentle as far as chemicals go, and it can make a big difference to your skin. It exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time. So you'll find it will clear out stubborn dull patches and skin issues.

Check out the Ingredients explanation below to find out which ones to add for dry skin and which ones to add for more oily or breakout-prone skin.


The two mask "recipes" above are a great starting point. When you're ready to customize them to fit your skin you'll need the information below.

Start with what skincare problem you're trying to address. Do you have dry skin, redness or stubborn acne? All of the above? try out some of the recommended ingredients in a face mask or in any at-home skincare product.

You'll recognize some ingredients that I use in my masks above.


The right ingredients in a mask can clear out pimples and prevent new ones from forming.

  • Charcoal: Activated charcoal is used to pull out toxins and soak up oil. You can find it in most health stores. Add a scoop to any DIY skincare product to see its effects.
  • Lemon: I use the juice from half a lemon to add a little natural cleaning power to whatever face product I'm using. You can also use lemon essential oil but don't use worry than 1 or 2 drops. It helps to clear out your pores.
  • Honey: We've already talked about honey in the mask for acne since it acts as a glue. It's super easy to add and is antimicrobial so will fight breakouts.


  • Milk or Yogurt: Both milk and yogurt are rich in proteins that give the skin a moisture boost. Add to a mask by warming the milk or yogurt and mixing in before you apply.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil hydrates your skin without clogging up your pores. It helps that it's antimicrobial so breakouts are less likely.

Soothing, Redness Reducing

These ingredients help reduce redness and inflammation. Add them to a face mask to soothe your skin.

  • Green Tea: You'll find green tea as an ingredient in many over the counter beauty products. This is because it can reduce inflammation. It also has anti-microbial properties, which makes it great for fighting acne.
  • Aloe Vera: Use aloe vera for soothing sunburns and for healing damaged skin. Aloe is very easy to use because it's usually added to glycerin in store-bought products so you can use it to thicken up face masks you make at home.
  • Rosewater: Rosewater is known to reduce redness and soothe the skin. I find it difficult to add to masks and instead use a face spray. Learn more effective ways to use rosewater for at-home skincare.
  • Lavender: Get a small bottle of lavender essential oil to add to your masks. It smells great and will reduce redness.

Easiest DIY Mask

What's the easiest way to make a custom peel of mask? Add your own ingredients to a store-bought mask.

I do this all the time. I can add what I want based on what my skin needs right then and add it to a clay or charcoal mask from the store. That way, I get a mask customized for my skin without having to build it from scratch.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Katy Medium


Katy Medium (author) from Denver, CO on April 06, 2020:

Hi Kele, mix the powder with the directed (from the bottle instructions) amount of water before putting in the microwave.

Kele Dobson on April 04, 2020:

When you say to microwave the gelatin, what are we supposed to mix the powdered gelatin with to microwave it or does the powder melt in heat without the addition of liquid?

<![CDATA[How to Use Rose Water - Plus a DIY Toner Spray]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Use-Rose-Water-DIY-Toner-Sprayhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Use-Rose-Water-DIY-Toner-SprayWed, 12 Jun 2019 16:03:00 GMTRose water has so many uses in skin and hair care. Learn how to make the best use of homemade or store bought sprays for your beauty needs. Make a DIY toner spray at home with just rose water and few easy ingredients.

Katy has been making beauty products at home for years and strongly believes you can get professional results at home with enough research!

How to Use Rose Water

Did you know you can use rose water in both cooking and beauty applications? Real rose products are very fragrant and make a great addition to drinks and desserts.

I'm mostly buy rose water for skin and hair. For beauty it’s both hydrating and a mild cleanser. But since it’s water it does need to be patted into the skin or the evaporation will end up drying skin more.

Apply to your skin in a spray or with cotton swabs. If you’re looking for serious hydration, add it on under a lotion. The lotion will help seal in the moisture. Alternatively you can mix it with glycerin before it’s applied. Many sprays and solutions sold in stores are rose water mixed with glycerin.

Homemade rose water for face mists or toner.

Rose Water Toner Recipe

You can make this skin toner spray with homemade rose water or from bottles. It’s super easy to put together and you can customize it to your skin’s needs.


You will need:


Add witch hazel, and some drops of vitamin E and your favorite essential oil to a bottle. Fill the rest of your bottle with rose water and give it a good shake.

You can add tea tree oil if your skin is acne prone or oily. I have dry skin so even a small amount of tea tree oil makes this spray too drying for my face.

I add Vitamin E to give my skin a moisture boost, making this a little more “moisturizing spray” than a strict toner. If you want to go this route find a Vitamin E solution you like by itself. Then add 1 tsp to your toner bottle.

More Information

If you're wondering about all the rose water hype and what this spray is actually going to do for your skin read on about the benefits.

You can get rose water in the store or make your own at home. Check out the Rose Water DIY section below to make it yourself.

Beauty Uses

Check out these awesome ways you can use rose water in your beauty routine:

  • Light-Tasting Cocktails
  • Facial Toner
  • Dry Shampoo Alternative
  • Mild Makeup Remover

Hair Benefits

I love using rose water sprays on my curly hair as an alternative to dry shampoo in between washing days. Dry shampoo and similar products usually contain alcohol or other drying agents in them to soak up oil. But curly hair will majorly frizz if it loses moisture. Rose water adds some texture and moisture to my hair without drying it out!

I mix it with my regular hair oil in a spray bottle. It needs to be shaken well before each use to mix up the oil and water.

It can benefit hair of any texture. The hydration will naturally add shine to your strands.

Rose products hydrate and cleanse for glowing, natural skin.

Skin Benefits

The skin benefits of rose products go beyond the flowery smell!

Anything made with rose water will be antibacterial. This means it will naturally fight acne. So you can layer it on without worrying about breaking out.

I first heard of rose water as a trusted way to reduce the redness I had from acne scars. I was relieved to find out it was so easy to mix into sprays and topical creams I already use. It reduces inflammation, which helps fade redness.

You'll notice rose water really lends itself to enhancing natural beauty. Regular use will leave your kin more moisturized and glowing without clogging pores and can actually relieve redness and acne. What could be better than that?

Rose Water DIY

You can either buy rose water or make it yourself from rose petals.

The first step in making it yourself is to find the roses. You can find untreated roses at most florist shops or garden centers. If you’re lucky enough to have a rose bush in your yard or neighborhood take the roses that have already lost some petals. You will need at least four flowers worth of petals for making your own water, six is ideal.

To make rose water:

  1. Add petals to a medium pot and cover with distilled water.
  2. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Then strain the petals out and let the water cool.

Store it in a glass bottle either in the fridge or at room temperature away from sunlight.

Where to Buy

Sometimes you can find rose water sold in bottles at a local Asian or Indian market. This is the best place to find good deals.

I don’t have a place near me so I order it online. It can seem a little pricey at $3-$8 but remember that a little goes a long way.

How Do You Use Rose Water?

There's a bunch of ways to use rose water in your daily beauty routine. I hope you found some new methods to try.

How do you use it? What methods do you find the most effective for you? Share in the comments below.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Katy Medium

<![CDATA[Nourishing Facial Cleansing Grains Recipe]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Nourishing-Facial-Cleansing-Grains-Recipehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Nourishing-Facial-Cleansing-Grains-RecipeSat, 22 Dec 2018 15:19:04 GMTFacial cleansing grains are a fun DIY skincare project that requires only a few ingredients. These are great for gift-giving or for using yourself as an alternative face wash.

I have an interest in handmade bath and body products, so I am continually experimenting with new soap-making recipes and techniques.

After purchasing facial cleansing grains a few times and liking the experience of washing my face with them, I decided I’d like to try making my own. I prefer to make most of my own skincare products, but sometimes I will try someone else's product to see if it's something I want to pursue. Cleansing grains appeal to me for a number of reasons:

  1. With only dry ingredients, they don't need a preservative.
  2. They are travel-friendly since they aren't liquid.
  3. They are exfoliating without being coarse. Some exfoliants are just too damaging to delicate facial skin.
  4. Milk and oatmeal provide hydration.

I loosely based my recipe off of the ingredients of a cleansing grain powder that I purchased. The ingredient list included:

  • kaolin clay,
  • oats,
  • coconut milk powder,
  • honey powder, and
  • lemon peel.

Since I didn’t know how much of each ingredient was used in their recipe, I referenced other cleansing grain recipes online to decide on my ingredient ratios and mixed things up a little to suit my own tastes.

Here is what I came up with.

Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey Cleansing Grains Recipe

Supplies Needed

  • 1 T Oat Flour
  • 1 T Milk Powder
  • 1 T Honey Powder
  • 2 tsp Kaolin Clay
  • 1 tsp Powdered Orange Peel
  • 1 tsp Rosehip Powder

Yield: Just over 2 oz

If you can't find oat flour or powdered orange peel, you can just buy them whole and grind with a coffee grinder. I stirred all the ingredients in a bowl with a whisk until they were combined, and then funneled the finished product into a 2-ounce square French glass bottle.

How to Use Cleansing Grains

It’s easy; just splash water on your face and leave your hands wet, then put about a teaspoon of the product on your fingertips (just eyeball it). Add a few more drops of water, rub your fingers together, and then apply to your face. The grains won’t be fully moisturized before you put them on your face, but your face is wet, so that will hydrate the rest of them. Now scrub your face with it and rinse. Easy peasy.

The verdict: I love the facial cleansing grains. When developing your own recipes, you can’t always tell if it will be a flop or not. I really lucked out that my first try at this turned out so well. My face loves this stuff—it has the gentlest of exfoliation and leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Katie Adams


Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on December 22, 2018:

I have never used facial cleansing grains. I have very dry skin so I have been using good facial cleansing soap and cream. I don't know how the grains would work for me, but I would be willing to try them.

<![CDATA[How to Get Through the First Three Months on Retin-A]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Get-Through-The-First-Three-Months-On-Retin-Ahttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Get-Through-The-First-Three-Months-On-Retin-AFri, 30 Nov 2018 18:14:50 GMTAre you becoming frustrated with Retin-A? If you are struggling and thinking about giving up then these tips may help you to continue.

Evie Sparkes is a published YA novelist with a passion for all things fashion, hair and beauty.


Help Is At Hand

I can help. I am 47 and have been using Retin-A for almost a year now. I have had the dry skin. the flaking, the irritation. All of it!

I'm over it, and so can you be if you follow these tips.

Benefits of Retin-A

Improves skin texture, thickens the skin over time, encourages collagen production, improves fine lines and deeper wrinkles, lifts eyelids.

There are so many reasons to use Retin-A. I have experienced all of these benefits.

Products You Will Need

Prepare Your Skin Before You Start

Moisturise well and use retinol's for a couple of months before you use Retin-A

Start Slow And Steady

This is definitely the way to go. Otherwise you'll stress your skin out so much that it will rebel to the max!

Start off applying a pea size amount of the cream or gel every three evenings. Use a 0.025%. Don't go right for 1% as it's too harsh at first.

I am up to 1% strength now but I went from 0.025% then up to 0.05% and lastly up to 1% when I knew that my skin could cope with it.

Mix with a light moisturiser if you are concerned.

Be Careful

You can use Retin-A around your eyes, I do in fact. Lots of people will say not to as the skin is quite thin here, but as long as you stick to the 0.025% in this area and moisturise first and after, you should be fine.

Just dab a tiny weeny amount in and let it dry before applying a light moisturiser.

Exfoliation is key

I can't stress enough how important it is to exfoliate your skin when you are using Retin-A.

How To Handle Irritation

I found it incredibly tough to find a way to combat the dryness. It was far more troublesome than the flaking.

My skin is fairly dry anyway, so it was not happy with me, not at all. In fact it played up completely. It has a tantrum and was clearly telling me to stop or else.

I am not a giver upperer though!

I was determined that I was going to win this particular battle. I had started to notice lines I had either not noticed before or hadn't been there before. I wasn't sure to be honest, as when I hit 44 I suddenly became more aware of my skin, and all of it's flaws.

Retin-A For Beginners - A Complete Guide

When Will I start To See Results?

It will take at least three months before you start to see a difference in your skin. The thing is that you will only notice how horrible your skin feels for the first three months. Even if there are improvements, you probably won’t appreciate them. At six months, you will notice a significant change in your skin. I’ve also noticed some of my sun damage is less visible.

The first improvement you will notice is the texture of your skin.

My Night Time Routine

I wait until I'm about to go to bed before I apply my skin care products. I am a face toucher, and want to go to sleep right after I treat my face to avoid irritation caused by my hands!

  • Cleanse skin
  • Massage a small amount of squalene into my skin and around my eyes
  • Massage in some Hyaluronic acid
  • Apply a pea size amount of Retin-A
  • Let it sink in for a couple of minutes
  • Lightly rub in some rich Nivea night cream
  • Go to bed


My Morning Routine

  • Wash face in cold water
  • Exfoliate
  • Apply a glycolic toner
  • Apply a squalene oil
  • Apply a mineral spf (at least 30)
  • Apply foundation and make-up
  • Go to work!

To Sum Up my thoughts

I can say in all honesty that deciding to use Retin-A to hold back the years is not for the faint hearted amongst you.

It is irritating, flaking, drying. Yes all of that and more. You will feel like giving up at times, indeed many women do give up. The thing is, they end up regretting it and have to then start the cycle all over again, going through all of the same trials.

If you can have the staying power, I can promise you that you WILL see results. I have heard it said that Retin-A is a long term partner, not a one night stand. I think this is a very good analogy.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Evie Sparkes (author) on February 07, 2020:

As long as you gently exfoliate it's fine. I have to in order to keep my skin bright :)

L on February 06, 2020:

You definitely should not exfoliate when on Retin-A!!!

<![CDATA[How to Look Five Years Younger in 90 Days]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Look-Five-Years-Younger-In-90-Dayshttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Look-Five-Years-Younger-In-90-DaysThu, 22 Nov 2018 16:10:37 GMTSo we’re all trying to hold back the years. When we get into our forties we start to wonder if we really do look the same fresh faced lovely that we did a few years ago. I know for me, that forty-three was my turning point.

Evie Sparkes is a published novelist. Evie has a passion for fashion, hair, make-up and skin-care.

Skin Care Options


Get Fresher Younger Skin Fast

We are all trying to hold back the years. When we get into our forties we start to wonder if we really do look the same fresh faced lovely that we did a few years ago. I know for me, that forty-three was my turning point. I’m forty seven now, and around two years ago I decided to make myself look younger.

I wanted to improve my skin texture and wanted more of a dewy fresh look, the look I had when I was in my thirties. I’d always thought that creams that promised to make you look visibly younger were a nonsense. I preferred to stick with my Nivea and be done with it!

Now I want to shake that woman and tell her she ought to have started all of this in her thirties and it may not have been so time consuming and challenging to find the things that work and really do as they promise.

Here are the products and treatments I swear by and have made me feel as though I look at least five years younger. It’s taken a lot of research and even more trial and error, but I finally feel I have it down.

  • Turmeric Face masks
  • Glycolic Acid
  • Tretinoin Cream/Retin-A
  • Dermaroller
  • Nivea
  • Squalene Oil
  • Sun Screen (mineral based)
  • Water

A Regime That Really Works

I have found a regime that works. I’m going to give you a break-down of how I use each of these treatments to make me look and feel younger.

In The Morning

When I get up I drink one full glass of water before I have my breakfast. Sometimes I add a slice of lemon to warm water which is amazing for the metabolism.

Next I wash my face in cold water. I tone with a glycol toner. At the moment I am using this one from Paula’s Choice.

When I have wiped this all over my face with a cotton pad I rub in some squalene oil from The Ordinary. I find this oil to be light and moisturising. A little goes a long way and it’s pretty reasonably priced.

Once I have oiled my whole face I apply my sunscreen liberally. Next I’m good to go with my make-up.

Glycolic Nights

Before I go to bed I remove my make-up with anything that comes to hand! Sometimes that’s a make-up remover and sometimes it’s just soap and water. I know soap is drying but the next steps I take combat that effect.

Now I’m ready to rub in my squalene oil once again. When my face is covered I rub in a 15% glycolic cream. It does sting a little so you might want to mix it with some moisturiser. It settles down in five minutes or so in any case. I'd suggest starting with a 10% if you haven't used a glycolic acid before.

Now I pat in some Bobbie Brown Extra repair moisturising eye cream. This little pot of moisture is amazing for getting rid of creepy under-eye skin. It works in a few days. I’m then ready to apply my extra- thick Nivea night cream. I swear by this pot of moisturiser. It’s so nourishing. Yes it's a bit pricy but it lasts me six or seven months as you only need the tiniest amount. A little goes a long way.

Retin-A Nights

As a rule you shouldn’t use glycol's and Retin-A on the same night as they counter-act each other and to be honest they are both really very strong.

When I use retin-a I first rub in my squalene oil as usual and then a very small amount of 0.1% of the retin-a gel. I then simply apply my Nivea as per usual and I’m good to go.


I only dermaroller once every two weeks. I use a 1mm needle all over my face. You will go quite pink and a little sore but this will be gone in the morning. Next I add my squalene and then my Retin-A. Yes, that’s quite strong after dermarolling but the anti-aging benefits are just too wonderful! My skin is pretty hardy I must stress. It might be too strong to start off if you haven’t used Retin-A before.

Then I moisturise as usual and I’m off to bed.

Turmeric Facemask

I do one of these once a week before my evening routine and usually leave it on whilst I am in the bath.

You will need:

  • One teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • One teaspoon of natural yogurt
  • Mix these three ingredients together until they make a paste and then apply all over your face with a brush

Looking Younger And Feeling Amazing

If you stick to a regimen of the above then you will see a noticeable difference to your skin tone, texture and the fine lines and wrinkles.

Retin-A and Glycolic acid have been an absolute revelation to me and my skin. Products that actually do make you look younger and make a real difference, not just 'Making your skin appear younger' they actually 'Make your skin younger, more elastic, toned and smooth. Take it from someone that's tried it all and found what works.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: I have been using Retin-a for nearly a year now and do not notice any difference with my wrinkles. Should I stick with it? Does it take longer to work on some people?

Answer: Did you take a before picture? Sometimes we look too closely and too often to notice the changes from retin-a as it is a slow burn. I'd say to keep at it because your overall skin texture will continue to improve and the retin-a should halt any further aging. I've now been using it for 2 years and the best results are with skin texture. The lines around my eyes are still there, but not as noticeable when they are static.


Evie Sparkes (author) on August 26, 2019:

Thanks :)

MahamMushtaq from PAKISTAN on August 23, 2019:

really informative

<![CDATA[Product Review: Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Origins-Drink-Up-Intenseive-Overnight-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Origins-Drink-Up-Intenseive-Overnight-MaskWed, 10 Oct 2018 12:42:27 GMTThis is my review of the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask, along with some information about my skin history and how I use the mask.

I've tried a number of overnight masks, and I can confidently say that this is by far one of the best overnight masks I have ever used.

This review will break down my experience using the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask.

Origins Company Background

The Origins Company values are one of the reasons I love to purchase products from this brand. Not only to the have some fabulous masks and other products, but how they formulate and package them is even more remarkable.

All their products are formulated without parabens, phthalates, propylene glycol, mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, DEA, and polyethylene beads.

They also use sustainable resources and all of their packages are made with earth-friendly materials. This company is not just for your wellbeing or the wellbeing of your skin, but also the planet, and that's something that I can get behind.

Product Claims

Before we get into my review of this product, I thought it'd be best to check out the Origins website and see what it had to say about the product. The product description goes as follows:

"Put dry skin to bed with this ultra-rich, hydrating overnight mask. Avocado and Apricot Kernel Oils deeply and instantly quench compromised moisture reserves and help build a reservoir for tomorrow. While Japanese Seaweed helps repair skin's barrier to prevent future dehydration and signs of premature aging. Skin awakens comfortable, refreshed, supple."

If you look further into the ingredients, it is also made with rose water, chamomile water, and bitter orange water—which, to my knowledge, are all great for hydrating the skin and calming irritation.

Product Ingredients

I am definitely one of those people that like to know what is in my skincare products. Your diet does not only consist of what you eat, but also what you put on your body, what you listen to, and watch.

Plus. you should know if you pay attention in the skincare community online, it is not unusual for skin and hair care companies to put just enough of an ingredient to where they can market it while mostly dumping it with harsh things that are generally damaging.

So let's take a look at the first six ingredients in this overnight mask to keep it short, shall we?

  1. Water
  2. Rose Water
  3. Myrtle Water
  4. Bitter Orange Water
  5. Chamomile Flower Extract
  6. Glycerin

Ingredient Breakdown

My Review of the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask

After using this mask for almost a year now, I can confidently say that it is by far one of the best overnight masks I have ever used. I genuinely do not see myself ever trying or purchasing another overnight mask as long as this one is in stores. It didn't feel super heavy on my skin like some of the other overnight masks I have tried in the past, and it absorbs pretty quickly into the skin. So you don't have to worry about leaving stains on your pillow cases!

My Skin History and How I Use the Mask

I have very sensitive skin and it gets especially dry in the winter time. I love using this mask once or twice a week after doing another mask (usually a clay or mud mask). The extra moisture helps to keep my skin from aborning so much acne-causing bacteria that leads to breakouts.

How the Mask Helps Me

Like I said before, the winter months wreak havoc on my face, but luckily this mask saves me. Once or twice a week after washing my face or doing some other kind of mask (mud or clay usually), I will spritz on one of my favorite tones or infused water (rose and cucumber are my go-tos) and dab a little bit of this on. Not only does it help with the brutal weather change effects on my skin, but the extra moisture also helps to keep my skin from soaking up too much acne-causing bacteria as well! It's a win-win!

Overall Rating

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View the original article to see embedded media.
View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Danielle Nash

<![CDATA[Korean Skincare Secrets]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Beauty-Hackshttps://bellatory.com/skin/Beauty-HacksSun, 23 Sep 2018 15:50:44 GMTLooking to unearth your best skin yet? Korean skincare techniques will keep you looking fine and fresh without having to hit up the beauty parlor or shell out hundreds of dollars. Stick with these not-so-secret secrets, and you'll be dying to have a good, hard look at yourself in the mirror.

Aimee enjoys writing about Korean beauty experimenting with skincare techniques.

An Introduction to Korean Skincare

Korean skincare secrets aren’t so secret anymore. With the eight-step regimen and cutely packaged creams or ombre lipsticks trending all over the world, people are catching on to the various methods to maintain soft, supple skin for decades. Anti-aging results have been the key goal of this type of skincare for decades. So while other countries may focus on immediate results, these tips target issues that can rear their ugly head on your face later down the line. If you’ve been on a social media detox, or if you are just starting to go down the rabbit hole that is Korean skincare, this handy little list will provide the most essential tips for your best skin yet.

Invest in a Serum

While you may clutch your wallet a little tighter after hearing the word serum, the investment is well worth it in the long-run. Serums pack a major punch in regards to the potency and no-frills ingredient list. No matter which one you choose, each ingredient is chosen specifically for your benefit, so you know that you're getting the good stuff. Each drop of the valuable liquid targets your specific needs; fortified with vitamins, acne-fighting chemicals or age-defying extracts, no one serum is the same in terms of benefits. That's why you can mix and match until you find the perfect one to compliment your skincare routine.

Your Best Digs on Flickr

Try An Overnight Cream

For a super dose of hydration and a dewy complexion come morning, an overnight cream is your best bet. For more mature skin, these creams are a lifesaver to stimulate cell reproduction and retain moisture during the night, when it is easiest to dry out. These creams are fortified and extremely effective, but should only be used in moderation. You should also be wearing a moisturizer during the day that is lighter in nature to keep your face calm and protected against outside dangers.

Karolina Mis on Flickr

Incorporate Sheet Masks Into Your Routine

Almost as vital as the overnight mask is the sheet mask, an optional once-daily booster that can be personalized to your specific skincare needs. There are dozens of brands and styles out there to choose from, so it is easy to find the mask that fits your face the best. They are also quite cheap if you get them from the source (if you happen to be in Korea) or at an import market. Price does not always mimic effectiveness, especially with something that can and should be used almost daily. Shoot for a 30-day pack, and it will become a luxurious step of your skincare regimen that you just can't wait to unwind with.

Cushy Spa on Flickr

Give Yourself a Facial Massage

Why not better your skin with a little much-deserved TLC? Facial massages stimulate collagen production and help relieve tension in the jaw or other parts of the face. Stress can lead to worry lines or wrinkles, so a facial massage is a perfect remedy for both your emotions and your skin. There are so many massage products on the market with absurdly high price points, but honestly, you can just use your fingers (as long as they are clean).

eismane on Flickr

Drink Barley Tea

The antioxidants in barley tea prevent the wrinkle-causing oxidant, peroxynitrite from causing damage to your skin. The fiber in the beverage also helps clear your body of toxins, and keeps your gut regular. Good skin has a lot to do with your diet and digestion, meaning that barley tea hits all the key points of keeping your skin and body in tip-top shape.

Veronica Musser on Flickr

Slap on Some Sunscreen

All this work you are putting into your skin may be all for nothing if you don’t properly utilize sunscreen. UVA and UVB rays penetrate the melanin (the stuff that protects your precious face from sun damage) and can cause burns, discoloration and rapid-aging. For acne prone individuals, sunscreen may seem dangerous (considering all of the pore clogging ingredients), but investing in a facial sunscreen that targets this exact issue is well worth another product on your shelf.

Tom Newby on Flickr

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[My Review of Beauty Formula's Activated Charcoal Clay Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-Beauty-Formulas-Activated-Charcoal-Clay-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-Beauty-Formulas-Activated-Charcoal-Clay-MaskSun, 02 Sep 2018 18:03:32 GMTThis is my honest and un-sponsored review of Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Clay Mask.

Verity is a Physics with Teaching Bsc (Hons) graduate. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read and play video games.

The outer packaging of the Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Clay Mask.

Background and Important Information

I picked up this product at a local store for £1.29. I was not sent this sample in return for a review, nor am I being paid or sponsored for this review. This review is my honest opinion.

Since high school, I've never had to deal with problem skin. The only time I tend to get breakouts is in the week leading up to my period, and even then, they tend to appear around the hairline and forehead, which means I can cover them with my fringe if I have to.

I do, however, suffer from oily skin (especially around my forehead), and I have always been a little bit self-conscious about the blackheads that I get in the creases around my nose and my chin. This problem has gotten worse as summer has started, the outside temperatures have soared, and I have been spending 3+ hours per day out in the sun. I also recently started taking a medication that results in zits around my hairline, chin and forehead. I bought this product with the primary intention of treating my oily skin and reducing the appearance of red skin caused by breakouts.

It is important to know that I do not have a regular facial skin routine, other than the use of a mild cleanser before bed that I use to remove oils that have built-up throughout the day. I also do not wear makeup daily, and when I do, I primarily use concealer, powder, and eye makeup (mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow). I do not wear foundation, bronzer or any other face makeup.

How I Used This Face Mask

I used this product as directed on the packaging (pictured below).

Before using this product, I cleaned my face using my mild anti-bacterial cleanser. I also tied my hair up into a bun, to avoid getting my hair caught in the mask while it was still wet.

To open the packaging, you just need to flip the lid and squeeze the tube to get the product out. The mask inside has a thin paste-like consistency, and it was very easy to squeeze that out on to my fingers and apply it evenly to my face. It took two to three minutes of careful application to apply all of the mask. Once the mask was applied, I used hot water to rinse my hands and to carefully remove any mask that had gotten attached to my eyebrows or my hairline.

The instructions say to leave the mask on for "10-15 minutes". The mask changes color as it dries, from a blue-silver to a dark grey. As a result, it is very easy to tell when the mask is dry. I waited until the mask was completely dry on my face before I removed it.

The mask only took approximately three minutes to remove. It did not rinse off with just water. To remove this mask, I needed to soak a face-cloth in hot water and then use the face-cloth to rub the mask from my skin. Removal was not a messy process at all, and the mask was removed easily from the face-cloth with hot water.

Once the product was washed off my face, I patted it dry with a clean towel.

The instructions on the reverse of the Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Clay Mask packaging.


The thing I noticed about this mask immediately is how pleasant it smells. It is almost completely unscented, but it has very subtle floral and clay notes. It was a pleasant experience as it was just enough to avoid being overpowering.

Once it was washed away, this mask left my skin feeling so clean and new. My skin felt revitalized and was also very smooth and soft to the touch. Areas such as my forehead where there had been oil build-up, were left noticeably oil free and soft. My skin was much more clear and oil free than it has ever been after using a cleanser. I noticed that my skin looked far less shiny than before, and had a more even tone to it than before. I was very happy and very satisfied with my experience with this face-mask.

The Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Clay Mask in use on my face as it dried.

Important Points to Note

I could not find any information on the product packaging, or elsewhere, that determined whether this product is safe for vegetarians or vegans. So unless you can find a definite answer about this (perhaps by emailing the company), I would recommend that vegans avoid, just to be safe.

I also could not find any evidence that this product was ethically sourced or tested on animals. So if these are concerns for you, I would recommend emailing the company to find out more before using this product.

This product comes in 100ml, and I used very little in the one use of the product. I anticipate that this product will last for a very long time which makes it excellent value for money!


I highly recommend the Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Clay Mask as part of your regular routine.

The fact that is has made my skin look and feel so much more clean and healthy instantly, and the fact that it is a product that is going to last me a long time, makes this a 5/5 recommendation. It is excellent value for money, and it was made my skin feel fresher than it has in a while. I plan to cement this product in part of my weekly routine.

My Rating

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What Do You Think?

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: How often do you use the Beauty Formula's activated charcoal clay mask? I recently got it along with the face wash but there's no guidelines on how often to use the mask.

Answer: I would use the face wash daily, but I only use the mask once or twice a week. I sometimes also use exfoliating scrubs on days where I don't use the charcoal clay mask.

Question: Do you use it before or after bath?

Answer: I use this product after I bathe. The steam from the hot water helps open your pores, which means that more oil, dirt, and impurities can be drawn out of the skin using the mask. Any time after steaming the face is the best time to use a face mask, whether it is after a bath or shower, or after using hot water and a towel to steam your face.

Question: Does the activated charcoal mask peel it off or does it have to be washed off?

Answer: It has to be washed off.

It dries into a thick paste, so I use water and a face cloth to wipe off the mask.

© 2018 VerityPrice

<![CDATA[My Review of Derma V10: Tea Tree and Peppermint Deep Moisturising Foot Pack]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-DermaV10-Tea-Tree-and-Peppermint-Deep-Moisturising-Foot-Packhttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-DermaV10-Tea-Tree-and-Peppermint-Deep-Moisturising-Foot-PackSat, 07 Jul 2018 19:02:41 GMTThis is my honest and un-sponsored review of Derma V10 Tea Tree and Peppermint Deep Moisturising Foot Pack

Verity is a Physics with Teaching Bsc (Hons) graduate. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read and play video games.

The outer packaging of the Derma V10 Tea Tree and Peppermint Deep Moisturising Foot Pack.

Background and Important Information

I picked up the Tea Tree and Peppermint Deep Moisturising Foot Pack at a local store for £0.99. I was not sent this sample in return for a review, nor am I being paid or sponsored for this review. This review is my honest opinion.

I do quite a lot of walking, as a result, I have developed hard skin and calluses on parts of my feet where I have previously had blisters. The areas that I was looking to target with this product were on my heels, on the middle joints of my big toes and on the balls of my feet.

This review is written after using this product once, for the first time. I used this product at the end of a long day of being on my feet and they felt tired and worn out.

How I Used This Foot Pack

I used this product as directed on the packaging (pictured below).

Before using the product, I soaked my feet for 10 minutes in hot water with Radox Muscle Soak Bath Salts. I then used a pumice stone to exfoliate the hard skin on my feet, before returning them to the water to soak for a further 10 minutes.

I patted them softly with a towel (rather than rubbing them) and made sure that they were definitely dry before I opened the package containing the boots.

The boots come in the packaging joined together, I used scissors to separate them. When I put my feet in the boots, I used my hands to rub the boots onto my skin, to allow the moisturizer on the inside to cover all of my feet and in between my toes. The boots have a self-seal tab on the side, I took off the covering and stuck the adhesive to the boot, tightening it around my ankle.

I wore the boots for 20 minutes. Once I removed the boots, I used my hands to massage the moisturizer left on my feet into the skin.

The instructions on the reverse of the Derma V10 Tea Tree and Peppermint Deep Moisturising Foot Pack.


I immediately noticed the lovely smell of this product. The combination of peppermint and tea tree left my feel smelling lovely, and the peppermint helped to revive my feet and made them feel refreshed!

There is lots of moisturizer inside these foot packs, I was able to turn massaging it into my feet into a bit of a pamper session in and of itself, and it felt great on my hands too.

My feet were immediately made so silky soft on the tops, arches and even between the toes. My heels and the balls of my feet were made so soft, that I would be confident in saying that they are the softest they have ever been! My hard skin on my big toes was also reduced considerably, they are noticeably smoother and softer.

I feel confident that continual use of this product would reduce (and possibly eliminate entirely) my problem areas.

A picture of the Derma V10 Tea Tree and Peppermint Deep Moisturising Foot Pack in use.

Important Points to Note

This product is ethically made with no animals being tested on during the creation of any of the DermaV10 products. All of the ingredients in this foot pack are safe for vegetarians and vegans to use too. So this product is great for a vegan-friendly, ethical pamper session.

The self-adhesive used to tighten the boots around my ankle was very strong and didn't unstick or move at all while I was wearing them. I was able to move around in them normally, and walked short distances inside my apartment without slipping or feeling unsafe in my movement. They did not feel uncomfortable or unpleasant at any point during the process. The moisturizer was quite cool and refreshing.


I love this Deep Moisturising Foot Pack. It has easily jumped up to be one of my favourites. It works perfectly and makes my feet feel soft and refreshed after being on them all day, and doing lots of walking. It makes my skin much softer and has proven, after only one use, to reduce my hard skin.

For the price that I have seen them available, they are a must-have as part of your weekly routine. I highly recommend them and I will definitely be using this product again soon!

My Rating

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What Do You Think?

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 VerityPrice

<![CDATA[My Review of 7th Heaven Tea Tree Sheet Face Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-7th-Heaven-Tea-Tree-Sheet-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-7th-Heaven-Tea-Tree-Sheet-MaskSun, 24 Jun 2018 20:10:12 GMTThis is my honest and un-sponsored review of 7th Heaven Tea Tree Sheet Face Mask

Verity is a Physics with Teaching Bsc (Hons) graduate. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read and play video games.

The outer packaging of the 7th Heaven Tea Tree Sheet Face Mask.

Background and Information

I picked up this product at a local store for £0.89. I was not sent this sample in return for a review, nor am I being paid or sponsored for this review. This review is my honest opinion. I picked up this face mask as I have had previous positive experiences with this brand and their dead sea mud face mask, which I have also reviewed.

Since high school, I've never had to deal with problem skin. The only time I tend to get breakouts is in the week leading up to my period, and even then, they tend to appear around the hairline and forehead, which means I can cover them with my fringe if I have to.

I do, however, suffer from oily skin (especially around my forehead), and I have always been a little bit self-conscious about the blackheads that I get in the creases around my nose and my chin. This problem has gotten worse as summer has started, the outside temperatures have soared and I have been spending 3+ hours per day out in the sun. I bought this product with the primary intention of treating my oily skin.

It is important to know that I do not have a regular facial skin routine, other than the use of a mild cleanser before bed that I use to remove oils that have built-up throughout the day. I also do not wear makeup daily, and when I do, I primarily use concealer, powder, and eye makeup (mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow). I do not wear foundation, bronzer or any other face makeup.

How I Used This Face Mask

I used this product as directed on the packaging (pictured below).

Before using this product, I washed my face with warm water and a mild, moisturising soap, then I patted my face dry with a clean towel. I also tied my hair up into a bun to avoid getting my hair caught in the mask while it was still wet.

I opened the packaging by making a tear in the upper right-hand corner, according to the image below. The mask inside came folded up. I unfolded it and applied it carefully to my face. The mask was a bit too large for my face in some areas and needed to be folded to fit. It took less than a minute to apply the mask. The residue on my hands was easily washed off with warm water.

The instructions say to leave the mask on for 5 to 10 minutes. The tingling sensation on my face started to become very slightly overwhelming after 7 minutes, so I removed the mask at this point instead of leaving it on for the full 10 minutes. The mask stayed on firmly for this entire duration, even when bending over to reach something on the floor.

The mask was incredibly easy to remove, I simply peeled it off and put it in the bin. I used my hands to massage the residue into my face, and then I used a washcloth and some warm water to rinse my face.

Once the product was washed off my face, I patted it dry with a clean towel.

The instructions on the reverse of the 7th Heaven Tea Tree Sheet Face Mask.


This mask contains spearmint which the packaging says, "wakes up" the skin. I was expecting this to simply be a mild and relaxing tingle, which is why I applied this mask as part of an evening relaxation routine. I underestimated this face mask! The tingling sensation was extreme, which I was not expecting, but it certainly did not feel unpleasant! 7 minutes of this tingling was enough for me though and I chose not to use this mask for a full 10 minutes.

The mask smells amazing! Tea tree is one of my favourite smells, and there was no chemical smell at all to the product, so I enjoyed the sensory experience that I got with this face mask.

Once removed this mask left my skin the softest and most silky that it has ever been! I have never achieved this level of soft with any other product. My oily areas were left completely oil-free, and my skin felt revitalized and rejuvenated. I achieved better results with this mask than I get from my daily cleanser.

The 7th Heaven Tea Tree Sheet Face Mask in use on my face.

Important Points to Note

This product is also ethically resourced, it is not tested on animals and it carries the 'Cruelty-Free International' symbol. It is also Vegetarian Society approved, which means that this product is safe for any vegetarians to use. However, the ingredients on this mask lists "Lactoperoxidase (Milk origin)" meaning that it is not a vegan-friendly product.


I really like this face mask! The fact that I wasn't expecting how intense the tingles from this mask were, should not be a detriment to this product at all.

The application process was so easy and simple, it smells amazing and it provided me with the best results that I have ever had from a face mask. Personally, I would not use this product as my primary face mask in my skin-care routine, but only because I like to use a mask that allows me to relax completely; and this mask keeps you 'in the moment' rather than allowing you to 'drift off'.

But I absolutely recommend this product! The 7th Heaven Tea Tree Sheet Mask would be a perfect product to use before going on a night out, or to a gathering, as it revitalizes your skin and leaves you more than ready for the night ahead!

My Rating

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What Do You Think?

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: How many times a week do I need to use this tea tree mask?

Answer: This mask only comes in a pack of 1, and you can only use the mask once. So 1 packet is one use.

If you are buying multiple, you can use it as frequently as you like. I would recommend only doing a face mask like this once per week though.

© 2018 VerityPrice

<![CDATA[My Review of 7th Heaven Dead Sea Mud Face Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-7th-Heaven-Dead-Sea-Peel-Off-Face-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-7th-Heaven-Dead-Sea-Peel-Off-Face-MaskSat, 09 Jun 2018 18:18:49 GMTThis is my honest and un-sponsored review of 7th Heaven Dead Sea Peel-Off Face Mask.

Verity is a Physics with Teaching Bsc (Hons) graduate. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read and play video games.

The outer packaging of the 7th Heaven Dead Sea Mud Face Mask.

Background and Important Information

I picked up this product at a local store for £0.89. I was not sent this sample in return for a review, nor am I being paid or sponsored for this review. This review is my honest opinion.

Since high school, I've never had to deal with problem skin. The only time I tend to get breakouts is in the week leading up to my period, and even then, they tend to appear around the hairline and forehead, which means I can cover them with my fringe if I have to.

I do, however, suffer from oily skin (especially around my forehead), and I have always been a little bit self-conscious about the blackheads that I get in the creases around my nose and my chin. This problem has gotten worse as summer has started, the outside temperatures have soared and I have been spending over three hours per day out in the sun. I bought this product with the primary intention of treating my oily skin.

It is important to know that I do not have a regular facial skin routine, other than the use of a mild cleanser before bed that I use to remove oils that have built-up throughout the day. I also do not wear makeup daily, and when I do, I primarily use concealer, powder, and eye makeup (mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow). I do not wear foundation, bronzer or any other face makeup.

How I Used This Face Mask

I used this product as directed on the packaging (pictured below).

Before using this product, I washed my face with warm water and a mild, moisturising soap, then I patted my face dry with a clean towel. I also tied my hair up into a bun, to avoid getting my hair caught in the mask while it was still wet.

I used scissors to cut open the packaging in the upper right-hand corner, according to the image below. The mask inside has a paste-like consistency and it was easy to squeeze that out on to my fingers and apply it evenly to my face. It took two to three minutes of careful application to apply all of the mask. Once the mask was applied, I used hot water to rinse my hands, and to carefully remove any mask that had gotten attached to my eyebrows or my hairline.

The instructions say to leave the mask on for "15 minutes or until dry". The mask took half an hour to dry on my skin, so it was after 30 minutes that I attempted to rinse off this mask. During the drying process, the mask did flake quite a bit, and as a result, shed flakes on to my clothes and down the front of my dress.

The mask took approximately five minutes to remove. It did not rinse off easily. To remove this mask I needed to fill my sink with hot water, soak a face-cloth in the water and then use the face-cloth to rub/scrape off the mask from my skin. I was not anticipating that it would be this difficult to remove, however, removal was not a messy process and the mask was removed easily from the face-cloth with hot water.

Once the product was washed off my face, I patted it dry with a clean towel.

The instructions on the reverse of the 7th Heaven Dead Sea Mud Face Mask packaging.


This face mask smells great, I love the smell of lavender and that is a key ingredient of the product, so I was very happy with the aroma, there were no chemical smells at all to the product.

Once it was washed away, this mask left my skin feeling amazing. My skin felt refreshed and revitalized, and was also very smooth and soft to the touch. Areas such as my forehead where there had been oil build-up, were left oil free and soft. My skin was much more clear and oil free than it has ever been after using a cleanser. I was very happy and very satisfied with my experience with this face-mask.

The packaging of this product recommends a weekly use to avoid any build-up that would lead to clogged pores, and I believe it! This product might have earned its place in my weekly beauty routine!

The 7th Heaven Dead Sea Mud Face Mask in use on my face as it dried.

Important Points to Note

This product is also ethically resourced, it is not tested on animals and it carries the 'Cruelty Free International' symbol. It is also Vegetarian Society approved, which means that this product is safe for any vegetarians to use. However, the ingredients on this mask lists "Lactoperoxidase (Milk origin)" meaning that it is not a vegan-friendly product.


I love the 7th Heaven Dead Sea Mud Face Mask.

The application process was easy, it smells amazing, and though it was more difficult to wash off than I was expecting, it didn't detract from the experience. It left my skin feeling silky soft and rejuvenated. It also took care of all of my oily problem-areas. It is highly likely that I will be using this mask again in the future.

I absolutely recommend this product.

My Rating

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What Do You Think?

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 VerityPrice


Louise Powles from Norfolk, England on June 09, 2018:

Oh I love these 7th Heaven face masks. I've used several of them in the past.

<![CDATA[My Review of Xpel Body Care: XBC Moisturising Charcoal Foot Pack]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-Xpel-Body-care-XBC-Moisturising-Charcoal-Foot-Packhttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-Xpel-Body-care-XBC-Moisturising-Charcoal-Foot-PackWed, 06 Jun 2018 15:02:17 GMTThis is my honest and un-sponsored review of Xpel Body Care: XBC Moisturising Charcoal Foot Pack.

Verity is a Physics with Teaching Bsc (Hons) graduate. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read and play video games.

The packaging of the Xpel Body care: XBC Moisturising Charcoal Foot Pack that I used.

I picked up this product at a local store for £0.95. I was not sent this sample in return for a review, nor am I being paid or sponsored for this review. This review is my honest opinion.

I do quite a lot of walking; as a result, I have developed hard skin and calluses on parts of my feet where I have previously had blisters. The areas that I was looking to target with this product were on my heels, on the middle joints of my big toes and on the balls of my feet under my pinkie toes.

This review is written after using this product once, for the first time.

How I Used This Foot Pack

I used this product as directed on the packaging (pictured below).

Before using the product, I soaked my feet for 15 minutes in hot water with Radox Muscle Soak Bath Salts. I then used a pumice stone to exfoliate the hard skin on my feet, before returning them to the water to soak for a further 5 minutes.

I patted them softly with a towel (rather than rubbing them) and made sure that they were definitely dry before I opened the package containing the boots.

The boots come in the packaging joined together; I used scissors to separate them. When I put my feet in the boots, I used my hands to rub the boots onto my skin, to allow the moisturizer on the inside to cover all of my feet and in between my toes.

I wore the boots for 20 minutes and was able to pass the time by reading a book. Once I removed the boots, I used my hands to massage the moisturizer left on my feet into the skin.

The instructions, showing how to use the Xpel Body care: XBC Moisturising Charcoal Foot Pack.

Silky Smooth Results

I was blown away by the positive results that I got from using this product. My feet were immediately silky soft on the tops, arches and even between the toes. The tough areas of my feet were noticeably smoother and softer.

The silky feeling on my feet lasted a full 24 hours, until the next time I soaked them in hot water and bath salts. Two days after using this product, my heels were still noticeably much softer and smoother, with the hard skin drastically reduced. The calluses by my pinkie toes were almost gone completely. The calluses on my big toes were still quite hard, but not as hard as they were before I used the product. I feel confident that continual use of this product would reduce (and possibly eliminate entirely) my problem areas.

A picture of the Xpel Body care: XBC Moisturising Charcoal Foot Pack in use.

Important Points to Note

The only drawback that I found with this product was that there is no way to seal the boots at the top to stop them from slipping off. To compensate, I used a small piece of sellotape to affix the boot to itself to avoid it from slipping off. This worked very well. However, it should be noted that without the tape I would not have been able to walk about in these, and they would have slipped off.

However, with the tape in place, I was able to move around in them normally, and I walked short distances inside my apartment without slipping or feeling unsafe in my movement. They did not feel uncomfortable or unpleasant at any point during the process. The moisturizer was quite cool and refreshing.

My Recommendation

I love this foot pack. It works perfectly and makes my feet feel soft and refreshed after being on them all day, and doing lots of walking. It makes my skin much softer and has proven, after only one use, to reduce my hard skin.

For the price that I have seen them available, they are a must-have as part of your weekly routine. I highly recommend them and I will definitely be using this product again soon!

My Rating

View the original article to see embedded media.

What Do You Think?

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 VerityPrice

<![CDATA[Skin Care Reviews: Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Skin-Care-Reviews-Calily-Life-Organic-Dead-Sea-Mud-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Skin-Care-Reviews-Calily-Life-Organic-Dead-Sea-Mud-MaskSun, 01 Apr 2018 17:45:01 GMTA detailed review of Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask. Does it work to soften and rejuvenate skin? Will it help to control acne and eliminate cellulite? Should it be part of your skin care routine? Here you will find the answers to all that and more.

Cynthia is a social butterfly and gifting enthusiast. She loves testing new gift ideas and sharing her opinions.

Having a skin-care routine can mean the difference between having lackluster dull skin and restoring a youthful flow. With so many skin-care items on the market, it can make choosing the right products an overwhelming task. Dead Sea masks should be part of a weekly skin-care regimen, they are not a product you will want to use daily. I do suggest adding a good Dead Sea mud mask to any weekly skin-care routine you have.

No one wants dull skin that looks under-hydrated. Dead Sea mud masks are intended to soften and rejuvenate the skin. A good mask will also help to control acne and deal with cellulite issues. The older I get, the less makeup I wear, so taking care of my skin can eliminate the need for cover up, foundation, and a lot of other base products that seem to just cause acne. I recently tested Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask and will be sharing my first impressions, use, and overall conclusion about the mask and its ability or inability to work as part of a weekly skin-care regimen.

View the original article to see embedded media.

Cynthia Hoover 2018

What You Want From a Dead Sea Mud Mask

Before I get into what I think about Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask, I think it is important to touch on what you really want out of a dead sea mud mask to begin with. Not everyone knows what they should expect from a product, so let’s touch on that for a moment.

It is no surprise that many high-end spas offer Dead Sea treatments, not just for the face but the entire body. The minerals found in Dead Sea products can bring a wealth of improvement to the skin. Looking at the ingredients in a Dead Sea mask before purchase is a good idea. This way you can avoid any substandard products. Look for a mask that contains:

  • Magnesium
  • Magnesium Calcium
  • Bromide
  • Sulfur
  • Iodine
  • Sodium

The ingredients listed are all something you should expect a good Dead Sea mask to contain. Any products without these ingredients are likely not the best Dead Sea products you could be choosing. Since Dead Sea salt will relieve skin ailments like eczema, acne, and even psoriasis, always check the ingredients to make sure you're getting a pure dead sea product.

Sure, you can try products will only a few of the ingredients, but you will likely not see the same effects or results as you would if you do a little reading and find a product containing them all. Even after a single use, you should notice the following after using a Dead Sea mask:

  • Noticeably softer skin
  • Cleansed skin and pores
  • Dry skin relief
  • An overall improvement to the appearance of skin
  • Tighter skin

After using a quality Dead Sea product, you should be able to feel the skin and tell that there is a restored softness. Your skin should be cleansed, and pores will minimize once the impurities are cleared. Your skin should feel and look tighter in those areas. There should be a visual improvement to the overall look of the skin as well. A quality product will also give much relief to any dry skin issues you may have as well, such as irritation or any itching that is associated with the dry skin areas, as well as an increased hydration since Dead Sea minerals will restore the natural oil structure to your skin.

Before testing the Dead Sea Mud mask you can see the dark patchy areas due to dry skin as well as the current acne issues I was having.

Cynthia Hoover 2018

First Impressions

I ordered my Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask online and snagged it on sale. I first noticed that the mud mask comes well packaged and sealed. Something we don’t always think about is the safety of the seals on our skin-care products. Personally, if I find that any product doesn’t have a seal I am comfortable with or that I feel really keeps my product airtight before it gets to me, I will trash it. The Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask was well-sealed to ensure no contamination during the shipping or delivery processes.

Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask was in a larger container than I expected—you often find these are a bit pricey for the amount you get. I got a full 8.5 oz jar and lucked into a very good sale on it. Normally it runs under $12 but I got lucky and paid much less. Even at regular price, it would still be a great buy. The jar is amber-colored, something you want in any skin-care item. The amber-colored containers eliminate any deterioration due to light being able to contact the product through the container.

Once I opened the jar, I noticed the scent or fragrance of the Dead Sea mask. I was pleased to find there is not a heavy fragrance to this mask. I will also note that it does not smell horrible either. When using a skin-care product, you do not want to have a heavily perfumed product. Especially with a clarifying item such as a Dead Sea mud mask. If I had noticed an overwhelming fragrance, I would have likely stopped there and not tested it. Not having an overwhelming fragrance means that my Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask does not have unnecessary ingredients in it. It is simple and when you're looking to clarify and restore the skin, you do not want any additional additives in the product that can impact the process.

A thin even layer of this dead sea mud mask is all that is needed for application.

Cynthia Hoover 2018

Using Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask

The first step with any skin-care item is fully reading the directions. So many times, I see people in my social media feeds complaining about products not working that I have tried myself and loved, only to find they failed to follow the directions. The instructions on this Dead Sea mud mask are simple and easy to follow. I will note that it does not mention cleansing the skin prior to use but I did use a basic cleanser before I used the mask.

For best results make sure to follow the instructions:

  • Apply a thin even layer to face and neck
  • Allow to dry/stay on skin for 15-20 minutes
  • Rise with warm water and use a circular motion with fingertips as you rise
  • Once fully rinsed pat dry

Whenever you wash or use any cleansing products on your face, you should always pat dry with a soft towel. Rubbing or wiping your face to dry can cause your skin to peel and look dull.

I immediately noticed after applying a thin layer to my face that it was not as heavy as some other masks I had been using. It is still a thick product, but I did not have to fight with it to only get a thin layer. I left the mask on for a full 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Using a circular motion when you rinse helps to remove impurities and clear out clogged pores, so it is worth the extra effort to remember that step. As a busy mom sometimes I tend to use masks prior to my shower, so I can multi-task rinsing with showering. I also find that I have a lot less water all over my small bathroom sink if I rinse in the shower, so it's time-saving and no water splashes all over.

Freshly rinsed ready to pat dry, I could notice right away a few of my patchy discolored areas from dry skin had already improved!

Cynthia Hoover 2018

Final Results

I must say, for a budget-friendly skin-care product, I was thoroughly impressed with the results after using Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask. After rinsing and patting dry, I could feel that my skin was tighter and much softer to the touch. What did I love most? Not having any makeup on fresh from the shower and hearing my husband say, ‘Wow you look really great’. A significant other or a family member tossing a compliment your way who has no idea you just tested a new product is a great way to get an unbiased outside opinion of how the product works.

Obviously, my acne did not disappear overnight—as an adult I struggle with acne outbreaks. I will say that this outbreak was gone in just a few days compared to a week or two like I am used to. Calily Life Organic Dead Sea Mud Mask will continue to be part of my weekly skin-care routine. I was impressed with the overall appearance of my skin, the added tightness, and how fast my acne cleared, and it also seems to be preventing new acne outbreaks from being as bad as they used to be. At 36 years old, my acne used to rival that of a teen going through the acne outbreaks of puberty. Feeling such smooth skin to the touch on my face is great, especially during intimate moments with my husband. I have an overall smooth texture and I notice an evener skin tone since a lot of my dry skin problems are gone as well.

A few days later my skin still looking great and acne and pimples are under control. The only makeup I have on is lip gloss, eye shadow, eyeliner and brow liner. No cover ups or foundations needed. The only uneven skin tones now are my freckles.

Cynthia Hoover 2018

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Cynthia Hoover

<![CDATA[DIY: Ninon de l'Enclos Secret Homemade Face Lift Recipe]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Ninon-de-lEnclos-Secret-Homemade-Face-Lift-Recipehttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Ninon-de-lEnclos-Secret-Homemade-Face-Lift-RecipeFri, 23 Feb 2018 00:03:05 GMTLearn how to prepare the secret Ninon de l'Enclos face lifting moisturizer at home! It is known to prevent and treat wrinkles, and is a natural active serum from the 17th century.

Alexa has been a fan of Ninon de l'Enclos for many years. She is actually in love with powerful and feminine historical characters.

Ninon de l'Enclos

Ninon de l'Enclos was a courtesan and writer of the 17th century, famous for her legendary beauty and wits. Voltaire wrote about her that at the age of 85, she looked as if she were still in the middle of her twenties.

Her secret was revealed shortly after she passed away: a natural, homemade moisturizer that could successfully prevent and treat wrinkles.

If Botox, expensive serums and facelifts are not for you and you enjoy the natural remedies, then give it a try.

Who Was Ninon de l'Enclos?

Her real name was Anne, but her father used to call her Ninon, and this is how she remained in history. Her father was a wealthy duke of Turin, and she was his only child. Those who knew her said that she had been the most beautiful woman of the 17th century. At the age of 80, her skin was soft and radiating, exactly like in her twenties.

Ninon was a talented writer, and she played several instruments and spoke a few languages. She loved art, literature and the theater.

Unfortunately, her mother died when she was only 16, and the next year, her father passed away as well. Soon, she had to earn her own living and embraced the courtesan career. Ninon was a regular of writers and artists of the time. Moliere, Racine, Saint-Evremont, and Queen Francoise d'Aubigne were her friends and usual guests.

Because of her revolutionary ideas, she was locked away in a monastery, by Queen Anna of Austria in 1656. She was released soon after, by Queen Kristina of Sweden, a cultivated woman as well, who convinced Cardinal Mazarin to grant her freedom.

In 1660 she retired from public life and wrote much of her work. She never married and had no children. Ninon died at the age of 85, leaving a portion of her fortune to a boy of 9, whom she thought would have a bright future as a writer. This was her accountant's child, and his name was Francois Marie Arouet, later known as Voltaire.

Her Writing

Ninon de l'Enclos was as much a poet as a sharp philosopher. She developed several naturalistic theories of human nature and of morality. In her perspective, the human person was a part of material nature, and she could demonstrate it.

In her opinion, spiritual experiences and love in particular, were only a sophisticated variation on animal instincts. Rather than being a pursuit of virtue, human moral conduct was the effort to expand pleasure and to eliminate pain. Within the hierarchy of pleasures, romantic love constituted the pinnacle.

Ninon de l'Enclos condemned the ascetical ethics of monastic Christianity and of Platonism because it had exalted a spiritualized love, which was illusory and impossible to practice. This idea attracted harsh criticism from the Catholic Church. In her mechanistic theory of the world, material causation was responsible for many of the intellectual and volitional activities other philosophers wrongly attributed to an immaterial soul.

Through her naturalistic metaphysics and her ethics, she contributed to the Epicurean revival of the French Renaissance. In her insistence on the equal rights of women and men to the pursuit of pleasure, she developed a philosophy that challenged society’s subordination of women to men.

The more sins you confess, the more books you will sell.

The Secret of Her Beauty

Ninon de l'Enclos did not reveal the secret of how she managed to keep her skin young despite her age. She had been asked many times about the secret of her soft and glowing skin by many curious men and jealous women. Every time she would give an evasive answer.

In the end, she only shared the recipe with a few trusted friends. Those who knew her secret had heard about a moisturizer she applied every night.

The secret recipe was first published in a french pamphlet written by Jeanne Sauval in 1719. Jeanne Sauval had been Ninon's private assistant for almost 50 years.

This extreme moisturizer is said to make the wrinkles disappear as good as modern plastic surgery solutions.

One of her friends, who received this recipe from Ninon, Mr. Saint Evremont, was so handsome at the age of 89, that packs of girls followed him at every reception he attended.

The Recipe

Here is Ninon de l'Enclos moisturizing formula.


  • 4 tsp almond oil
  • 3 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp beeswax
  • 1 tsp onion juice
  • 1 tsp rose water

How to Prepare the Recipe

Firstly, I think it is important to tell you that no olive oil was used in the initial recipe. The grease Ninon used to give the moisturizer its creamy texture was lard. If you can manage to find some, you can use it instead of olive oil. However, olive oil might actually be a better choice, so my advice would be not to use the lard. It is not one of the active ingredients, but just a base.

Take a large pan and fill it with water. Let it get warm on the stove. Inside the large pan, place a smaller pan where you mix the oils and wait for them to get warm as well. Then, add the beeswax and the onion juice.

Stir counterclockwise until the ingredients become homogeneous, close the heating and add the rose water. Put the moisturizer aside and let it cool.

How to Use the Moisturizer

Apply the moisturizer every night before you go to sleep, just the way you would with any other face treatment and don't wash it off. Sleep like this. Take care not to ruin your pillowcases and use a towel to cover them. In the morning, wash with micellar water and use a toner afterward.

You can prepare larger quantities at once, so you don't have to spend time every day making your beauty cream. Just scale the quantities of ingredients as needed. You can store the moisturizer in the fridge and maybe add a drop or two of grapefruit juice as a natural means of keeping it fresh for a longer time.

Good luck!

Tell us what you think of Ninon de l'Enclos beauty Recipe

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Alexa R


Faye on November 11, 2019:

Hello Alexa... is there a way for you to contact Ria (who commented a few weeks ago) to please tell us how would you prepare and use the house leeks in the recipe and in what quantity? Thanks and the article was well written!

Ria on October 17, 2019:

Hello, Alexa!

Just wanted to shed some light on Ninon's Original Beauty Recipe:

Almond Oil...4 oz.

Lard/Rendered Fat...3 oz.

Spermaceti...1 oz.

(Substitute with Joboba Oil, its molecular twin)

House Leeks...Evergreen, succulent plants

(mistaken for onion juice in the French Translations)

The last ingredient was the missing key! :)

Alicia on January 21, 2019:

On the first picture it is Marie Antoinette, not Ninon.

Magically New on January 21, 2019:

Thanks, very useful! Olive oil is mildly comedogenic when used on its own but doesn't clog pores at all when mixed with other oils. Also beeswax is actually great for the skin. I've got acne prone skin and have only experienced great results using beeswax in my delicate skin. When applied to the skin, beeswax forms a protective barrier that helps protect it from environmental assaults, while also holding in moisture and reducing dryness... Unlike ingredients made from petroleum, beeswax doesn't “suffocate” the skin, and won't clog pores.

Up on January 03, 2019:

I agree, changing the ingredients willy-nilly is just stupid. Olive oil is highly comedogenic and shouldn't be used on the face. And although we probably don't want to use whale wax, we don't want to use beeswax on the face also. Do your research before "getting creative" next time.

Alexa R (author) on March 20, 2018:

Thank you for the comment!

I know what you are talking about. However, the recipe has been addapted to modern times. You have to admit that nowadays would be hard as well as very non-ethical to use any ingredients coming from whales.

Ingegerd on March 16, 2018:

The above is not the original recipe.

The original recipe calls for:

4 oz. Almond Oil

3 oz. Lard

10z. Spermaceti {sperm whale wax}

Onion juice

Rose water

<![CDATA[How to Make an Anti-Aging Honey and Lemon Face Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Honey-Lemon-Face-Mask-For-Tighter-And-Brighter-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Honey-Lemon-Face-Mask-For-Tighter-And-Brighter-SkinSun, 10 Dec 2017 17:05:31 GMTThis article will show you how to make a face mask for clear and glowing skin using honey and lemons. This face mask is anti-aging and also works to lighten pigmentation, resulting in fairer, brighter skin!

Sara is a writer based in London, England with a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences. She loves researching various health topics.

This guide will show you how to make an anti-aging face mask from honey and lemons.

ExplorerBob, CC0, via Pixabay

I have tried and tested this face mask recipe and found the results to be very promising. Consistent use results in the fading of dark spots, hyperpigmentation and dull skin, revealing younger and fresher-looking skin!

Perfect for all skin types, this treatment is homemade using ingredients easily available in your kitchen and for a fraction of the cost of treatments available in stores. I tend to use this once weekly, but increase application to two to three times a week when I feel my skin is in need of a pick me up.

Upon the first use, you will notice a dramatic improvement in the texture of your skin. It will feel baby soft and look bright. I received many compliments on my skin after using this mask and therefore decided to make it a regular in my skincare regime. Let's take a look at the benefits of the ingredients we will be using.

All you need for this face mask is some lemons and a bit of honey.

Benefits of Lemons

Lemons are a rich source of L-ascorbic acid, otherwise known as pure vitamin C. This vitamin is well known for its potent anti-aging effects due to its role as an antioxidant.

Aging is primarily caused by the production and accumulation of free radicals in the body, which can build up as a result of exposure to environmental toxins, eating unhealthy foods and even natural body processes. Therefore, the role of an antioxidant is to mop up these free radicals and thereby slow down the body's aging process.

This process, along with the ability of vitamin C to boost collagen production, results in firmer, younger-looking skin. It even reduces hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone over time. Some studies have shown that vitamin C may help prevent and treat ultraviolet-induced photodamage. One of the ways it does this is by increasing production of collagen, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and deep set wrinkles.

Individuals with a vitamin C deficiency will often have rough, dry and prematurely aging skin, as well as dry hair. Here is a list of the top benefits of lemon juice for the skin.

  • It prevents skin discoloration.
  • It improves the texture and elasticity of the skin.
  • It imparts a healthy glow.
Lemons can improve the elasticity and texture of your skin and help impart a healthy glow.

Benefits of Honey

Honey has been used since ancient times as a skin beauty treatment. Cleopatra, famed for her beauty, was known to use honey regularly for her skin. In fact, she would regularly bathe in a mixture of honey and milk! Research has also shown that the ancient Greeks used honey as a skin treatment as far back as 5,000 BC. So what is it that makes honey so special?

Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it attracts water from its surroundings, providing hydration without leaving an oily residue. When applied topically, this results in fresher and plumper-looking skin. It was traditionally used to dress wounds due to its excellent antimicrobial properties. Applying it to pimples or acne-prone skin will allow the skin to be nourished whilst the honey gently heals. Here are some of the benefits of honey:

  • Antibacterial: It fights bacterial imbalances on the surface of the skin, and is great for acne or pimple outbreaks.
  • Exfoliator: It will slough off dead skin cells to reveal gorgeous, glowing skin.
  • Anti-inflammatory: It heals the skin tissue and will gradually fade away scars.
  • Humectant: It absorbs moisture from the environment to leave the skin looking refreshed.
Honey has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties.

How to Make Your Own Honey and Lemon Anti-Aging Face Mask

Here's how to make the face mask in the comfort of your own home.


  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon honey (preferably raw)


  1. Mix both ingredients well and apply a thin layer to a cleansed face.
  2. Leave on for a minimum of 15–20 minutes, or up to an hour for better results.
  3. Wipe the mixture off with a warm towel and reveal beautiful, soft and supple skin.

Continue use two to three times a week, and you will begin to notice tighter, brighter skin and the gradual fading of dark marks or pigmentation. Additionally, adding some oatmeal to the mixture can also have a great calming effect on the skin.

Note: Individuals with skin sensitivities or allergies should perform a patch test before applying this mask to ensure there is no allergic reaction. If use causes an adverse skin reaction, then discontinue use immediately, and see your doctor or pharmacist.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Sara Asif


vicky on October 31, 2019:

how can i use honey n lemon for a better facial lightening

<![CDATA[3 DIY Ways to Cure Acne]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Three-Solutions-to-Solve-Your-Acne-Foreverhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Three-Solutions-to-Solve-Your-Acne-ForeverSat, 14 Oct 2017 01:35:16 GMTThis simple guide will teach you how to cure acne, redness, blackheads, and more—using natural solutions that are lurking in your cupboards!

After a year abroad, Rebekah hopes to collect writing experience in her own country. She graduated with a B.A. in Writing in 2016.

Follow along for three easy ways to banish acne. There's no need to hide your face anymore!

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Stop Buying Store-Bought Products

Stop buying products that contain astringents, peroxides, sulfurs, or acids, and you will never have to worry about this product containing oils or that product drying out your skin. Go home and open your cupboards. That’s right. Regardless of your skin problems, chances are you have remedies lurking in your home right now.

Four years ago, I realized that if hundreds of bottled and tubed solutions lining store shelves hadn’t cured my acne by now, they never would. I had to find another way, and the do-it-yourself trend provided lots of possible answers.

Three Natural Acne Remedies

After a few years of experimenting with practically every folk remedy and DIY concoction I could find, I found them . . . the miraculous items that cleared my face for good. Here are three natural (and affordable) remedies and why they work.

The Natural Cure!

1. Oil

Yes, I said oil. I know it seems strange to put more oil on top of an already oily face, but it works! The right kind of oil, however, is crucial. Oils commonly used on the skin include grape seed, tea tree, olive, and jojoba. Coconut oil, however, stars as the most popular topical skin treatment for many reasons.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is safe to use anywhere on the body, inside and out. I’ve heard of people using it to treat hair damage, ear wax buildup, and even UTIs. But it is especially perfect for the face, where it soaks into every pore and keeps the skin moist and youthful, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles and fading dark spots. Coconut oil is also antibacterial and antimicrobial, which means it kills unwanted bacteria on and in the skin and prevents more bacteria from growing there in the future. This is why it cures and prevents acne caused by bacteria and clogged pores.

In addition, coconut oil is a great primer and moisturizer to use under makeup, while at the same time protecting pores from the makeup. I recommend using coconut oil twice daily: before applying make-up and generously before going to bed.

Use your handmade toner to prep your pores for the rest of your facial routine!


2. Natural Toner

You do not have to throw down the money on brand-name toners. Chances are, you have an amazing toner in your cabinet. apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained enormous popularity in the DIY community and has found many uses in beauty. Creating a toner is a simple and effective way to apply this product.

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

  1. Buy the right kind—either natural or organic.
  2. Dilute it with water.
  3. Enjoy the results!

The key when shopping for ACV is to look for the more natural and organic version. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy. As long as it’s organic, “with the mother,” it can even be the store brand. If ACV contains “the mother,” that essentially means it has beneficial acids that refined versions lack.

To use ACV directly on the skin, dilute it to one-part ACV to three-parts water. ACV works as a toner because it balances the skin’s PH. Overly alkaline skin can cause premature aging and does not help with acne. Ideally, the skin should be a bit acidic, and ACV makes that happen. ACV also removes dead skin, draws out toxins, kills bacteria, removes excess oil, balances skin tone, and helps reduce pore size.

What’s not to love?

A skin-care routine so natural, you can eat it!

3. Facial Scrubs

I started making facial scrubs out of curiosity, but I soon discovered that they worked wonders on my skin. On top of being an excellent exfoliator and moisturizer, they can be custom-made for specific skin problems. I wanted something that would rid my face of dead skin, gently scrub out my pores, treat redness, and clear my breakouts all at the same time. Through much research, I learned that sugar is the preferred grain, because salt, which is square-shaped, has rougher edges and is harsher on the skin.

Personalize Your Scrub

Next, you have to choose which oil to mix the sugar with. Coconut oil of course! Although, other oils, such as olive and vitamin E may provide other perks. I often combine several oils to maximize the benefits of one scrub.

Finally, you can choose which essential oil to add for smell and extra benefits. Essential oils, such as peppermint, lavender, citrus, and eucalyptus, also have different properties that can help your skin. For example, lavender is known to have a soothing effect and is good for red skin. Citrus is known to brighten the skin and even out tone. Peppermint is known to help clear acne. I like mixing various essential oils to create a delicious smell and get as many benefits as possible.

Sugar scrubs are incredibly versatile, easy, and inexpensive, so anyone can create a custom recipe that works for their skin. You just have to do some research and decide what your skin needs.

DIY Skincare Is for the Brave!

Make no mistake, DIY skincare is a process. It takes time to learn what ingredients best suit your skin. It also takes time for skin to get used to a completely new routine. There may even be a time-frame where your skin seems worse before it gets better. This is all part of the process, and it's not for the faint of heart. But once you find your unique solution incorporating these gifts from nature, you'll never need another solution!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[Reversing Skin Damage With Broadband Light Therapy]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Reveal-Radiant-Skin-with-Broad-Band-Light-Therapyhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Reveal-Radiant-Skin-with-Broad-Band-Light-TherapyFri, 30 Jun 2017 15:17:37 GMTAfter years of sun damage and neglecting my skin, Broadband Light Therapy has brought radiance back to my complexion! I no longer feel as if I need to hide my skin beneath layers of makeup!

Cat is a beauty enthusiast, honoring the essence of natural beauty and supporting informed choices to enhance what mother nature gave us.

Protect your beautiful skin!

Sun Worship Equals Sun Damage!

NEWS FLASH—there is hope for sun-damaged skin! After many years of neglecting my skin and indulging in absolutely everything, dermatologists warn will ruin our skin (sun worship, excessive alcohol, smoking, and lazy skincare), I notice the signs of my neglect creeping across my face like soldiers of doom.

Fortunately, I inherited good Italian skin, but even the best skin genes are no match for constant neglect. When I turned 40, the struggle to maintain healthy skin got real. Real bad. 25-years of eating disorders, smoking, drinking, and days spent sacrificing my body to Sun Gods affected my skin exactly the way I was warned it would.

Consequences of my sinful indiscretions began appearing like Ghosts of Christmas past. Although my goal was to improve the health of my skin, it would be another two years before I turned to professionals for help.

My Damaged Skin

My complexion was taking on a red, blotchy tone, enhanced by broken capillaries and under-eye discoloration—concealed only with makeup. I find it true that, as we age, makeup should be less obvious. Honestly, I was tired of makeup and I simply wanted to wear less of it. As much as I enjoy the creative transformations of makeup, I don't want to rely on it to make my skin look good. I began educating myself about skin health and researching treatment options to help repair damage and bring me closer to having the healthy-looking, radiant skin I desired.

For a little additional insight, I have battled eating disorders most of my life, which, in addition to smoking, drinking, and lack of proper skincare well into my 30s, contributed to my skin's diminishing radiance. I was also very self-conscious (BDD) and wore far more makeup than necessary—my skin couldn't breathe!

My Experience With Broadband Light Therapy

I wanted a second chance to love my skin, to unveil the natural beauty it had before I put it through hell. So, I booked an appointment for a consultation.

My doctor recommended I begin with Broadband Light Therapy (BBL) to address sun damage and redness and improve texture before moving forward with other procedures. Of course, during the entire consult, I examined every pore on her face. I feel more confident when the person treating my skin has good skin, and her skin was flawless.

What Is BBL?

Broadband Light Therapy (BBL) uses intense light energy to rejuvenate skin and improve the following conditions (and more):

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Discolorations, such as age spots, sun spots, and freckles
  • Redness associated with broken blood vessels and rosacea
  • Skin laxity

Essentially, the light energy from BBL Therapy penetrates deeply beneath the skin, improving discoloration and rejuvenating the skin. This light energy is also believed to alter skin cells so they "behave like" younger skin. This was explained to me in terms of visualizing how in 10 years my skin will look younger and better than it did on treatment day. This might explain why BBL is often marketed as "Forever Young BBL." I don’t care about being forever young; I just care that my skin looks its best.

My First Appointment

Because it's recommended to avoid sun exposure before and after BBL, I made an appointment a few weeks after a trip to ensure that I wouldn't ruin the results if I forgot to use sunscreen.

I had arrived at a place in life where I took my health more seriously, and although I had eliminated the majority of skin-sabotaging habits such as smoking, drinking, and poor eating habits, I often neglected regular application of sunscreen.

I can't stress enough how important I found it is to protect my skin from sun damage. All those little brown and red spots were born from excess sun exposure.

Treatment Day

This is how my treatment went:

  1. My skin was analyzed with a skin diagnostic screening called Visa Complexion Analysis which reveals problem areas and enables the practitioner to more specifically and efficiently treat them.
  2. My skin was sanitized with alcohol.
  3. My skin type and recent sun exposure were assessed to gauge appropriate laser settings.
  4. I was given eye goggles to protect my eyes.
  5. My practitioner guided a wand-like light energy-emitting device across my face, targeting specific areas for redness, sunspots, and skin laxity.

The procedure felt like rubber bands snapping on areas of my skin where the energy was concentrated. It stung but was bearable.

Slathering on Sunscreen

The actual procedure was over in about 20 minutes, and the technician made me slather a high SPF sunscreen all over my face and wouldn't let me leave until I promised to wear sunscreen. I purchased some from the office so she could believe I would wear it. It wasn't cheap, so I wear it every day.

Sunscreen diligence is a must! This is something I haven't been able to get through my thick skull over the years, but I am a convert now!

My Skin Was Radiant Once More!

When it was all over, my skin looked radiant! I thought maybe it was because the procedure stimulates circulation, giving the skin a nice glow, but a few days later it still looked great. I was warned that any dark spots might get darker before flaking off and not to pick at them. I didn't notice much in that area outside of a few sprinklings on my left temple, but the redness faded quickly and the color more even-toned.

My skin looked brighter!

The Treatment Series

It is recommended to have a series of BBL treatments spaced about a month a part for best results then follow up yearly to maintain results. Typically, there is no down time for recovery and you can return to your daily activities right away as long as you walk out that door wearing sunscreen and wear it every day for the rest of your life!

At least wear it when you're out in the sun.

I have had these treatments in the past with varying results, even suffering some terrible burns once (of which I still have scars), but this time I noticed a more distinct improvement. The only time I I needed specific after care was when my chest was burned to blisters. That happened because the setting was too high for my chest skin color, which was darker than my face (see what I mean about sunscreen?)

This is why it's so important to talk to your technician about sun exposure and to completely avoid sun exposure all together before this treatment. Also, it is equally important to find a qualified and experienced practitioner who can recognize when your skin may not be reacting well.

Two Days Post Treatment

Cat Radke

Risks of BBL

Prior to having your BBL Therapy, it is extremely important that you tell your technician about your recent sun exposure and if you burn at all. If you have any color from a tan or even a fake tan, you risk burns and hyperpigmentation.

The above photo is a little blurry but the burns are obvious. This is what my chest looked like two days post-treatment. My technician was very worried (rightfully so) as the risk for infection, hyperpigmentation, and severe scarring was serious.

From Sun Worshipper to Sunscreen Worshipper

I think my sun-worshipping days might be behind me. I decided that if I am going to spend as much as I do on making my skin healthy and beautiful and investing in a healthy lifestyle, I’m not going to ruin it again by neglecting to protect it from the sun. I can’t avoid the sun altogether because I do love the sun, but I can take action to protect my skin. Using a quality sunscreen must be part of that routine

Ultimately, I am very pleased with the results. It may have taken a few years to get it right and I learned some hard lessons but I really love how my skin looks now and I definitely think it was worth it. I finally feel confident enough with my skin not to wear makeup everyday. I will return next week for another treatment and find out if this will be the one that will free me from makeup forever!

A Good Sunscreen Is Important for Avoiding Sun Damage

View the original article to see embedded media.

Healthy Lifestyle Equals Healthy Skin

My lifestyle is healthy and I want my skin to reflect that.

I don't drink, smoke, or party. I avoid sugar and processed foods, I exercise, and I drink lots of water. I have arrived at a point in my life where I feel that I can be responsible for and maintain my skin's health and appearance.

Turning Back the Clock

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

<![CDATA[Why Should You Invest in High-Quality Rose Water?]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Why-Should-You-Invest-in-High-Quality-Rose-Waterhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Why-Should-You-Invest-in-High-Quality-Rose-WaterThu, 15 Jun 2017 15:09:49 GMTThere are few cosmetic ingredients that are as versatile and as sweet-smelling as rose. Whether you have dry or oily skin, you can always incorporate rose water into your beauty routine.

I enjoy educating others about the cosmetic benefits of rose water.

Rose Water

The ancient Romans were some of the first people to document the properties of rose water.

Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved to take a bath in milk but also soaked in rose water. She was apparently so enamored with the scent of rose that she ordered all of her boats to be sprayed with it, so that while on the sea, the sweet smell would be noticed from miles away.

Ayurvedic medicine in India also values this ingredient for its cooling effects, while in the Middle East, rose water is used in cuisine (mainly desserts) to stimulate digestion and heal sore throats.

Properties of Rose Water

• Maintains correct skin pH and fights excessive oiliness.

• Cleans pores, which is perfect for acne-prone skin.

• Moisturizes and revitalizes your skin.

• Contains anti-aging properties and lowers the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.

• As an antioxidant, it regenerates and rebuilds skin cells.

• It has anti-bacterial properties, speeding up the healing of wounds.

• Excellent as a mixer for powdered face masks.

• Can be used as a toner to refresh your skin during the day.

How Rose Water Is Made, and How to Choose the Right One

Rose water is made by the distillation of water with rose petals. The distilled water soaks up the essence of the rose petals. During the condensation phase, the vapor that condensates in the collection pot is rose water.

There are no shortcuts to the process of making high quality rose water. Unfortunately, most brands you might see on the shelves at your local store usually sell regular distilled water with added rose aroma. This is not what we want at all, since it is simply scented water. While such products would not harm your skin, you do lose out on the beneficial properties of pure rose water. To find real rose water we need to put a bit more effort.

Rose Water Shopping Tips:

• Look for transparent colored rose water. Pinkish or yellowish hues are clear indicators that some artificial ingredients have been added.

• Look for the word “distilled”. This is another indicator that the product has been manufactured naturally without any artificial components.

• Check the list of the ingredients: there should not be anything except distilled water and the types of roses used.

• Be wary of cheap rose water. Manufacturing real water is not cheap (5 tons of rose petals are necessary to produce 1kg of rose water). Hence, the price of the finished product won’t be cheap either. If the price is too low, you should be suspicious.

But What If All the Above Conditions Are Met?

Unfortunately, we still can’t be 100% sure if the cosmetic is natural. The surest way is to buy water from a specialist shop that sells raw, natural ingredients.

Another way is to make your own rose water at home. While the process itself is not very difficult, it is quite challenging to source rose petals from a trusted supplier. Avoid buying roses sold at your local florist because those flowers are often sprayed with chemicals. The surest method is to grow your own roses in your garden.

How to use rose water

As a Toner:

Soak a cotton ball in water and apply on your face. Rose water cleanses your skin and tightens pores. Consider adding a couple of drops of glycerin if you have very dry or sensitive skin.

As a Moisturizer:

During the summer heat, there’s nothing better than splashing your face with cooling rose water.

For tired eyes:

Apply cooled water under your eyes to reduce puffiness.

Against Acne:

Mix Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) clay with rose water to effectively clean pores and fight acne.

For Hair:

Applying rose water after shampooing nourishes and moisturizes your hair.

As we can see, rose water is a versatile all-weather product that can find a place in your skin-care routine regardless of your skin type. Would you use any of the solutions above?

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[10 Homemade Face Packs for Beautiful Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/10-Homemade-Face-Packs-for-Beautiful-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/10-Homemade-Face-Packs-for-Beautiful-SkinMon, 12 Jun 2017 20:53:59 GMTWhy pay for expensive face packs when you can make your own? With a few basic ingredients, you can treat your skin for a fraction of the cost and have fun at the same time.

I enjoy giving advice to others on how to get beautiful skin with homemade treatments.

"Beauty comes at a price," or so the saying goes. For those of us on a tight budget, this certainly seems to be the case. Maybe that is why, for many of us, our beauty products are the first things sacrificed when times get tough. This doesn’t have to be the case though. We all deserve pampering and spoiling now and again. With a few basic ingredients, it is possible to make your own homemade face packs.

Follow these simple recipes to cleanse, moisturise, and rejuvenate your skin at a fraction of store prices. Below are 10 face masks for all skin types. Why not treat yourself and give one of them a try? As with all face masks, be careful to avoid the eyes, and wash off with lukewarm water after 10 to 15 minutes.

1. Avocado

Packed with vitamins and rich in healthy fats, the avocado makes a nutritious addition to any diet. But this fantastic fruit is so much more than guacamole. Ideal for using on all skin types, avocados make an ideal ingredient for a face pack. Equally beneficial for dry, oily and sensitive skins, they improve the skin’s elasticity and help keep wrinkles at bay. The mashed flesh can be applied straight to the skin. For best results though, avocados are mixed with other ingredients depending on your skin type. For those with dry skin, a paste made with ½ a cup of cooked oatmeal (cooled) and ½ a mashed avocado can be applied to the skin. Honey is another superfood that combines with avocado to leave your skin glowing. With healing and antiseptic properties, a spoonful of honey added to avocado will soon clear up an outbreak of spots. For those with more mature skin, add a tablespoon of plain yogurt to the mix for a moisturising and brightening effect.

2. Rosewater and Banana

Rosewater is one of those ingredients that is worth investing in as it doesn’t cost a great deal and a little goes a long way. Made from distilled rose petals, it can be found in many supermarkets. If you have roses in your garden, you can make it yourself by following a simple recipe. As well as smelling wonderful, rosewater has regenerative properties. It is believed to restore the PH balance of the skin. Refreshing and light, rosewater is also used as a toner. A banana and rosewater face pack provides intensive moisturisation to the skin and is excellent for preventing fine lines and wrinkles. Mix a mashed banana with a little rosewater and a teaspoon of honey and you will think that you are in heaven.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that seems to have hit the news in recent years for its positive health benefits. With amazing antiseptic and healing properties it is a staple of Indian cooking. Yet, the benefits don’t end there. Indian brides have long known of the beautifying properties of turmeric. These clever ladies use it as a face pack and body wash on their wedding day to make their skin glow. A versatile spice, it can be combined with many ingredients to create a face pack that suits your skin. A simple mask can be made with ½ a teaspoon of lemon juice, ½ a teaspoon of milk or natural yogurt and ½ a teaspoon of turmeric. Recognised for its lightening properties, this mask can be used on the elbows and knees as well as the face.

4. Cucumber and Lime

As well as making a refreshing drink, cucumber and lime juice can be combined to create a mask for oily skin. Mash ½ of a cucumber with the juice of a lime and apply to the skin. If you find the mixture too wet, add a few drops of glycerine. Glycerine can be found in the baking aisle of most supermarkets. A tablespoon of honey also helps to bind the mixture. If you have overdone the sun, the same mixture can be combined with a little natural yogurt for a cooling and soothing face pack.

5. Rose Petal and Buttermilk

Who doesn’t love to receive a bunch of roses? It’s always a little sad when they start to fade and wilt. Think twice though, before you throw them away, particularly if you have combination skin. The petals of a single rose form the key ingredient in this lovely mask. Take the petals of one rose and shred or cut them into tiny pieces. Add the rose to a teaspoon of buttermilk or natural yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of rosewater. Leave the petals steeping in the mixture for ten minutes before spreading over the skin. This face pack is gentle and soothing and helps calm reddened or flushed skin.

6. Green Tea

If you’re a fan of green tea and its antioxidant properties you will be delighted to know that you can put the leaves to a further use. Instead of throwing that used tea bag away, tear it open and take out the leaves. Mix the dampened leaves with a tablespoon of honey and spread over the face. This mask is great for opening and clearing out blocked pores, so is ideal for acne prone or oily skin. Alternatively, you can brew green tea and mix the cooled tea with rice flour, lemon juice and honey to create a paste. Best for oily skin, this mixture leaves your skin exfoliated and glowing with health.

7. Oatmeal

People are often put off using an oatmeal face pack because they are messy. Don’t let this stop you though as you are missing a treat. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties as well as soothing and healing compounds. This simple ingredient combines with others to create masks for all skin types. Cooked oatmeal allowed to cool and mixed to a paste with honey, suits all skin types. Massaged gently into the skin its exfoliating properties will help slough off dead skin leaving your complexion healthy and glowing. If you have combination skin add a few tablespoons of natural yogurt to the mix. If you find that your skin is oily, add an egg, a little mashed apple and some lemon juice for a cleansing and refreshing mask. A tablespoon of almond or olive oil and a mashed banana added to an oatmeal mask provides dry or mature skin with a moisture rich treat.

8. Mud

No article about face packs would be complete without a reference to the beautifying properties of mud. Fuller’s Earth can be purchased from pharmacies and online suppliers. Because only small amounts are used, it does represent good value for money. Mud masks are good for revitalizing the skin and drawing out toxins from the skin. Fuller’s Earth can be mixed with a little water and applied to the skin on its own. It can be quite drying so other ingredients can be added to the mix according to your skin type. Add avocado, banana and rose water for an anti-aging mask. Honey and a drop of glycerine can also be added to Fuller’s Earth for a moisturising mask. Remember though, mud cracks, so no smiling.

9. Papaya

Sometimes described as the fruit of angels, papaya can have a heavenly effect when applied to the skin. Packed with enzymes and vitamins used in expensive skin creams, it nourishes and evens the complexion. Papaya is not always suitable for those with sensitive skin so should be applied sparingly at first. The raw papaya pulp can be applied straight to the skin. For a more moisturising mask mix with honey and lemon. Papaya can also be combined with turmeric for a lightening effect.

10. Mayonnaise

Last but certainly not least in our list of home-made face packs is the old staple, mayonnaise. If the cupboards are bare and your purse is empty, dig out that jar of mayo from the back of the refrigerator and spread it on. Mayonnaise has a soothing brightening effect on the skin and once it is washed off your skin will feel super clean and refreshed. Made from eggs, oils and vinegar it has cleansing, toning and moisturising properties. Add a couple of slices of cucumber over your eyes and you’re good to go.

So there you have it, ten easy to prepare face packs. With just a few basic ingredients you can prepare the face mask that is ideal for your skin at a fraction of store prices. The added bonus of preparing your own treatments is that you know that there are no unwanted additives. As with all face packs, it is wise to consider any allergies you may have and not to overdo things. A face pack applied once or twice a week is more than enough to leave your skin healthy and glowing. Have fun experimenting. Stay beautiful, you deserve it.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on August 15, 2018:

Hi, Ann -- you are very welcome. And I Appreciate your kind words. Best wishes back at you and I love rainy days and nights where I live in northwest Alabama. Come and visit sometime. You are always welcome.

Ann Carney (author) from UK on August 15, 2018:

Thank you so much. Once again you have cheered me up. I look forward to reading more of your articles.Best wishes from rainy Liverpool UK.

Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on August 15, 2018:

Ann -- I didn't know about the plagiarism, but I was proud to tell YOU the truth about how it was written.

And I am not one to take my friends for granted--so I give you a Sincere Thank You for following me.

I will be e-mailing you a Personal Thank You note in the days to come when I get caught up with some things that need my attention.

Thanks again and keep the faith.

Ann Carney (author) from UK on August 15, 2018:

Thank you. This article has actually been plagiarised word for word and put on another site by someone claiming they wrote it so you have really cheered me up. Have a good day !

Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on August 14, 2018:

Ann -- a very helpful hub. Well-prepared and you presented a lot of practical advice. Great job.

<![CDATA[A Beginner's Guide to Botox: My Personal Experience]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Begining-Botoxhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Begining-BotoxMon, 01 May 2017 14:37:30 GMTThere are some very important things to consider before committing to Botox. I want to share them with you because they are things I learned along the way that no one told me, and I wish they had.

Cat is a beauty enthusiast, honoring the essence of natural beauty and supporting informed choices to enhance what mother nature gave us.

Cat's Lotus Flower

To Freeze or Not to Freeze

Are you considering a neurotoxin, such as Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin for the first time and wondering exactly how you should move forward? Maybe after reading this article, you will discover that this popular beauty treatment isn’t for you and resume your normal beauty routine with renewed confidence.

Perhaps your curiosity wins, and you find that it is at least worth the experience.

Either way, deciding to undergo a professional aesthetic procedure is a very personal choice with unique risks and benefits.

Either way, you are beautiful!

The following content is inspired by my own personal experiences and not intended to reflect anything other than my experience. There are millions of other experiences out that there that may be quite different from mine. I encourage you to seek out as much credible information as possible before proceeding with any cosmetic procedure.

Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are all neurotoxins derived from the same bacteria that causes botulism (Clostridium botulinum). In larger amounts, it can kill you, but the minute amounts used for cosmetic purposes serve to smooth wrinkles by paralyzing particular facial muscles. When these muscles are paralyzed, they can no longer make the movements that crease your skin.

It’s that simple.

If you are considering this treatment, there are some significant things to keep in mind. I want to share them with you because they are things I learned along the way that no one told me about, and I wish they had. Although I did my research, I had questions I didn’t even know to ask until, of course, it was too late.

Why Botox?

Five years ago, I only knew about one neurotoxin, and that was Botox, so I tried that one first.

It all started when my sister showed up with a new forehead minus the incorrigible 11's that she swore made her look angry when she was wasn't-which just made her really angry.

You let someone put poison in your face? I asked, to which she replied, I sure did.

My beautiful sister reasoned that it was worth putting a harmless amount of poison in her face rather than presenting an angry expression to the world, and most importantly, herself.

She was thrilled to pieces with her smooth forehead, elevated eyebrows, and pore-less skin.

It made her look and feel happier.

I had to admit, it did look nice, and I was a tad jealous.

Why was I bathing in dumb coconut oil for the past five years when a few tiny poisonous darts would erase all evidence of stress in less than 10-minutes?

Why Botox? That's precisely why.

Lucky me, a gallon of coconut oil later, an affordable (because it's not cheap) Botox opportunity presented itself. In May of 2105, three months before I turned 45, my virgin forehead waltzed right into a snazzy med spa where a happily frozen-faced, wide-eyed, pouty-lipped, stiff-haired dart thrower awaited our arrival.

Please, God doesn't let me look like that, I prayed.

These are the chances we take when we put our faces in someone else's hands!

By then, I felt that I had learned enough about the effects of Botox to convince myself that I was making an informed decision (I wasn't), even if it was slightly on a whim (totally on a whim).

Quite honestly, I had visions of my sister's un-furrowed, angelic forehead glistening in my dreams which sadly, trumped any informed decision I could have made. After all, my sister was still alive so that it couldn't be that bad.

Admittedly though, I was a little scared. What if I went blind? What if it was so obvious that people would point and whisper, "that one, she's had something done"? What if I had a seizure, blacked out, developed an autoimmune disorder, or my eyebrows shot up like frozen arrows forever?

What if I didn't make it out alive?

This is why we do our research.

Fortunately, none of those things happened on my first visit. After giving myself a panic attack, I walked out of the clinic sweating bullets.

What just happened in there? I asked myself.

It was all a blur.

I spent the next two weeks with a hand mirror glued to my face, monitoring every newly frozen movement waiting for my eyes to freeze in the open position forever or to slip suddenly into a coma.

A bit paranoid (a.k.a. hypochondriac), I might add. I have been that way since I was a child giving myself all kinds of strange things.

But nothing happened.

Research? Why Bother?

Do your research-just do it.

There are millions of Botox testimonials on the internet, and you really can find almost everything you could ever hope to know about this procedure, except, of course, that one particular thing you will only learn about when it happens to you.

Consider the Risks

The most common risks associated with neurotoxins aren’t what you might expect. Although allergic reactions and many other side-effects are possible (some quite serious), the most common risks involve unsatisfactory results.

More on that later.

The Consultation

Consultations are important.

During your consultation, you should be prepared with all the questions you can possibly think of to ask.

Some of those questions might be:

  • What are the risks?

Outside of allergic reactions and other physical complications, neurotoxins have the power to literally drop your forehead, make your eyebrows look like they are either flying off your face or melting into your eyes (both of which have happened to me), paralyze muscles you wish weren’t paralyzed (didn't even know existed), exacerbate baggy under eyes, and (it gets better), drop your upper lip over your front teeth right before you have a wedding to attend.

In fact, all of these ugly little things have happened to me, and I haven’t been doing it that long.

  • Before and After Portfolio of REAL people

Some clinics may not provide these, but it’s nice when they do. It doesn't hurt to ask if your injector has a portfolio to view real outcomes and not on a 23-year old airbrushed Botox *model*.

  • Do you, the injector, have Botox yourself?

I honestly wouldn’t trust anyone to inject me with Botox if they haven't had injections themselves.

  • When will it take effect, and when will it wear off?

This varies. I usually notice an onset within two days (which is early) and final results within a week. But two weeks is necessary for optimum results. If your injector is worth their expertise at the two-week mark, you will be invited back for a complimentary follow-up and balancing touch-ups if required.

Botox wears off differently for everyone. I usually start to notice it wearing off at the three-month mark but sometimes later.

  • What can a neurotoxin do, and what can it not do?

In my experience, Botox prevented the angry lines between my eyebrows (glabella muscles) from squishing together; it created a nice arch to my eyebrows, smoothed crow’s feet, slightly lifted corners of my mouth, and smoothed forehead lines. One of my biggest thrills was how it decreased eyebrow movement. I know some people like to move their eyebrows around, but mine are out of control. I literally have no control over what my face does- every emotion shows. And sometimes that looks like I’m angry or disappointed. Well, maybe I am, but I don’t want it to show so honestly. There are many other uses, but these are my own areas of concern. Unfortunately, neurotoxins can make you look awful if it isn’t done right. And that has happened to me too.

Another important thing is to find out ahead of time if the injector offers touch-ups at no cost if inconsistencies appear at the two-week mark. I really find this important because these treatments aren’t cheap, unless you go to Mexico, which I also did. There is nothing more frustrating than going back at two weeks with one side of your forehead crinkling and the other side smooth and being charged a couple of hundred dollars extra to even that mess out. This had only happened to me when I tried Dysport, and I won’t return to this injector again. Every other injector was happy to do complimentary touch-ups.

Depending on how many units or areas that need to be treated and how often, maintenance can get expensive. So be prepared for the financial upkeep of a smooth face.

Is it worth it? Only you can make that decision.

I personally think it is for me. And the reasons for that are because it works for me, it makes my beauty routine easier (I honestly don't like to spend a lot of time trying to conceal flaws that can disappear with a small injection-I'm lazy that way), I feel happier when I see myself, and that increases my confidence and makes me nicer.

Be prepared for the financial upkeep of your smooth face.

If you enjoy the benefits of your treatment, you will notice when it starts to wear off. Other people will notice too because you will be sad about it and that will show on your face, in fact, everything will show on your face once again. The Nurse who gave me my first injections summed my thoughts up nicely; she said no one needs aesthetic enhancements, but it sure makes you feel happier and act nicer to people. And I personally see no reason to love the results and not get more. I am pro simplifying my beauty routine and maintaining results. But it’s not cheap. I do not have the kind of money that makes it easy for me to throw at my face in vanity, so it does sting a little. However, I think of all the pointless things I sometimes spend money on and try not to spend that money. I also don’t have many bad habits, nor do I go out a lot or buy new clothes. So, I make some sacrifices.

If you make a budget to include cosmetic treats, you should be fine even if you’re on the poorer side of the spectrum, like me. I skimp on many things when I need to, like clothes (second-hand shops), hair care (cheap haircuts or DIY trims and box color), nights out, but I don’t skimp when it comes to my skin. Good skin can make anything else look good. But then again, I seriously would go around barefoot in a toga every day if I could.

If possible, try and find a competent, professional, and good injector you trust and stick with them.

I didn’t do this. I moved away from my place near Mexico, so I could no longer visit my favorite dermatologist, who would have been a *keeper.* I did find someone in my new area, which I liked enough, and as fancy as the area was, you would think there would be more options, but there just wasn’t. Note: I am NOT fancy. I just ended up living in a place I couldn’t afford out of desperation. I feel that’s important to note here because I am just a working girl with limited funds and need to choose my poisons (ha!) wisely. With that being said, it really is important to find someone who does a great (not ok) job, and with whom you can build a relationship with if you plan on having more done. This person will learn what you like and what makes you look your best and hopefully work within your budget. Hopefully, I really think they are few and far between, though. I liked this person in my new fancy place; for the most part, she did ok, and sometimes she did really good, but I can’t forgive her for making my upper lip droop over my upper teeth before my brother-in-law’s wedding. She told me, "I think you will enjoy these results," she was wrong. I avoided smiling as big as I normally would, and my new driver's license picture looks like my lips had a stroke.

If you don’t feel a good connection with your injector, move on because it might get worse, and they are human too, so they might not even like you, which unfortunately may show up on your face.

Do not be afraid to speak up.

Speak up if you aren’t sure you will like something. I recently let someone inject bunny lines I didn’t know I had, and I can’t tell anything different. Also, I think some injectors are overzealous and will inject everything and anything even if you don’t really *need* it, leaving a person with an empty bizarre look. This happened to my sister. I came into a little extra money and gave her Botox for her birthday, and she said the injector suggested extra areas which froze her face for months.

You might think it’s a nice idea to have a frozen face; that’s exactly what I think about my eyebrows, but there seriously is this strange, walking dead look that happens when there is no movement in a face! So speak up or leave if you have to!

Also, speak up if you don’t like your results. Some improvement might be possible. But beware of the injector who fails to admit a wrong or doesn’t try to make you happy. Do not go back. You are paying for excellent results, which will be on your face front and center for months. Most of the time, I think someone will work with you to try and make you happy, but again, this happened to me, and the injector couldn’t see anything wrong with one eyebrow flat and half of my face moving more than the other half. And she charged me to even it out. I don't think that's right.

The best results I’ve experienced were from practitioners who were skilled, personable, and professional and looked natural and healthy. If your injector sports a "frozen" look with an "over-processed face" (you will know when you see it), think twice about what that might mean for you.

Neurotoxin injections can be a great way to improve what mother- nature gave you and simplify your beauty routine, but you want quality work every time; otherwise, it’s a huge waste of money and time and enormous emotional stress. I’m a perfectionist, and I notice everything that is out of place. I am not going to be happy with poor work, and neither should you.

Knowledge is beautiful! Research and learn as you possibly can before making decisions that will literally change the way you see yourself in the mirror. Always remain true to yourself in beauty and spirit. Know that either way, beauty always comes from within!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Cat Radke


Cat Radke (author) from Puerto Rico on April 01, 2020:

Wow! Thank you for painting such a creatively vivid picture of the benefits of Botox! Crow's feet ARE silly! I am particularly interested in these "*sanctuary* lines in grown-ups", you speak of!

Cat Radke (author) from Puerto Rico on July 07, 2017:

Thank you for taking the time to read my article and commenting, Louise! Botox (and others like it) definitely plays an important role in the beauty lives of others, but indeed does not appeal to everyone. It didn't appeal to me either until I actually tried it. I like to look as natural as possible so I went pretty conservative. In my mid 40's it makes my beauty routine easier. I also don't like to spend a lot of time *working on my face* in the mornings and it definitely helps in that department. It can be easy to over do though and it's just not for everyone. You're beautiful by the way!

Louise Powles from Norfolk, England on July 07, 2017:

Interesting article. Botox isn't something that's really appealed to me, but from what I've seen on TV it seems to work wonders.

<![CDATA[Keratosis Pilaris Dry/Sensitive Skin Care Guide]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Keratosis-Plilaris-DrySensitive-Skin-Carehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Keratosis-Plilaris-DrySensitive-Skin-CareSat, 29 Apr 2017 08:30:29 GMTKeratosis pilaris can be a scary situation to deal with. You're not going through it alone. If you have dry, sensitive skin, this guide may help you.

Brittany Banks is a young woman who likes to help people in difficult situations.

What Is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris, also known as "KP," is a common and non-contagious skin disorder. KP occurs when hair follicle pores become over-clogged with keratin. Our bodies naturally produce keratin. Skin with this disorder can look red and bumpy. Some people experience inflamed skin as well. Your goal is to prevent those hair follicle pores from getting clogged. You can achieve this if you find the right skin products. If you have dry, sensitive skin like I do, this can be a very long and difficult process. Let me guide you in the right direction.

Cleansing Your Body

Take mild temperature showers. This can help relieve your skin of inflammation and redness. Find soap and body wash that are formulated for sensitive/dry skin. For some people, changing soaps can cause irritation. I use Irish Spring bar soap. This is the only soap I have used. If you believe that your soap is causing irritation, try switching to something different. Everybody's skin is different. It can take a while to find the right soap, but you can do store returns even if you've used it depending on their store policy. When you are showering, you should exfoliate. Use a microfiber washcloth or a simple cotton one.

Cleaning and Washing Your Face

Washing your face can be tricky. Let's start with removing the makeup from your face. I prefer using cotton rounds and Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser. I would prefer to wipe the cleanser all over then use a microfiber wash cloth to gently remove makeup. I also use this method to wash my face, but I will do it twice. Some face wipes have chemicals in them that can cause more irritation. Having KP, your face is very prone to becoming inflamed.

Now let's talk about face cleansers. You need to find a cold cream face cleanser that will help with redness and not cause irritation. I love using Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser. This cleanser has helped my skin improve and feel healthy.

Once you find a cleanser, you need to buy some microfiber washcloths and only use them for your face. Use your cleanser once a day. While you are washing your face, use mild temperature water. If you have acne, take a break from using any acne cleanser. Some acne cleansers have a lot of chemicals in them and can cause your face to feel like it's burning. This burning sensation is a sign of irritation. Irritation can cause redness. Do not scrub your face and wash your face gently. Pat dry with a cotton towel, do not rub.

My Experience With Face-Cleansing Products


When I talked to my doctor, she told me to find an emollient cream. I tried anything and everything. Let's talk about what you should do. You need to use lotion twice a day with this skin disorder or you will not see any improvement.

Apply lotion after a shower, after you wash your face, and before you go to bed. Moisturizing your skin is very important to keep it looking young and healthy. Emollient is thicker than lotion. I found Procure Rosacare works well for my face. I order it off of Amazon for $23.00. I also go over my face at night with Azelaic Acid by The Ordinary. I use a product called E45 on my body which I also found on Amazon for $5.00.

Lotions I Have Tried

Overnight Skin Care

Purchase some cotton balls and pink calamine lotion. Yes, calamine lotion is great for your skin. Our parents probably used this if we ever had chickenpox when we were young. You can use calamine on anything that has to deal with your skin. This pink lotion can help with redness dramatically. You will go to bed with a red face and wake up without it.

Calamine also works for acne. Don't use acne products, because they have chemicals in them that can burn your face. Calamine is cool to the skin and will help with inflammation. I have seen improvement with my acne and blackheads. You may look like you got in a fight with a paintbrush. If you can fight the embarrassment of it, then this method may work for you. You should start seeing improvement within a month. Apply calamine lotion using a cotton ball and dabbing it on. Beware, calamine lotion is very runny but dries quickly.

Calamine lotion

Author: Brittany Banks


I hope you find the skin care products that work for you. I have been down this road that you are taking. Having keratosis pilaris can be embarrassing and frustrating. Researchers say when we get older, our skin disorder may improve. I really hope they are right for the sake of all of us going through this.

Meanwhile, we do what we can do that is best for our skin. If we treat it right, we will have good looking skin. If you haven't already, please visit your doctor. It may not be keratosis pilaris that you have, it could be something else. If you need help finding products that may work best for your skin, there is a website called cosdna.com and there is also skincarisma.com. These websites will help you find the products that are best for you. A lot of our skin issues come from products with harmful ingredients. Please visit these websites to see if you can find the best products for you.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Brittany Banks

<![CDATA[3 Home Remedies for Dark or Red Circles Under the Eyes]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Cures-For-Dark-Circles-Under-Your-Eyeshttps://bellatory.com/skin/Cures-For-Dark-Circles-Under-Your-EyesFri, 27 Jan 2017 01:50:29 GMTIf you have dark or red circles under your eyes, you can get rid of them using foods you may have in your kitchen right now!

Margaret Minnicks has been an online writer for many years. She writes articles that are interesting to her readers.

Do you have dark circles under your eyes?

There seem to be many creams and ointments on the market to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. On one episode of The Real, the hosts of Fox's daytime talk show illustrated how to use home remedies to do the trick. Adrienne Houston, Loni Love, Tamera Mowry-Housley, and Jeannie Mai gave some very important tips that are sure to eliminate dark circles from under the eyes—no matter how long they have been there.

Fox's "The Real"

1. Parsley

Co-host Jeannie Mai mentioned to co-host Adrienne Houghton that cucumber slices have often been used to get rid of dark circles. However, Jeannie suggested something even better.


  1. Crush a handful of parsley in warm water and make a paste.
  2. Place the wet parsley paste directly onto the dark areas under your eyes. Either use your fingers or apply with a sponge.
  3. This should be done more than once so the circles can completely disappear.

2. White Potatoes

Co-host Loni Love explained that raw white potatoes can be used to get rid of dark circles. White potatoes are much better than cucumber slices because white potatoes will stay cold much longer. White potatoes are loaded with Vitamin C and other nutrients that help eliminate dark circles.


  1. Put the potato in the freezer for about 30 minutes.
  2. Cut the potato into thick slices and place a slice on the dark area under each eye while lying down. Make sure to use a slice large enough to cover the dark area underneath.
  3. Leave the slice on for about 15 minutes for immediate results.

Most people might not know this, but raw white potatoes contain natural bleaching agents that will not only help lighten dark circles under the eyes, but they will also eliminate puffiness from around the eyes.

3. Milk

Co-host Tamera Mowry-Housley also used Adrienne as her model. She told Adrienne that milk is not just for drinking. In fact, milk can get rid of under-eye dark circles.


  1. Pour some milk in a bowl.
  2. Soak a cotton ball in the milk and place it over the dark areas under her eyes. Make sure the milk-soaked cotton ball covers the dark circles under the eyes as well as the eyelids.
  3. Keep on eyes for 5 to 7 minutes.
  4. Rinse the eyelids well with cool water.
  5. Repeat once or twice daily. It might take a few weeks to see significant results, depending on how dark the skin is.

Milk helps to rid dark circles from around the eyes because it contains Vitamins A, B6, B12, and D to help build new skin cells.

Other Food Products That Work

Only three food products were illustrated by the women of The Real. However, there are other food products that can to be used. They include the following items:

  • Soaked tea bag (preferably green tea)
  • Avocado mask
  • Rose water
  • Avocado mask
  • Tomato
  • Coconut oil
  • Turmeric
  • Mint
View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on January 29, 2017:

Very useful. And such cost-effective treatments for such a huge problem. Thanks for sharing.

Margaret Minnicks (author) from Richmond, VA on January 26, 2017:

This article contains great tips. Hope you find them useful. Feel free to share your own remedies.

<![CDATA[Dead Sea Facial: The Natural Beauty of Minerals]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/deadseafacialhttps://bellatory.com/skin/deadseafacialSun, 08 Jan 2017 14:20:37 GMTDead Sea mud is naturally high in concentrations of magnesium, calcium chlorides, potassium and salts. These essential minerals offer the skin benefits that beautify and refresh our complexions all wh

Awdur has been an online writer for over five years. Awdur's articles often focus on health and skin care.

The benefits of the Dead Sea facial are plentiful. Read on to learn more!


The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea (actually a lake), comfortably situated between Israel and Jordan at 1,300 feet below sea level, fills a void in what is in fact the "lowest place" on earth. Protected from pollution by its location, the Dead Sea is continuously fed by the Jordan River and a number of local mineral springs. Because of its special conditions, both the mud and water of the Dead Sea are an extraordinary source of minerals and natural sediments that have accumulated over countless years. Dead Sea mud, valuable for its high concentrations of magnesium, calcium chlorides, potassium and salts offers the skin numerous health and beauty benefits

The Dead Sea

Benefits From Minerals

Minerals benefit the skin by absorbing and utilizing the moisture that is necessary for keeping our skin smooth, soft and resilient. As we age, it is necessary to supplement our skin with moisture in order to lessen its vulnerability to the damaging influences that continuously surround us in our daily lives. Skin cells rely on minerals for metabolism. Without minerals our skin cells cannot synthesize the nutrients they require for healthy maintenance and growth. Keeping the moisture of our skin well balanced slows down the effects of aging and protects it from free radical damage. Dead Sea mud, now available to the public for purchase was once so valued for its beauty properties that Marc Antony captured the Dead Sea area for Cleopatra. Ancient Egyptians are known to have used the mud in the preparation of cosmetics, perfumes and medicinal products, and Cleopartra obviously desired the availability of a continuous supply; I guess she got what she wanted... for awhile.

Dead Sea Mud

Mineral and Salt Content

The mineral and salt content of Dead Sea mud affects people differently. Let's face it, depending on skin type we all have different needs. People with oily skin can safely use the mud up to three times per week, whereas normal skin types would limit their use to no more than twice a week and dry skin types no more than once per week. Although, I have to admit that having dry skin myself, I wouldn't use the preparation more than a few times per month.

How You Can Upgrade Their Experience

Dead Sea mud users can also upgrade their experience by adding other readily available ingredients to their mask preparations. A bit of honey, aloe vera, lemon juice and even essential oils can be added during the mixing; the best thing about preparing treatments at home is the individuality of the results. Just remember to apply your mask thinly and to soften it with a warm, wet towel before removal. Softening the mask will make it far easier to remove and a much more pleasant experience.

Preparation of Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea mud may be prepared in a number of different ways depending upon how simple or extravagant you'd like your application to be. Simple masks can be made by taking several teaspoons of the mud grains (available in many health food stores or online) and gradually adding water until a soft paste forms. This application, which only requires a small amount of mud should be thinly spread on fresh, clean skin and allowed to dry. After drying, just rinse and pat your face with a clean towel and relish the feeling. Note, that Dead Sea mud's stimulating ingredients may be used on the body as well as the face, but that those same stimulating ingredients may require some getting used to. If you're using the mud for the first time, it might be a good idea to put it off until you have a nice period for relaxation and to avoid its use just prior to a night on the town. Different skin reacts in different ways, and as with anything else, better safe than sorry.

The simple application noted above is also beneficial when used as an exfoliant. Dry, irritated and often abused body parts like knees and elbows easily shed their flaky, dry skin when treated. Dead skin doesn't have a chance against the mud and after treatment rinses down the drain leaving your skin both smooth and moisturized. Extremely dry areas may of course require more than one application depending on how neglected they've been, but once you've experienced the desired results I doubt you'll ever neglect them again.

Test a Small Patch of Skin Before Application

As with all natural ingredients, test a small patch of skin before application. Most natural ingredients are safely and easily used by the majority, but when using something new there is always a chance of an allergic reaction. Those with sensitive skin should also use these products carefully


The Complete Guide to Natural Healing, International Masters Publishers, @ MCMXCIX

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Awdur (author) from Chicago on July 14, 2019:

Thank you, Larry!

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on January 08, 2017:

Interesting read.

<![CDATA[Honey and Oats Facial Scrub for Flawless Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Honey-and-Oats-Facial-Scrub-for-Flawless-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Honey-and-Oats-Facial-Scrub-for-Flawless-SkinMon, 05 Sep 2016 19:00:40 GMTHere is a simple DIY facial scrub recipe that is made with all natural and all organic ingredients that will keep your skin happy, healthy, and blemish free!

I've experimented with a number of DIY scrubs and finally found one that works great!

Why Should I Exfoliate?

Exfoliating your skin is so very important. Not only does it help to remove the old dead skin cells, but it also promotes blood flow and circulation in the skin when you massage it in. Exfoliating also loosens those stubborn blackheads, making them easier to extract. and using an exfoliating scrub two or three times a week is best. This will help cell renewal, prevent wrinkles as well as premature aging and is a great and easy way to get that deep pore clean feeling.

For the past ten years, I have suffered greatly from acne breakouts. These breakouts would get so bad that it was almost humiliating to go to school or in public for the fear of being judged. Finally, after spending countless amounts of money on facial cleansers and scrubs to control my acne I took matters into my own hands and started to experiment with DIY beauty products. After a couple of years, I finally created a scrub that I am proud to say has helped me keep my sensitive acne-prone skin clean, clear, and healthy.

All-Natural DIY Scrub

All the products that I use to make this scrub are all organic/raw/natural. Some of the ingredients are a little more pricey than usual, due to a number of essential oils. However, it is completely worth it because in the long run it is more economical to make a product specifically for you that you know will work rather than spend countless dollars on store-bought cleansers that do not work or cause side effects.

This scrub will last you a long time and do wonders for the skin when used twice or three times a week. It is also a great compliment to a DIY 15min in-shower facial. No that I have efficiently babbled about exfoliating and the amazing recipe I am about to share with you beauties, let's go ahead and jump right in on how to make this skin-saving facial scrub!

Honey and Oats Facial Scrub Recipe

Before we get started let's gather all the ingredients and tools we are going to need to mask this quick and simple scrub. We'll start with tools first!

Tools You Will Need

  • Measuring spoons
  • Cleansing brush (optional)
  • Measuring cups
  • Empty containers for storage (mason jars, etc)
  • Mixing stick
  • Mixing bowls
  • Clean work station

ingredients You Will Need

  • 1/3 Cup of Old Fashioned Oats
  • 1/3 Cup of Raw Granulated Sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons of Raw Organic Honey
  • 1/4 Teaspoon of Matcha Green Tea Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon of Sweet Almond Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of Jojoba Oil
  • 1/8 Teaspoon of Rosehip Oil
  • 1/8 Teaspoon of Lemon Oil
  • 1/8 Teaspoon of Lavender Oil
  • 1/8 Teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil
View the original article to see embedded media.
View the original article to see embedded media.

Step 1: Gather and Prep Dry Ingredients

  • Go ahead and measure out the oats, green tea, and sugar.
  • In either a food processor, coffee bean grinder, or whatever you have, finely chop the oats.
  • Once you have them nicely chopped, go ahead and mix the sugar, green tea, and oats together.
  • Now that you have these all mixed together it should look like exactly what it is: oats and sugar mixed together that are green.
  • Set the mixture to the side and prep your essential oils and honey.

Step 2: Prep Wet Ingredients

Since we have prepped our dry ingredients it is time to get the oils and honey out and measured.

  • In one mixing bowl go ahead and measure out all the oils listed above and mix well. One reason I like to measure the oils out before the honey is because it makes it so much easier for the honey to just glide off the measuring spoon.
  • Once the oils are blended add the honey and mix it all together well.

Step 3: Mix Wet & Dry Ingredients

Okay so at this point we have all our ingredients prepped and ready to mix.

  • At this point, I will usually take my dry ingredients and stir them as I pour in the honey and oil.
  • Make sure to mix them well together so that all the dry ingredients are well coated with the honey and oil mixture.
  • After you have mixed it and completely coated all the dry ingredients, you have successfully made yourself a honey and oats sugar scrub!

How to Use the Scrub

Now that you have made your very own sugar honey and oats scrub and know how to store it lets talk about how I like to use my homemade scrubs.

  • I use a gentle exfoliant, like a sugar scrub two-three times a week.
  • I will usually use it twice after a good facial cleanses with one of my DIY essential oil cleansers, as well as when I do my weekly spa-quality facial.
  • This helps to keep my skin bright and free of dead skin cells, but using your fingertips to gently rub the scrub in circular motions increases blood flow and collagen productions.
  • It moisturizes and helps the skin retain moisture due to the essential oils.
  • These same oils also help to prevent and treat acne, acne scarring, sun damage, premature aging, the signs of aging, rosacea, and many other skin conditions that tend to make us self-conscious.

I hope you all find this scrub as helpful as I did with my variety of skin conditions.

Storing Your Sugar Scrub

You can choose whatever type of container you would like to store your scrub in. I tend to use a small mason jar or a travel bottle. Both can be found at a grocery store. You do not need to store this in the fridge between uses.

Ingredients Used

I wanted to give you guys a breakdown as to what each ingredient does to the skin and how it helps. I picked each one of these ingredients to help with my specific skin problems (acne, acne marks, uneven tone, etc); however, feel free to tweak the recipe to your skin ailments! If you do, please comment on what you used, your skin condition, and how it worked for you!

Dry Ingredients Benefits

  1. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is one of my favorite ingredients to use in my skin care. It is a wonderful natural exfoliant and cleansing agent. It helps in nourishing the skin and retain moisture. It has anti-aging properties and can help to treat acne and breakouts.
  2. Sugar: Sugar is great to combine with essential oils to create a skin-loving scrub. The fine particles make it a gentle exfoliate for sensitive skin. Sugar is also a natural humectant, which means it draws moisture from the air to hydrate the skin when used topically. It is a natural source of glycolic acid as well. This is an alpha hydroxy acid that deeply penetrates the skin encouraging cell turnover and faster generation. Using sugar in exfoliants can help prevent and reverse the signs of aging as well as even the complexion.
  3. Green Tea: Green Tea is an all-around superfood in my opinion. Not only is it fantastic for the body but it can also do wonders for a skin. One of my all-time favorite ingredients and most definitely my go-to treatment for any skin condition. It has antioxidants that help to flush out toxins, rid the skin of impurities, fight the signs of aging, and retain moisture. It is also a natural skin toner that protects from damaging sun rays while also soothing and calming the skin.
  4. Honey: Honey is known for its amazing antibacterial properties that make it so wonderful for acne treatments. It helps to heal existing acne and reduce the appearance and chance of acne marks and scars. It also helps to moisturize the skin and helps it to retain that moisture. It also absorbs dirt and impurities making it a cleansing agent. Honey also helps to open pores making it easier to cleanse them. It is also wonderful in slowing the signs of aging and minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Essential Oils Benefits

  1. Sweet Almond: Sweet almond oil is one of my go-to oils for almost everything. It can be used both for skin and hair care. This oil is absolutely a gem for natural skincare. It makes the skin healthier by nourishing the skin and keeping it hydrated. Sweet almond oil will also gently remove impurities from the skin as well as dead skin cells. While also helping to enhance the complexion. It is known to reduce the appearance of dark under-eye circles as well as reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It not only reduces the appearance of aging but also delays the signs of aging.
  2. Jojoba: Jojoba oil is a great carrier oil that has a number of skin benefits. It allows you to add other essential oils so they are safe to apply topically. It is a great skin moisturizer as well as a protectant and cleanser. Its cleansing property allows it to help fight the harmful bacteria that cause breakouts and pimples. Jojoba oil also helps to increase the healing time for current breakouts. It is also known to aid in the reduction of skin lesions.
  3. Rosehip: Rosehip oil seems to be one of those oils that is a cure-all for skin issues, and is used in many products for wrinkles, stretch marks, pigmentation problems, sun damage, and acne and acne scarring. It is a natural source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other great skin nutrients. It will brighten the skin, help to calm and hydrate, repair and regenerate skin tissue, helps to reduce the signs and appearance of aging, improve skin texture, and fights free radicals. Rosehip does all this and more yet is still gentle enough to use on sensitive skin.
  4. Lemon: Lemon essential oil is one of the best oils to use as a cleanser. It pulls out toxins from the skin, purifying the skin and removing the bacteria and germs that cause acne and breakouts. It is also known to even and improve the look of the complexion. It leaves the skin feeling softer and more supple than before. It penetrates the skin and deeply nourishes it. This makes it one of the best oils to use in DIY facial cleanser recipes.
  5. Lavender: Lavender is one of my favorite essential oils. It is so calming and soothing to the skin. This oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it great to use in acne treatments. Not only does lavender work wonders on acne problems, but it is also used in a number of treatments for wrinkles, psoriasis, and other inflammatory-related conditions. It has also been shown to aid in reducing hair loss.
  6. Tea Tree: Tea tree oil has become one of the most popular essential oils for at-home remedies for acne and skin problems. It is very close to benzoyl peroxide in the way it treats the skin however, it is a bit gentler than benzoyl peroxide with less negative effects on the skin. It can cause irritation to the skin if overused or not diluted properly when used on sensitive skin. It's known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to reduce the size of pimples and, kill acne and breakout-causing bacteria.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2016 Danielle Nash

<![CDATA[5 New and Interesting Beauty Treatments to Try This Year]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Beauty-Treatments-to-Try-This-Yearhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Beauty-Treatments-to-Try-This-YearTue, 26 Apr 2016 08:23:08 GMTIf you think that you have tried everything and beauty salons can offer you nothing exciting, check out this article—perhaps you’ll find a treatment you’ve never come across before!

I am an aspiring cosmetologist, and I specialize in skincare treatment.

As you know, there is nothing new except what has been forgotten, so the things that we see as innovations may have been popular in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago—or even more recently. Even come-backs from the 1960s are not that uncommon. That’s why I have to admit that you should be a little skeptical about all these just-outs in ads and commercials. Still, there is nothing wrong with being curious about things everyone is talking about, and I want to give you a brief insight into some newer specialties you may see in beauty salons’ leaflets. Let’s begin!

Diamonds are used in some salons to abrade clients' skin and remove dead cells.

1. Diamond Exfoliation

Yes, we are beginning with a rich-and-beautiful style treatment, but don’t be prejudiced against it. The diamond, which is the hardest material in the world, has long been associated with magical qualities, including increasing the owner’s beauty and power. This is partly true because diamond powder is an exceptionally good abrasive. It removes dead cells and polishes skin in a very gentle way, which makes it an alternative for those whose skin isn’t keen on fruit acid treatment.

The only question is whether this luxurious procedure is a good value for the money. As a skin expert, I can tell you that this treatment is, of course, rather pricey since diamonds are not a dime a dozen, but it is worth trying—at least you'll be able to tell your friends “well, you know, I’ve just had my skin treated with diamonds.” It may sound cooler than it is actually is, but we live only once, don’t we?

On the other hand, it is not an innovation. Masks and scrubs with diamond powder have been on the market for years, and they are also quite good. So, if you don’t feel like indulging yourself with an hour-long diamond treatment in a salon, you can try something a little less flossing but still nearly as impressive.

If you ever wondered what Netra Basti is, this is it!

2. Oil Eye Bath

There are two types of people: those who come back to do it every month and those who run away after the first time they try it (but fail to escape because they can’t open their eyes with oil all over their faces). Fortunately, the latter type is quite rare, so there is little chance that you are one of them.

The treatment is popular in Ayurvedic salons, and the above photo is what it is supposed to look like. First, a cosmetologist makes a bottomless “bath” of dough and puts it around your eye. Then the bath is filled with warm oil, and you relax a little. In due time, the bath is removed, your eye zone is massaged, and the expert moves on to the other eye. The end.

Is it worth trying? My answer is yes, unless your eyes are too sensitive. Customers who didn’t like this exotic treatment were all known for their particularly sensitive eye zones, and they were not excited about letting their eyes soak in warm oil. If you are okay with this, go ahead! You will get properly moisturized skin and fresh eyes, not to mention emotional relaxation.

3. Laser Cellulite Treatment

If you are not a newbie to beauty treatment trends, you must have already heard a thousand times that there is no way to remove cellulite once and for all. This is women’s curse number one (maybe two—right after periods), and we can only accept it. Still, all those popular cellulite treatments are supposed to make things better—and many of them do. The point is to find a procedure that suits you best and has the most long-lasting effect.

Anti-cellulite lasering is a relatively new treatment, so it's no wonder that it is rather pricey. Another reason for its high cost is the expensive equipment used in salons. Those lasers are designed to stimulate blood and lymph circulation, and the treatment often includes massage for better results. And the results do come, but it is still hard to say if this is really a “forever and ever” treatment.

If you are not ready to cough up hundreds of dollars for this treatment at the moment, don’t worry! The price will certainly go down soon when more salons get the necessary equipment. Until then, keep on your cellulite-fighting with the help of your favorite methods and products.

4. Teeth Mask

Okay, we have tried masking virtually everywhere from head to toes, literally speaking. But what about your teeth? Why not treat them as well?

No, no, I’m not kidding! Soon it will be a common way to make your smile snow-white again, but now it is already a fun thing to try. Fortunately, teeth masking is not about covering your oral cavity with a mud-like substance and waiting for half an hour before it can be rinsed away. Everything is a lot easier: a mouth tray filled with specially designed serum is applied to your teeth, then you wait patiently for some time, and there you are! While your thoughts were wandering in Far Far Away, the serum’s ingredients were working hard on stains, cavities, and enamel flaws. You get your irresistible smile back, and everyone is happy.

Indeed, this is a must-try on the list of each and every beauty care addict. Abrasive teeth whitening has already stirred up a hornet’s nest because of its side effects and rebounds, so it’s probably time to move on. Teeth masking claims to be a gentle way to remove stains and even to regenerate your teeth enamel. Sounds intriguing, isn’t it? So be the first to try it—maybe it is just as relaxing as Thai Spa? The above video shows a DIY version to try at home.

Microwaves are coming to your armpits' rescue!

Huffington Post

5. Microwave Hair Removal

It has been a buzzword for months and even years, and it has finally become available. If you are sick and tired of shaving and waxing, if laser hair removal doesn’t seem a good idea for you, or if you want to be a pioneer among your friends—welcome aboard!

Most concerns about this technique are caused by the popular health myth that microwaves are extremely harmful, that they destroy organic compounds, and of course, on top of the list, that they cause cancer. If it were really so, the whole nation would have already died out! However, scientists are sure: microwaves are no more dangerous than electric kettles—that is, unless the cord is damaged, you have nothing to worry about.

Moreover, microwave hair removal is not about locking you in a giant microwave until your hair falls out. This treatment is based on scientific research that proved its efficiency and safety (by the way, microwaves have long been used in medicine, so it’s—as usual—not really a big innovation). With local anesthesia, you won’t feel any pain, but be ready to have your skin swollen and reddened for some time after the treatment. Still, it’s worth its price—when those side effects go away, you will enjoy soft and smooth skin. Plus, as you’ve probably heard, this treatment decreases sweatiness significantly, so the first zone to undergo microwave hair removal is usually armpits. Actually, as a sweat-fighting solution, microwaves have been used for ages now, so hair-removal comes as a nice bonus (but it is likely to become a whole separate treatment soon).

Which Treatment Will You Try?

It seems that I have managed to cover only a few new or relatively new and little-known beauty treatments, but alas, one should not try to boil the entire ocean. Still, I encourage you to leave your comments below and ask questions about new techniques you’ve heard of but want to know more about. I will try to find out as much as possible to satisfy your curiosity. Have a nice day!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[DIY Avocado Face Masks for Glowing Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Avocado-Mask-for-Glowing-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Avocado-Mask-for-Glowing-SkinSat, 26 Dec 2015 16:41:27 GMTQuick, simple, and easy avocado facial mask recipes for glowing clear skin.

I've been making my own avocado face masks for years and can confidently say that these can work wonders for your skin.

This article will break down the benefits of avocados for skin care and provide some DIY recipes for face masks as well.

Michaelmode, CC0, via Pixabay

Avocados, or alligator pears, are a wonderful base for any facial mask. Their creamy and smooth texture is a nice start for a mask, and it is packed full of great vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for skin health. Some of their benefits include:

  • Resists the aging process
  • Protects from the sun and environment
  • Softens and moisturizes
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces inflammation
  • High in vitamins A, C, D, E, and much more
  • Fights free radicals
  • Contains healthy fats to keep skin healthy

Let's take a deeper look at some the vitamins in avocados that make them so wonderful to use in your do-it-yourself skincare regime.

How Do Avocados Benefit Your Skin?

Here's a closer look at the benefits of avocados:

  • Vitamin A: It's wonderful for treating acne and preventing and reducing the signs of aging. It stimulates the skin to plump it up, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and increases the blood flow to the skin. One reason vitamin A is known for helping to slow down the normal aging process is that it increases the deposit of collagen. It also protects against UV rays, reduces brown spots, treats acne by decreasing sebum, and improves hydration.
  • Vitamin Bs: There are a number of B vitamins in avocados, including B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6. Each B vitamin has a distinct effect on the skin and body. B2 helps to prevent and heal acne blemishes. B1 is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the skin from the effects of aging and increases circulation. B3, in particular, has been shown to help improve the ability to retain moisture in the skin, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles and helps improve the texture of dry, flaky skin. Vitamin B5 helps to heal skin blemishes and helps to minimize future breakouts by breaking down oils. B6 is essential for happy healthy skin.
  • Vitamin C: This has powerful antioxidant properties that help shield and protect the skin from free radicals. It is also extremely important for collagen health, which is key in helping to slow the natural aging process. One of vitamin C's known properties is its energy boosting—not only is this true for yourself but your skin as well. Vitamin C is great for making your skin look and feel more energized.
  • Vitamin D: It's also known as the "sunshine vitamin," because it is the main source of sunlight. Not only is it found in the UV rays of the sun, but it also helps to protect from damaging UV rays as well. Vitamin D has been proven to help heal wounds on the skin, which helps to heal acne. It also helps to prevent and fight the signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles and inflammation.
  • Vitamin E: This works to protect the skin. It protects from damaging UV rays from the sun and fights off free radicals. These both help to slow the normal and premature aging process. Because it works as an antioxidant, this also helps to reduce the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. It is also an anti-inflammatory that helps to heal wounds, such as acne blemishes, and reduces their red appearance.

Making the Masks

Now that we know what is in avocados and how they help the skin, let's start making different masks. Below is a list of mask recipes for different skin ailments.

Each one is tailored to treating a certain skin problem, with different ingredients complementing the benefits of the avocado—but they can be altered to suit your skin. They are all simple to make and are healthy for the skin. They also give a little insight into how the different ingredients help the avocado with different skin problems. So let's get started on making our masks.

Avocados have a host of vitamins that can help reduce your acne and heal your skin.

Acne-Fighting Avocado Mask

I use this mask when I am suffering from an acne breakout that is pretty bad. Using it daily usually helps me to clear up my blemishes in three to five days, depending on how much I use it during the day—once in the morning and once at night is best. It is simple and fast to make and also to helps moisturize and exfoliate the skin as well.

Before we start making the mask we will take a brief look at the ingredients and how they complement the avocado base to help us fight acne.


  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/2 avocado

Lemon Juice: Lemon juice has many acids in it, causing it to help to dissolve dead skin cells and exfoliate. This clears out any clogged pores and helps to heal any blemishes already occurring. It also lightens and brightens the complexion, while also evening the tone.

Honey: One of my go-to acne treatments, honey is a gentle exfoliate and super moisturizer. Its antibacterial properties help to heal any current acne and help to prevent future blemishes. Honey is also great for reducing redness in pimples and acne marks by minimizing inflammation.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This is my absolute favorite organic acne-fighter. It helps to gently dissolve dead skin cells, exfoliating the skin and balancing the pH level, preventing acne breakouts.


  1. Mash or puree your avocado half until you have a smooth creamy texture.
  2. Add your lemon juice, honey, and apple cider vinegar and mix well.
Though it might look like tasty guacamole, pureed avocado can actually work wonders for your skin.

Anti-Aging Mask

This mask does wonders for the more mature skin. It gently hydrates and exfoliates, revealing younger and brighter skin. It also helps to reduce the signs of aging, like crow's feet, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Let's look at the ingredients list and see what they do.


  • 1 teaspoon green tea
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1/2 avocado

Green Tea: It's known for its rich and powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help to fight premature aging by fighting off free radicals. Free radicals can be found in the environment and are a major cause of premature wrinkles and fine lines. It also helps to protect the skin from the damaging UV rays from the sun.

Honey: See honey benefits in the mask above.

Yogurt: It's high in lactic acid, making it a great natural exfoliate. It gently sloshes away dead skin cells and removes dirt and oil unclogging pores. This reveals a brighter and healthier layer of skin underneath.


  1. Mash and puree your avocado until you reach a smooth, creamy texture.
  2. Add your yogurt and mix well.
  3. Add your honey and green tea.

Note: I like to use green tea powder for this mask just for ease. You can purchase it on Amazon for a good price.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Danielle Nash


Danielle Nash (author) from North America on July 18, 2017:

Between 10-15 mins is what I usually do.

Cheryl on July 18, 2017:

How long do u leave the avocado mask on?

Danielle Nash (author) from North America on December 28, 2015:

Thank you!

Jasmeet Kaur from India on December 26, 2015:

Very well written...love home remedies..

<![CDATA[Apple Cider Vinegar Treatments for Acne-Free Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Apple-Cider-Vinegar-Treatments-for-Acne-Free-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Apple-Cider-Vinegar-Treatments-for-Acne-Free-SkinFri, 18 Dec 2015 19:10:59 GMTHere are some simple apple cider vinegar treatments for acne-free skin, toner, mask, facial scrub, and spot treatment recipes.

I've experimented with a number of different apple cider vinegar treatments and finally found some that work!

apple cider vinegar

Mike Mozart via Flickr

Apple Cider Vinegar's Benefits for the Skin

Apple cider vinegar is one of my absolute favorite ingredients to use when I have acne. It is not the best smelling thing in the world, but it certainly is the best thing for DIY beauty. Not only is apple cider vinegar (ACV) packed full of wonderful vitamins and minerals, it also has many healing properties to it. It is also an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and an anti-viral. Some ACV benefits include:

  • Balancing the pH in the skin
  • Exfoliating dead skin cells
  • Encouraging cell renewal
  • Removes excess oils and dirt
  • Cleans out pores and shrinks them
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Evens complexion reducing the appearance of acne marks/scars and age spots

Raw organic ACV is not hard to find. Most grocery stores carry it as well as many online sites such as Amazon. After using ACV on my skin for six years, I can say that it truly does work at clearing the skin of any blemishes while leaving it soft and glowing. It has become one of my staple items in my DIY skincare. Below are a few of my favorite ways to use apple cider vinegar to keep my face acne-free and glowing.

Variety of ACV Treatments

Since I adore apple cider vinegar for DIY skincare, I have come up with what I like to call my apple cider vinegar arsenal. This is a group of four different treatments I have come up with over the years that all use ACV. I tend to use these during those hormonal breakouts that seem to attack my entire face, and using these together clears my skin up in no time at all. You do not have to use all four treatments, it is just what I have found works best; the recipes are not set in stone either and can be tailored to your specific needs or skin ailments. The arsenal includes recipes and instructions for:

  • Toner
  • Mask
  • Scrub
  • Spot treatment

I hope you all find these as effective as I have and enjoy them. If you try them, please leave your thoughts in the comment section below! Enjoy and have fun!

DIY Toner

After using this toner for seven years I can honestly say that it is one of the best toners I have ever used. Using it nightly during a breakout will have your face cleared in just a few days. The best part about it is that it is also one of the simplest toners to make. All you will need is three ingredients, measuring cups and spoons, and a way to boil water. Before we make the toner let's take a look at the different ingredients to see how they help apple cider vinegar fight acne and premature aging.

Ingredient Benefits

  • Green tea: Green tea is not only good for your insides but also for your skin as well. Using it as a topical treatment is just as beneficial for the health of your skin as it is to drink it. Chalked full of powerful antioxidants green tea fights free radicals to protect the skin from the sun, while also helping to prevent the signs of premature aging, and cleaning and minimizing pores. Green tea is also known to promote the healing and prevention of acne and blemishes.
  • Lemon juice: Lemon juice is powerful at clearing up and preventing pimples and acne. It lightens and brightens the skin, as well as shrinking pores and helping the skin to maintain an optimal pH balance.

Note: Lemon juice can be irritating and should be used sparingly and diluted.


  • 2/3 Cup of green tea
  • 1/3 Cup of raw apple cider vinegar
  • 3-5 drops of lemon juice


  1. After your tea has come to a boil and cooled a bit mix in your lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.
  2. Keep this toner in the fridge.

DIY Face Mask

This a very gentle and soothing mask. It is full of antibacterial properties that help to heal and prevent acne as well as slosh away dead skin cells and encourage cell renewal. Using it one to two times a week will leave you with clear radiant skin, and it is great for all skin types. It is very simple to make and only takes just a few ingredients and minutes. Again before we start making this we're gonna take a look at what the different ingredients do and how they complement the apple cider vinegar.

Ingredient Benefits

  • Avocado: Rich in vitamin A, B, and E avocados are great moisturizers for dry skin and reduces inflammation. Full of vitamins, minerals, acids, and amino acids. This helps to even skin tone and soften skin. Avocados also have a great number of anti-aging antioxidants.
  • Honey: Great for sensitive skin, honey is extremely gently yet still powerful. It has an abundance of essential vitamins and antioxidants needed to keep the skin free of blemishes. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that all help to heal and prevent acne. It also helps to wash away dead skin cells and adding moisture to the skin.


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar


  1. Dice and puree your avocado until it is a smooth creamy texture.
  2. Next, add in your honey and mix well.
  3. Apply to your face and neck area and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Gently wash off with warm water.


This gentle yet effective scrub is great for those mid breakout days. All the ingredients have exfoliating properties that help to dissolve dead skin cells and encourage cell renewal. Once the first layer of dry tired skin has been removed a new more radiant and healthy layer is exposed leaving the skin soft and smooth. I like to use this two or three times a week at night to keep my skin happy and healthy. It is quick to make and will last about a week in the fridge after making. Let's take an in-depth look at the ingredients.

Ingredient Benefits

  • Brown sugar: Organic brown sugar is one of my favorite bases for a DIY exfoliator. It is gentle yet powerful enough to remove dead skin cells while moisturizing and softening the healthier brighter layer of skin underneath. Not only is it a cost-effective alternative to spa and store scrubs, but it will also leave a lovely sweet scent to your skin.


  • 1/2 avocado
  • 4 teaspoons organic brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 3 drops fresh lemon juice


  1. Mash and puree your avocado until you get a smooth creamy texture.
  2. Next, mix in your honey and lemon juice.
  3. Add your brown sugar and mix well.
  4. Apply to the face and neck area and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Gently pat and massage the mixture into the skin with your fingertips.
  6. Wash off with warm water.
View the original article to see embedded media.

DIY Spot Treatment Using ACV

This is best for those stubborn blemishes that are hard to get rid of. Best to use at night since it requires you to put a band-aid over the area. This quick little spot treatment will work wonders on those big or deep under the skin pimples and blemishes.


  • 1 teaspoon organic raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon raw organic apple cider vinegar


  1. Mix your vinegar with your honey until it is completely mixed.
  2. Dab a bit of the mixture onto the breakout and apply a band-aid.
  3. Leave on overnight and rinse with warm water the next morning.
View the original article to see embedded media.
View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Danielle Nash


Danielle Nash (author) from North America on December 28, 2015:

I love love love ACV. Natural products are the best to use. They are safer and healthier.

Cynthia Haltom from Diamondhead on December 18, 2015:

I love to use natural products especially organic. I hear you vinegar is a miracle for many ailments.

<![CDATA[10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/10-Ways-to-Get-Rid-of-Cellulite-Naturallyhttps://bellatory.com/skin/10-Ways-to-Get-Rid-of-Cellulite-NaturallyWed, 21 Oct 2015 20:12:09 GMTRoughly 90 percent of women have noticeable cellulite. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce or eliminate the appearance of the butt dimples.

Elizabeth Yetter is a full-time writer and professional bread baker. She loves to come up with possible solutions for common skin problems.

Cellulite plagues many women of all ages, about 90 percent of all women. When I was a teenager, a friend’s mother pointed out my cellulite to me when I was wearing a bathing suit and promptly told me to drink more water. I didn’t know what offended me more: her pointing out my teenage cellulite or her giving me dietary advice. Needless to say, I was 15 years old at the time, and her comment made me cellulite paranoid for many years until I found the tricks to minimize the crinkles on my cheeks.

While there are some that say that you cannot get rid of cellulite, I say the opposite is true. When I weighed more, I had cellulite. After losing the weight and exercising, the cellulite is pretty much gone. Of course, it is all about genetics and finding what works best for your body.

1. Stay Moisturized

Use plenty of moisturizer on your troubled areas. I prefer to use unrefined organic coconut oil on my skin. Other good, natural oils include unrefined shea butter and extra virgin olive oil. Moisturize your backside twice a day, such as once in the morning after a shower and once in the evening or before going to bed.

Antoniadis Gardens

By Ahmed Hamed Ahmed (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

2. Exfoliate

Not only should you exfoliate your face, but you should also exfoliate your bottom. You can do this once a day. My oldest daughter makes her own scrub out of ground coffee. Mix together two parts ground coffee, two parts coconut oil, and one part white or brown sugar. The caffeine in the coffee is believed to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, the sugar is exfoliating, and the coconut oil keeps your bum moisturized.

3. Lose the Extra Body Fat

Yes, you do have to exercise to get rid of cellulite. It sucks at first, but after a week, when you start to see results, you will be ecstatic. There are many short exercise routines available online for free that target cellulite, and you should try them out. While I hate to publicly admit this, I am one of the consumers who bought the Brazil Butt Lift Workout. It is painful, but it works miracles.

Wall Sit

By CarpalTunnelEx (http://www.carpaltunnel-cure.com) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

4. Squats

It is time to get on the squat bandwagon. Set aside just a few minutes every day to do a few sets of squats. There are also some great squat schedules available online on sites like Pinterest. Do whatever it takes to get yourself and keep yourself motivated—doing squats are essential to a good looking bum.

5. Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Make sure you are getting enough omega-3s in your diet or take supplemental fish oil. Omega-3s stimulate collagen production and can reduce the appearance of your cellulite. While I have upped my fish intake to one to two times a week, I still take my omega supplements (I am 42, and I will do whatever it takes to stay healthy at this point). My preferred brand is Nordic Naturals, and they are available on Amazon.

Eat More Fruit

6. Change Your Diet

Yeah, it sounds so simple, but it can be very difficult to do. To lose the cellulite, you need to alter your diet. Don’t plan on doing this all at once because you will set yourself up for failure. Make subtle changes over time to your diet. Increase your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. Reduce processed sugar and work on eliminating fast foods and then processed foods from your diet. I found that after the junk food cravings diminished, my tastebuds began to change. Natural food became more flavorful, berries and fruit tasted super sweet (who needs candy when you can enjoy a healthy handful of red raspberries), and, honestly, when I tasted junk food after being away from the stuff for over a month, it tasted disgusting and made me sick to my stomach. Making changes to your diet will change your overall health.

7. Dry Brushing

I have never tried dry brushing because I exfoliate every day. However, many people feel that it helps improve blood circulation and reduce the sight of cellulite. To dry brush your bum, you will need a body brush. When your skin is dry, such as before a shower, use the brush to gently brush upwards, starting at your feet and working your way up to your shoulders. This should only take a few short minutes. Afterward, take a shower. You can do this once a day.

8. Vinegar Wrap

I use apple cider vinegar for numerous things, but I’ve never tried this wrap. People say that it really helps getting rid of cellulite. What you do it mix together equal portions of water and apple cider vinegar. Apply the solution to the areas affected by cellulite. Cover with plastic wrap and then a warm towel. Leave on for an hour. When done, remove the wrap and wash the vinegar solution off. You can do this up to once a day.

9. Water

Son of a gun, my friend’s mother was right. Drinking water does help with cellulite. Most people don’t drink enough water, and that can damage your skin. Make a solid plan to increase your daily water intake. Begin by drinking water first thing in the morning. If you are like me and can’t stand plain old water, add a squeeze of lemon to your water. Lemon water is supposed to be healthy for you, anyhow.

10. Switch to Sea Salt

Here is one of the easiest tricks on this list: switch to using sea salt. Celtic sea salt and Himalayan crystal salt are packed with essential minerals that your body needs. Refined salt, however, can leach minerals out of your body and dehydrate you, increasing the appearance of cellulite. Sea salt is a touch more expensive than regular table salt, but it is one changeover you will not be able to taste, and it is so easy to do.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Elizabeth Yetter


Yoleen Lucas from Big Island of Hawaii on November 06, 2015:

Thanks! I'll have to try these!

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on October 22, 2015:

Wonderful tips!

<![CDATA[A DIY Peel for Dry, Cracked Feet]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Do-It-Yourself-Foot-Peelhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Do-It-Yourself-Foot-PeelWed, 12 Aug 2015 18:23:09 GMTWith summer in full swing, learn how you can get your feet beach-ready with a homemade foot mask made from ingredients in your bathroom cabinet!

I am a stay-at-home wife who has suffered the embarrassment of dry feet for a good portion of my life.

I have always had dry feet, and, for a long time, I felt like I was doomed to live my life with embarrassing feet that were so dry and cracked that they actually hurt. Even though professional pedicures and spa treatments probably would have helped, I was so embarrassed about my feet that I wouldn't let anyone look at them, let alone touch them long enough to do something about it. When I finally got fed-up enough to want to fix the problem, I had years' worth of dry, rough, and thick skin built up on the bottoms of my heel. They looked like my grandmother's, and we have fifty years between us!

I tried everything from pumice stones and electronic files to sugar scrubs and more. Nothing seemed to work. The night that I woke my husband up by scraping his leg with my heels was the night I knew I needed a miracle product.

While doing research, I came across a product called Baby Foot "Exfoliant Foot Peel," a Japanese chemical foot mask that claims to leave your feet feeling brand new by using fruit acid to eat away your awful, dry skin.

The reviews for this 'miracle product' were all positive, but, unfortunately, I was not in the mood to pay $25 for two single-use booties. Luckily, being frugal and innovative led me to concoct my own foot peel at home, and I am so glad it works! Hopefully, this peel will help your feet as well.

Thing You Will Need

  • 1 small bottle of non-coated aspirin, (from the dollar store works just fine)
  • 1 lemon, (or enough lemon juice to equal one lemon)
  • 1 small container or bowl for mixing
  • 1 dish large enough to soak your feet in
  • Plastic wrap to wrap tightly around your feet
  • A very thick, rich moisturizer (Tree Hut Shea Body Butter is my personal preference)

How to Make a DIY Foot Peel

  1. Pour some aspirin into a bowl and set aside.
  2. Soak your feet in hot water for 20 minutes. If you want, you can use a mouthwash/vinegar/water mixture: 1 cup Listerine, 1 cup white vinegar, 2 cups hot water.
  3. Before the 20 minutes is up, pour lemon over the aspirin and mix to form a paste.
  4. Dry your feet.
  5. Apply the paste to your feet and cover with plastic wrap. Wear for at least 2 hours.
  6. When you're done, wash up and apply a thick moisturizer.

Instructions for DIY "Baby Foot" Mask

1. Pour the aspirin into the small bowl and just leave them there. You don't need them just yet.

Aspirin bowl

2. Soak your feet in water that is as hot as you can stand for about 20 minutes. (I actually soak them in a mouthwash/vinegar/water mixture: 1 cup Listerine, 1 cup white vinegar, 2 cups hot water.) You want to get the skin on your feet nice and soft so that this mixture can easily penetrate the dead skin. Because our version of the foot peel isn't as harsh as the store-bought one, it needs a little help.

3. Before your 20 minutes is up, pour the lemon juice over the aspirin to form a paste. If the consistency is too thick, you can squeeze another wedge's worth of juice into it. Mix the paste really well.

Lemon juice and aspirin paste.

4. Dry off your feet. You can go over the rough patches with a towel to help loosen some of the dead skin.

5. Apply the paste to your feet, and then use an ample amount of plastic wrap to cover each foot entirely. If you want, you can secure the plastic wrap with tape, but I found that wearing decent-fitting socks over the plastic wrap keeps it secure enough. Now, because this isn't as harsh as the Baby Foot peel, you can wear this mixture for as long as you'd like. I usually put it on after dinner and wear it right up until bedtime. I do suggest wearing it for at least two hours.

Foot mask

6. When you're through with the mixture, wash your feet off and dry them well. Again, you can go over the rough patches with a towel to loosen up the dry skin. When you're through, make sure you moisturize your feet with the thickest, creamiest, richest moisturizer you can find because lemon juice will dry out your feet when used repeatedly.

Apply lotion.

7. Because this homemade mixture is not as harsh as Baby Foot, you must use it consecutively for a few days in order to get the same results. After the first two or three days, however, you don't have to soak your feet before treatment. I did my treatment for five days and found that five days later, my feet began to peel as if I were using Baby Foot itself.

My feet peeling after using the homemade mixture.

The Results

Prepare to be amazed...and a little grossed out. Socks were my best friend once again because my feet were peeling left and right, but this was a very good thing! If you can't stand the thought of sleeping with socks on, prepare to wash your sheets a lot.

Baby soft results.

Aftercare Tips

  • Once the skin starts peeling, you can continue to use the treatment if you want to, but be sure to concentrate solely (pun intended) on the areas where the skin hasn't started peeling yet. You don't want to dry out the fresh new skin before it has a chance to shine!
  • You can also keep a pumice stone in the shower to help slough off the skin, but be careful about picking and pulling off dead skin. If it hurts, it is because it's still attached to living skin. You don't want to do any damage, so use cuticle scissors to cut the dead skin.
  • Most importantly, have your favorite color handy because you are going to want to show off your feet like never before!

The Ingredients in Baby Foot Exfoliating Peel and My Substitutes

Baby Foot's main ingredients are salicylic acid (anyone who has ever struggled with acne knows exactly what this is), glycolic acid, castor oil, and vitamin E.

I knew from previous experimentation with acne cures that aspirin would act as salicylic acid, but the glycolic acid made me a little nervous. Glycolic acid is the reason that Baby Foot recommends leaving the peel on for only an hour. That is because it can be really harsh on your skin. So I skipped glycolic acid. To replace the Vitamin E and the fruit acid in Baby Foot, I decided to use a lemon.

Six Causes of Cracked Heels or Heel Fissures

  1. Prolonged standing, walking, or running: Callouses form when pressure is applied to your heels. If you continue applying pressure, the fat pads of your heels expand and crack.
  2. Obesity
  3. Open-back shoes or sandals that don't fully support your feet. They allow your feet to expand sideways and add unnecessary pressure.1
  4. Aging
  5. Palmoplantar keratoderma: a hereditary condition in which thick skin forms on the soles of your feet and palms of your hands.2
  6. Dry skin: This can be caused by a number of reasons, including vitamin deficiency, dry climate, eczema, psoriasis, using harsh soaps, and taking prolonged hot showers.

How to Prevent Cracked Heels

  • Avoid standing in one place for prolonged periods of time.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with full support.
  • Moisturize your feet every night before bed.
  • Wear shoe inserts to distribute the weight evenly.
  • Drink water and eat a balanced diet to stay hydrated.
  • Use a pumice stone in the shower to slough off dead skin.3


1. Causes of Cracked Heels. Institute of Preventative Foot Health. Accessed July 27, 2017.

2. Dr. Amy Stanway, Dermatology Registrar, "Palmoplantar Keratoderma," DermaNet New Zealand, 2005. Accessed July 27, 2017.

3. Annette McDermott, "How to Fix Cracked Heels at Home," Healthline, February 23, 2017. Accessed July 27, 2017.

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Joel on July 13, 2020:

It worked... maybe too well.

I did this 2 days in a row, leaving the mixture on for 2 hours each day. Although I tried to put the mixture only where needed it basically went all over my feet after wrapping them in plastic. On days 3 and 4 my feet became very itchy and developed red bumps on the non-calloused skin. I basically burned my feet with acid. It was uncomfortable for a week or so.

I'm now 2-3 weeks out and my feet look better than they have in years. I'd definitely recommend this DIY but for me I'd only do one day and wait to see the results.

Angel on October 10, 2019:


You have a great article! Thank you for sharing this with us. I will try this to get rid of my callouses. How often do I have to apply this to my feet? I also discovered this post that talks about the same topic like yours see here https://beverlyhillsmd.com/foot-peel/ I will try what you have suggested and reporting back here soon for updates :) "

Bruh on July 23, 2019:

Hi.. Just wanted to ask.. How many milligrams of the aspirin you used and how many are there in the jar you bought

Kenzie on May 02, 2019:

Can I use something other than aspirin, like ibuprofen?

Ruqayyah on May 02, 2019:

didnt get the crazy scary peel after doing the 2 days, but it did peel around the toe area. Mostly is begged extra rubbing after showers to remove the dead skin and my whole foot it quite soft, i think this will be my go to! easy and not scary, thank you for posting....

Ruqayyah on April 07, 2019:

Ok, i did 2 treatments 2 days in a row, it is now 4 days in and i see light peeling! So excited!

Ruqayyah on April 04, 2019:

i just did one treatment, but i can see it will work lovely. I will do one more and then i can post results

question on March 14, 2019:

how many mgs are the tablets ? 75 150 ?

The heaven beauty on January 20, 2019:

Thank you so much for such a lovely and helpful article. I just love to read your article.

Chetana on September 18, 2018:

Witch company's aspirin can we use

A Malone on August 12, 2018:

I just finished treating my feet and in a few days, I'll share my results.

Rafa on June 20, 2018:

Wooow I used for a night n I couldn’t believe the results my hands and feet are peeling so fast

Patrice on January 27, 2018:

I did the regimen for 4 days in a row and it Not work!

Patrice on January 27, 2018:

It did not work and tryed it for 6 days now

Atiya Abbas on November 10, 2017:

How many days should i apply this treatment, just once or consecutively five days plz tell me i am really confused...

Melissa Kunkle on October 06, 2017:

Unbelievable! I had painful bloody cracks on my feet for years. I spent a miserable amount of time not even a week ago to clean them up! Weekly..... this one time of trying your method has my feet looking and feeling brand new! Better than just moisturizer and pumice daily. Thank you so much..

Katie on August 04, 2017:

I just went and bought all of the ingredients! I can't wait to get home

Juliana D. on July 26, 2017:

Great minds think alike! I was thinking about using aspirin for the salycilic acid also but didn't know how to go about it. I've been a barefooter since I was a child and 50 years later I still don't like shoes. And my feet show it. I too don't want anyone seeing or touching my gross feet. It's embarrassing. But we're going on our first cruise in a few months and that means dressing for dinner and pretty sandals because I hate closed shoes and I must get my ugly feet in shape. Thank you for doing the legwork (or should I say "footwork"?) and coming up with this method. I can't wait to try it.

Kharol on July 12, 2017:

Hi..What's a good substitute for the aspirin...

Nef on July 12, 2017:

I tried pouring concentrated lemon directly on a whole bunch of aspirin and they dissolved right to paste. If you want "natural" aspirin, the answer is willow bark tea. It's one of the oldest pain killers and basically is aspirin.

NW on June 01, 2017:

I used this and was afraid it wouldn't work.. I did it twice just to try for the best result. After a few days I wasn't seeing any results. I soaked them in warm water and was amazed at the amount of skin I could pull off could off!!

Anthonypg on April 10, 2017:

Hi Erica thank you for sharing your story. I also used to have very bad feet even when I wasnt physically active and I thought it something you are born with, so I didnt think I could do much. I also started to travel alot throughout Nyc and had to walk many miles, I usually used to get alot of

painful blisters at the end of the trip because of all that friction our feet does when walking. During those traveling trips I only wore normal sneakers and really basic socks. So I thought to myself I need to do something about it, I cant give up traveling! Traveling only made my feet get damaged really quick as well as my sneakers and regular socks. Thats when I realized I needed the toughest gear for traveling. I bought myself boots that let my feet dry as a result of air technology inside the boot. One brand that sells these are timberlands, they have different types of boots. I also bought special socks that also have a technology which keeps your feet dry in a good way and keeps out the sweat and moisture out. One brand of socks I recommend are Wigwam socks for hiking. Both the boots and socks were designed for intense activities such as hiking tough places. Now whenever Im finished traveling for many miles, my feet are smooth. Even when wearing these special boots and socks just to do normal things like just wearing them for a long time, my feet are perfect. I have never done any special treatment to my feet in order for them to be smooth all I did was upgrade the way I treated my feet by changing footwear. I know my post is long but this worked for me and maybe it can for you, just by upgrading your footwear you can keep your feet healthy. Regular shoes with regular socks are just made to look good and fit good but is it damaging you? In the way that its not letting your feet breathe? I truly recommend this method. Thanks Erica for sharing your ideas with the world. =) Godbless you.

Anthony on April 10, 2017:

Hi since I like to travel alot throughout nyc, i bought myself

Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas on March 24, 2017:

Do you still add castor oil to the lemon and asprin mixture? Or should it be applied after?

Zaina on January 22, 2017:

How can you make it stronger like Baby Feet? Use more aspirin?

<![CDATA[DIY GLAMGLOW Face Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-GlamGlow-Supermud-Face-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-GlamGlow-Supermud-Face-MaskSat, 06 Jun 2015 09:17:59 GMTThis is the mask beauty critics have been raving about, and now you can create your own DIY version for a fraction of the price. Fight back against discoloration, breakouts, and black heads.

Dakotalee loves trying out and sharing DIY beauty techniques with her readers.

The original GLAMGLOW Mask can be a hefty expense. Learn how to make your own for cheaper by reading this article!

Original Glam Glow

The Original GLAMGLOW Mask

This is the mask beauty critics and users have been raving about. The GLAMGLOW Supermud Clearing Treatment mask claims to be clinically developed by GLAMGLOW® dermatological chemists to help fight skin concerns including discoloration, breakouts, black and whiteheads, ingrown hair, and razor bumps. The mud is said to draw out congestion and dirt while a proprietary six acid blend is claimed to dramatically brighten and soften skin. To top it off, activated charcoal magnetically draws out dirt to leave skin smooth and healthy-looking. Sounds great right? Wait, it gets even better . . . the product has an average rating of 4.3 stars on Sephora, and research results claim 98% felt their skin looked renewed, 97% saw an improvement in skin clarity, and 97% felt it gently cleared their skin. Sounds like an amazing must-have-product, but at $69 (US) for a 1.2 oz jar, it's very pricey.


Now you can create your own DIY version of the GLAMGLOW Supermud mask for a fraction of the price. Fight back against discoloration, breakouts, and black heads with a homemade mask that's not as harsh on skin, and is less drying than the original product.

DIY GLAMGLOW Ingredients

  1. 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  2. 4 ounces chamomile tea (steeped strong)
  3. 1/4 cup Bentonite Clay — 1/4 Cup
  4. 8 capsules charcoal capsules
  5. 1 tablespoon aloe vera (fresh or gel)
  6. 1–3 drops of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oil

Optional Additional Boosts: 2 drops of lemon essential oil or 2 drops of tea tree oil

Ingredient Benefits

  • Coconut Oil hydrates, softens and conditions the skin. It naturally clears grime, dirt, and dead skin cells while also having antibacterial properties. Plus many more benefits like softening wrinkles and acting as an antioxidant.
  • Chamomile Tea helps acne scaring with its anxiolytic and antioxidant properties. Naturally tightens pores, softens, lightens discoloration, and soothes irritated skin. Strong healing properties with antioxidants, and anti-microbial properties.
  • Bentonite Clay is able to bind to and extract the toxins and bacteria on the skin's surface and in the pores. This helps to reduce future outbreaks and alleviate redness.
  • Charcoal draws bacteria, dirt, toxins, and chemicals out of the skin which helps you achieve a flawless complexion and fight acne.
  • Aloe Vera naturally soothes, moisturizers, and reduces inflammation. Aloe Vera contains two hormones Auxin and Gibberellins. Gibberellin acts as a growth hormone stimulating the growth of new cells helping skin heal quickly with minimal scarring. Other benefits include antioxidants like, beta carotene, vitamin C and E that can help improve skin's natural firmness.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil contains menthol which creates a cooling sensation for the skin. It also nourishes dull skin and improves the texture of oily or greasy skin.
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil its antimicrobial activities help stop the growth of new germs, while treating any open wounds.
  • Lemon Essential Oil is naturally astringent and detoxifying which rejuvenates tired-looking skin and helps with discoloration. With antiseptic properties, it can help treat pimples and reducing excessive oil on the skin.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil reduces sebum production by the skin and fights off bacteria which can cause acne. It is also effective in treating razor burn and ingrown hairs. Other benefits include reducing dark spots and hydrating dry skin.


  1. Steep 1 tea bag in 4 oz of hot water. Let it sit and soak in the water.
  2. Melt the coconut oil into liquid.
  3. In a clean and dry bowl combine all the ingredients except the tea. Cut/open the charcoal capsules and empty the powder into the bowl, discard the empty capsules.
  4. Add any of the optional additional boosts.
  5. Whisk the ingredients in the bowl together.
  6. Make sure the tea has cooled. Once cooled slowly add the tea to the bowl of ingredients and continue whisking until you get the desired creamy texture. Will be between 3–4 oz of tea.
  7. Spoon the mixture into a glass container and let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour.
  8. After application store the remainder in a cool, dark place or in the fridge.


To apply the DIY GLAMGLOW Supermud mask, first ensure you have a clean and dry face. Spread the mixture all over your face and neck, but avoid your eyes. Leave the mask on until it starts to dry and tighten up. Rinse your face clean with a wet washcloth. Moisturize your skin with your favorite moisturizer after removing the mask and feel fresh, revitalized and fabulous.


View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[Three Royal Saffron Face Mask Recipes for Glowing Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Royal-Saffron-Face-Mask-Recipes-for-Glowing-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Royal-Saffron-Face-Mask-Recipes-for-Glowing-SkinFri, 05 Jun 2015 08:00:36 GMTSaffron is an exotic face mask ingredient and beauty secret to glowing skin. Use one of these three saffron face mask recipes to make your skin glow with radiance.

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

Saffron is an exotic face mask ingredient and beauty secret to glowing skin.

Marco Verch Professional via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

A dark red spice used for giving food an exotic taste, aroma and color, saffron is the most treasured spice in the world. Saffron is harvested from the flowers of the saffron crocus plant (scientific name: Crocus Sativas). What we call saffron is actually the styles and stigmas of this flower that have been harvested and dried. Most of the world’s saffron is produced and harvested in Iran. Saffron gives a beautiful color to food because it contains a carotenoid pigment called crocin which gives it a golden hue.

In Southeast Asia, saffron is a secret beauty ingredient used in face masks to attain glowing skin. Here are the benefits of saffron for skin:

  • Brightens skin
  • Heals and prevents acne
  • Slows down premature aging
  • Fades scars
  • Gets rid of a suntan
  • Soothes skin problems
  • Tones skin

How to Choose the Right Saffron

Since this spice is expensive, there are many adulterated versions out there in the market. There are some versions of saffron sold more cheaply and these contain additives and colourings to make them resemble the real saffron.

The highest quality saffron are those which are deep red, sometimes having orange tips. Another way to find out if the saffron is real is by soaking it in water/milk. Real saffron will take about 15 minutes or more to get a slightly yellow color and give off a beautiful aroma while the fake ones will give off color immediately as they contain artificial coloring.

How about saffron powder? Please stay away from saffron powder as it is very much likely to contain additives and artificial coloring. You don't need to buy fake and poor quality saffron 'powder' when you can, in fact, buy the real saffron and make your own saffron powder easily.

Many people make their own saffron powder at home by grinding the strands with sugar in a coffee grinder and storing it in a jar for use in cooking. Powdering the saffron will make it more effective to use.

Saffron is more expensive than gold and only a few can get their hands on it. That’s why these homemade saffron face mask recipes are indeed royal skin treatments. :

The most popular saffron face mask. Mix saffron in milk to form a golden mixture for bright skin

© healthmunsta, all rights reserved

1. Milk & Saffron Face Mask for Skin Lightening

This luxurious face mask originated in South East Asia, where saffron is popularly used in cuisine. The combination of milk and saffron is the most popular saffron face mask recipe for skin brightening. The golden color of this milk & saffron face mask will help brighten skin. Here are the benefits of milk for skin.

Tips Before Making the Mask

  • If you don’t have time, you can skip the crushing step and apply the saffron face mask with the strands. Crushing it up with a spoon and tea strainer is simply to make the most of the saffron, with no wastage at all.
  • Alternatively, you could also make your own saffron powder (by grinding in a coffee grinder with sugar) and keep it in a glass vial.
  • Use a face mask brush because this saffron face mask, much like a turmeric face mask, can stain your fingernails yellow.


  • 4 strands of saffron
  • 2 teaspoons of milk


  1. Begin by heating up/boiling your milk.
  2. Next, pour just two teaspoons of the hot milk into a small bowl. Add about 4 strands of saffron.
  3. Leave the mixture to cool down completely.
  4. When it has cooled down, get a tea strainer and strain the milk into another small bowl. You will have collected the soaked saffron strands in the tea strainer.
  5. Using a spoon, start crushing up the soaked up saffron strands. By doing this, you will be extracting more of the saffron which will make your milk more yellow in color.
  6. When all the saffron is mashed up, your face mask is ready for application.
  7. Using a face mask brush, apply the mixture onto your face and neck. Leave this saffron face mask on for about five minutes or until it is completely dried up.
  8. Wet a cotton pad/sponge and start removing the mask gently until it all comes off.
  9. Rinse off with tepid to cold water and pat dry.
For baby soft & smooth skin try out this exotic saffron face mask

©healthmunsta, all rights reserved

2. Honey & Saffron Face Mask for Skin Brightening

Mix honey and saffron to form a deep cleansing and skin softening face mask. The saffron and honey combination will brighten skin, lighten any dark marks and even skin complexion. Check out the special benefits of honey for skin.

Tips Before Making the Mask

  • Please make sure to buy organic honey to avoid the additives in adulterated honey that can cause skin irritation.
  • If you can’t powder the saffron, simply mix up the saffron strands with honey and use.
  • Apply the face mask over your kitchen/bathroom sink to avoid drips.


  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Powder about a little saffron and keep it in a small jar.
  2. In a small bowl, add 1/2 teaspoon of saffron and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the two thoroughly until well combined.
  3. Apply this onto your face using a face mask brush.
  4. Wait for about ten minutes for the goodness to sink in before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
  5. Pat dry with a fluffy towel.
Saffron has antibacterial properties that when mixed with lemon and yogurt will create a potent anti-acne face mask

©healthmunsta, all rights reserved

3. Yogurt, Lemon & Saffron Face Mask for Acne

Yogurt lemon and saffron all have antibacterial properties that will help fight off germs that may cause acne. Yogurt contains lactic acid, zinc and b-vitamins which help stave off acne and promote youthful skin when applied topically. Lemon is a natural astringent which helps tighten pores and reduce sebum that may clog up pores and lead to acne. More benefits of yogurt and lemon for skin.

Tips Before Making the Mask

  • Don’t add more lemon juice especially if you have severe acne because it can burn skin and irritate acne.
  • For best results, squeeze your own lemon to get fresh lemon juice. Store-bought lemon juice may contain other ingredients that may irritate the skin.
  • Use plain, unflavored and unsweetened yogurt that doesn’t contain additives to avoid skin irritation.


  • 1 teaspoon yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron


  1. Powder your saffron using a blender.
  2. In a small bowl, mix up the three ingredients to form a paste.
  3. Using a brush, slather the face mask onto your skin and wait for ten minutes for it to penetrate.
  4. After the mask has dried, remove it using a sponge/washcloth and rinse off using cold water.
  5. Pat dry and moisturize.

Please make sure that you are not allergic to any of the natural ingredients mentioned above before applying them onto your skin.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Vandana wad on April 20, 2018:

Good information about saffron.

Mishy on January 22, 2018:

I didn't know saffron was that expensive ...i have a lot of it with me since my granny has planted it in her garden..

Dahlia on March 09, 2016:

I love you did

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on June 18, 2015:

Great ideas on how to use saffron for a face mask. Voted up for useful!

Christine from Arizona on June 08, 2015:

I want to try this!

<![CDATA[Vegan Flaxseed Face Mask for Beautiful Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Vegan-Flaxseed-Face-Mask-for-Beautiful-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Vegan-Flaxseed-Face-Mask-for-Beautiful-SkinTue, 02 Jun 2015 18:20:23 GMTThis great tutorial will teach you how to make a flaxseed face mask as well as tips, storage, and an outline of benefits.

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

This flaxseed face mask is basically a substitute for an egg white face mask. It helps tighten and tone skin and you wouldn't even believe when I say it smells amazing too!

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

What Are Flax Seeds?

Flax seeds, (scientific name: Linum usitatissimum) are also known as linseeds and come from flax, which is a food and fiber crop that has been cultivated since ages ago in Ancient Egypt and China. Ancient Egyptians used flaxseed as a food and medicine and in the past, flaxseed was notably used as a laxative. This is because flax seeds are rich in fiber, and produce a gooey-like substance called mucilage which expands in contact with water. These two ingredients will bulk up stools and help remove toxins.

There are two types of flax seeds: golden flaxseed and brown flaxseed. The only difference in these two flaxseed types is the color and the price—golden flax seeds cost more than their brown counterparts but they have the same nutrient content.

It is rich in essential omega fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and fiber that are necessary for optimum health. More health benefits of flaxseeds include: prevention of heart disease, breast, prostate and colon cancer, and diabetes, lowers high blood pressure and cholesterol, prevents inflammatory conditions including asthma and arthritis, prevents osteoporosis, for good skin, hair and nails, alleviates menopausal symptoms, etc.

Consume flax seeds after grinding them to get the most out of these tiny super seeds. Whole flax seeds may pass through the digestive tract undigested.

Flaxseed for Beautiful Skin

Rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, E, and B, as well as omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids and other vital minerals, it’s no wonder flax seeds are a superfood for hair, skin and general health! Eating flaxseeds helps promote regular bowel movement which ensures toxins are flushed out of the body, thereby preventing acne.

All the above are benefits you can get by eating flax seeds. But did you know that flaxseed, being a vegan substitute for egg, is also a great face mask ingredient for toned skin? There are so many DIY natural face mask recipes that call for eggs as one of the major ingredients. But what about if you can’t use eggs in your face masks due to allergies and ethical reasons? Don’t worry! This flaxseed face mask is perfect for vegans or people who are allergic to eggs and it gets the job done just as effectively as eggs!

Flaxseed Benefits

  • Firms and lifts skin
  • Deep cleanses and purifies skin
  • Shrinks large pores
  • Exfoliates skin
  • Reduces oily skin
  • Helps prevent and treat acne
  • Has anti-aging properties that help slow fine lines and wrinkles

How to Make a Flaxseed Face Mask

I was shocked to see some flaxseed face mask recipes telling people to use the seeds whole, without grinding, on skin. This is simply not very effective because the tough fibrous outer layer will prevent the nutrients inside from reaching your skin.

Secondly, whole flax seeds applied to your face will fall off and create a bigger mess! So please use ground flaxseed which you can easily powder by yourself at home. Here’s a good tutorial on how to make your own flaxseed face mask in the right way, deriving maximum benefits from these super seeds with no wastage and tips on how to store it without spoilage.


  • 1 tsp of ground flaxseed
  • 3 tsp of water


  1. Grind your flax seeds in a blender to get flaxseed powder. Alternatively, you can use purchased flaxseed powder/ flax meal. For one flax egg, soak 1 tsp of ground flax seeds in 3 tsp of water for about 15 minutes.
  2. After 15 minutes, the ground face seed mixture will have turned sticky and gooey with almost an egg-like consistency. This is your flax egg. Now your flaxseed face mask is ready!
  3. Using clean fingers, scoop the flaxseed face mask mixture and gently slather it onto your face, avoiding the areas around your eyes and mouth.
  4. Leave it on for about 3 to 5 minutes or until it completely dries up.
  5. When the time is up, gently rinse off with warm water. Another option is to use a damp washcloth to wipe off the dried-up face mask.
  6. Splash your face with cold water.
  7. Pat dry with a soft towel and moisturize as needed.


  • Some people keep the ground flaxseed and water mixture in the fridge while waiting for it to thicken but I find this unnecessary as the flax egg will thicken just as well in the open.
  • You can use excess face mask mixture on your neck and hands for soft and bright skin. Or, store it in the fridge for future use. It will last about a week at most in the fridge but it’s best to use within 3 days. Make sure to dispose of it in case it starts smelling funky.
  • This flaxseed face mask won’t be drippy at all but just in case, apply this face mask over your kitchen/bathroom sink.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Rose on November 11, 2018:

Is it safe to leave a flaxseed gel mask on overnight?

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on August 08, 2015:

Great hub, Healthmunsta. Very useful on how to make a flaxseed facial mask for beautiful skin. I would love to try it someday. Voted up!

<![CDATA[DIY Green Tea Face Mask Solutions for Youthful Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Green-Tea-Face-Mask-Solutions-for-Youthful-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Green-Tea-Face-Mask-Solutions-for-Youthful-SkinMon, 01 Jun 2015 16:12:48 GMTDid you know that topical applications of green tea help promote youthful and glowing skin? Check out these natural green tea face mask solutions

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

You probably already knew that green tea has lots of beauty benefits, especially when it comes to promoting healthy and youthful-looking skin. But did you know that a topical application of green tea is also a great way of achieving beautiful skin?

Green tea has been shown to inhibit UVB-induced erythema response in the skin and it helps prevent and heal sunburns. It also boosts the skin’s own natural sunburn protection by supporting the production of melanin. This anti-oxidant rich tea contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antibacterial properties that will not only protect your skin but also nourish, heal, and soothe!

Here are three super easy green tea face mask solutions you can make in just a matter of seconds!

This moisturizing green tea and honey face mask is anti-oxidant rich and contains anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties too!

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

1. Moisturizing Green Tea and Honey Face Mask

This water-rich green tea and honey face mask will help hydrate and moisturize dry and dull skin. Not just for dry skin, this green tea face mask is also perfect for oily skin. It works by cleansing and regulating sebum in oily and acne-prone skin. The honey will also help soothe severe acne and calm redness. It contains the goodness of honey, which together with green tea will plump up the skin and make it look dewy. Check out more benefits of honey for skin below:


  1. Your green tea and honey face mask should not be drippy so make sure to add in the correct amounts of honey and green tea.
  2. Use organic honey to avoid skin irritations caused by additives found in adulterated honey.
  3. Gather your hair away from your face with a hair tie and smooth out any stray hairs because this face mask is sticky and can stick to your hair strands.


  • 1 teaspoon green tea
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Mix your two ingredients in a small bowl.
  2. Simply use your clean fingertips to gently apply the mixture onto your skin.
  3. Leave it on for about five minutes or until it dries up on your face.
  4. Using warm water, rinse off the mask thoroughly and pat dry.
This green tea oatmeal face mask will gently exfoliate dead cells & flaky skin and pull out grime, dirt, sebum and pollution from the pores.

2. Exfoliating Green Tea Oatmeal Face Mask

The green tea oatmeal face mask combo is specifically for deep skin cleansing and exfoliation. Just think of it as a face scrub and mask in one go! Coupled with cooling green tea, this face mask will not only cleanse your skin from deep within, but also alleviate any redness and soften skin. Using oat powder will give you soft & smooth skin. Check out benefits of oatmeal for skin and how exactly oatmeal works in exfoliating skin.


  1. You can just use oat flour instead of making your own oat powder.
  2. Apply this face mask over your kitchen/bathroom sink to avoid any drips.


  • 1 teaspoon green tea
  • 1 teaspoon honey


  1. Mix your two ingredients in a small bowl.
  2. Simply use your clean fingertips to gently apply the mixture onto your skin.
  3. Leave it on for about five minutes or until it dries up on your face.
  4. Using warm water, rinse off the mask thoroughly and pat dry.
Combining the antibacterial goodness of lemon and natural astringent properties of green tea, this green tea and lemon face mask will help keep acne away!

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

Fight acne and fade away acne scars using this super effective green tea and lemon face mask. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants for skin nourishment and offers natural UV protection. It helps regulate sebum and cleanses the skin from excess oils, thereby helping reduce acne. Lemon is effective in lightening blemishes and acne scars. It also contains citric acid that tightens and firms skin as well as brightens overall skin complexion. Check out more amazing benefits of lemon for skin!


  1. Use freshly squeezed lemon for the best results. Don’t add more lemon juice, especially if you have severe acne, because too much of it can cause redness, irritation and burn your skin. Just a squeeze/3-4 drops of lemon will be effective.
  2. Make sure to avoid the eyes as you apply this green tea and lemon face mask. In case the mask gets into your eyes, immediately rinse with water.
  3. You can store excess face mask mixture in your refrigerator for up to a week. However, if it starts to smell unusual, throw it away immediately.


  • 1 tablespoon green tea
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice


  1. In a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and just a squeeze of lemon. Mix this up well.
  2. Dip a clean cotton pad/ball into the mixture and dab gently onto your face.
  3. When the mask is dry, use another cotton ball to pat on another layer of the mixture and let dry for three minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure until all of the face mask mixture is done.
  5. Let the final coat of the face mask settle for about 5 minutes.
  6. Rinse off with tepid to cold water and pat dry.
  7. Moisturize with a little coconut oil/ shea butter if needed.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Karine Gordineer from Upstate New York on June 08, 2015:

Interesting hub. I will have to try these face masks.

<![CDATA[Top 3 Mung Bean Face Mask Recipes for Clear Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Top-3-Mung-Bean-Face-Mask-Recipes-for-Clear-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Top-3-Mung-Bean-Face-Mask-Recipes-for-Clear-SkinSun, 31 May 2015 22:04:27 GMTMung bean powder is an effective face mask ingredient you can use to achieve a smooth and clear blemish-free complexion. Check out the top three mung bean face mask recipes for clear skin.

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

Mung bean is also known as green bean, green gram or mung dal. It is a lentil that is popular in Asian and Indian cooking to make soup, noodles, or curry. In Chinese Medicine, mung beans are described as nutritious food and medicine for the body. It is also a great detox food that helps clear heat and toxins from the body, thereby helping treat acne and promote clear skin from within.

Many store-bought face masks nowadays, especially Chinese/Japanese ones, contain mung bean powder as a deep cleansing and exfoliating product. In India, mung bean which is popularly known as green gram or mung dal has been used since ancient times for skin and hair cleansing by first grinding it into a fine powder. Just like gram flour, mung bean powder is used as a natural and effective non-foaming soap that can safely be used for people with sensitive skin and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema. Below are three mung bean face mask solutions for acne-free, wrinkle-free and clear skin.

With antibacterial & anti-inflammatory ingredients, this mung bean face mask will soothe & heal irritated acne

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

1. Mung Bean Face Mask for Acne

The deep cleansing and exfoliating properties of mung bean powder will help get rid of and prevent further acne. Many people have got good results from using mung bean powder in their anti-acne face masks. Coupled with yogurt, this mung bean face mask will help cleanse, disinfect and soothe acne-prone skin. Check out a few benefits of yogurt and turmeric for skin.


  • Use only a little turmeric powder especially if turmeric can stain your skin. You can also buy ‘wild turmeric’ which is normally used for topical skin application and doesn’t stain.
  • Though washing hands with soap and water normally get rid of yellow turmeric stains on fingernails, you can still just use a face mask brush to apply this face mask mixture to be on the safe side.
  • When using yogurt for topical application, remember to only use plain, unflavored, unsweetened and full-fat yogurt. For best results, use greek yogurt or labneh.


  • 1 teaspoon mung bean powder
  • 1/3 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 ½ teaspoons yogurt


  1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients until you get a soft and creamy paste.
  2. Using clean fingers, gently slather this face mask mixture, avoiding the areas around the eyes and mouth.
  3. Leave the mask on for about 3 to 5 minutes or until it dries up completely.
  4. Use warm/tepid water to rinse off the mask completely.
Green tea contains excellent anti-aging properties that work internally as well as externally.

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

2. Anti-aging Mung Bean Face Mask

This mung bean face mask contains green tea which makes it an excellent anti-aging face mask. Applying green tea topically helps tighten, firm and lift skin. Green tea will also water and plump up dry skin, thereby making skin smooth, soft and youthful. Here’s a table showing some other topical benefits of green tea for skin:


  • Wait for the green tea to completely cool down before you use it in your face mask.
  • Apply this face mask over your kitchen/bathroom sink to prevent any drips.
  • Gather your hair into a ponytail and brush away any bangs so the face mask doesn't stick to your hair strands.


  • 1 teaspoon mung bean powder
  • 1 ½ teaspoons green tea


  1. Add mung bean powder in a small bowl and mix it with green tea to form a paste.
  2. Gently apply this paste onto your face using clean fingers.
  3. Wait for the face mask to dry up.
  4. When it dries up completely, rinse off with tepid water and pat dry.
Simple but effective: Mix mung bean powder and water to form a paste that will gently exfoliate your skin

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

3. Exfoliating Mung Bean Face Mask

Mung bean has a mild abrasive texture that will gently exfoliate dead cells, sebum, flaky skin, grime and dirt from the skin’s surface. In this exfoliating face mask, we will only need mung bean powder and water to get a thick paste.


  • A heaping teaspoon of mung bean powder
  • 1 ½ teaspoons of water


  1. In a small bowl, add in the mung bean powder and a liberal amount of water to get a thick paste.
  2. Make sure you use the right amount of water because too much water will make the face mask very drippy.
  3. Using clean fingertips, rub the thick face mask onto your skin in gentle circular motions.
  4. Leave it on until it dries up and rinse off with warm water first, to loosen the dried mask, and then with cold water.

Please ensure that you are not allergic to any of the natural ingredients above before using them on your skin.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on May 31, 2015:

I always enjoyed your healthy hubs for eating and for your skin. Voted up for useful!

<![CDATA[Top 3 Gram Flour Face Mask Recipes for Beautiful Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Top-3-Gram-flour-face-mask-recipes-for-Beautiful-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Top-3-Gram-flour-face-mask-recipes-for-Beautiful-SkinFri, 29 May 2015 09:41:38 GMTGram flour is a natural replacement for soap. These easy DIY gram flour face mask recipes can help fight acne, be used in skin lightening and can promote youthful skin by replacing harsh soaps.

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

What Is Gram Flour?

Gram flour, also known as garbanzo bean/chickpea flour/besan, is a gluten-free flour made by grinding dried chickpeas. It is commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, and it is naturally higher in protein than any wheat-based flours. It is popularly used in Southeast Asia as a natural skin and hair care product.

Gram flour is an excellent exfoliating agent that will help scrounge off dead cells, dirt and grime stuck deep within the pores and on the skin’s surface. It is traditionally used in India as a natural non-foaming soap and facial/body cleanser. Gram flour contains a high amount of saponins, which are natural cleansing agents also found in oatmeal and which help deep-cleanse skin.

Gram Flour Face Mask Recipes

Check out three deep cleansing gram flour face masks specified for each skin type below:

  1. for bright skin (with yogurt)
  2. for acne (with tumeric)
  3. for oily skin (with orange peel powder)
Yogurt contains lactic acid, which essentially gives your skin an all natural peel, gently removing the top layer of dull dead cells and revealing brighter, more radiant skin from within!

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

For Bright Skin: Gram Flour Yogurt Face Mask

The gram flour yogurt face mask is a popular mask used to exfoliate, soften and moisturize dry skin. The gram flour helps exfoliate flaky skin and dead cells on dry skin while the yogurt will moisturize dry skin by locking in moisture.


  • 2 teaspoons gram flour
  • 2 teaspoons yogurt


  1. In the small bowl, add 2 teaspoons of gram flour and 1 teaspoon of yogurt.
  2. Mix thoroughly to form a soft and creamy paste.
  3. Apply the paste onto your face in gentle circular motions.
  4. Wait for it to dry up, which takes about 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, rinse off with warm water and splash cold water in the end to close pores.
  6. Pat dry and moisturize.

My Tip

Use thick full fat yogurt like greek yogurt or labneh for best results.

For Acne: Gram Flour Face Mask With Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful anti-acne face mask ingredient. It contains anti bacterial properties that help fight off acne causing germs. This golden spice is also a natural skin brightening, lightening and whitening agent. However, a little goes a long way and turmeric can actually stain skin, depending on the skin tone. For very pale skin, make sure to use 1/3 teaspoon of turmeric powder.


  • 2 teaspoons gram flour
  • 1/3 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of water


  1. Combine well the above ingredients in a small bowl to get a paste. Feel free to add more water to make it paste-like, but make sure it doesn't turn watery!
  2. Using a face mask brush, apply the mask onto your face, avoiding the areas around your eyes and mouth.
  3. Wait for the face mask to dry up before rinsing off with warm water.
  4. Pat dry with a fluffy towel.

My Tip

You can also use clean finger tips to apply this face mask, however it might stain your nails yellow. To get rid of yellow stains, simply scrub them with a mild soap and water.

No one likes being a grease-face and having to wipe your skin with a blotting tissue every 10 mins. Apply this gram flour face mask to naturally control the oiliness, no artificial chemicals involved!

healthmunsta, all rights reserved

For Oily Skin: Gram Flour Orange Peel Powder Face Mask

Orange peel and gram flour are both excellent natural ingredients for removing excess sebum on the skin’s surface and within the pores. These two ingredients will help drive out any stale oils and excess sebum lodged deep within pores. Orange peel has a mild abrasive texture that will help exfoliate oily skin. It also contains skin lightening and brightening properties for radiant glowing skin.



Mix the two dry ingredients with enough water to make a paste. Gently slather this paste all over your face using clean finger tips. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off after it dries up and pat dry with a fluffy towel.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


uzma rani on June 21, 2020:

plz tell me a mask for pigmintion

Maria on June 19, 2020:

All the receipt of how to care our skin especially anti aging masks and day n night cream are very helpful..its help me a lot..i have spent a lot of money in beauty care..anyway its helpful thanks.

Oscar.Fairy on May 29, 2020:

386 Davis Rd

Daisy.Hebe on May 10, 2020:

588 S Granada Se

Vadie on June 09, 2019:

Can i use sandal wood powder gram flour tumeric powder n rose water .would it give me a lighter skin complexion

La on August 24, 2017:

Yes it can be, oat flour contains the same properties as gram flour: it absorbs oil :)

Marie Flint from Jacksonville, FL USA on July 10, 2015:

I'm curious as to whether oat flour can be substituted for the graham flour. You have indicated they have similar exfoliating properties.

Also, I'd be reluctant to use the turmeric on my skin because of staining, as you have mentioned.

<![CDATA[My Experience With Microdermabrasion Skin Treatment]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/A-Review-of-Microdermabrasionhttps://bellatory.com/skin/A-Review-of-MicrodermabrasionFri, 22 May 2015 22:52:44 GMTA review of microdermabrasion skin treatment including conditions best suited for the procedure, benefits, risks, preparing for the treatment, what to expect.

I enjoy trying various skin care treatments and giving my opinion on them.

Administering a skin treatment

Joseph.Morris via Flickr Creative Commons

What Exactly Is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic skin treatment in which a light, abrasive treatment is applied to the skin to treat issues such as hyperpigmentation, dry skin issues, light marks, or sun spots.

Spa treatment

visitfingerlakes via Flickr Creative Commons

The term “micro” alludes to the small, exfoliating crystals used during the treatment; “derma” refers to your skin; “abrasion” refers to the exfoliation process that takes place during the treatment. Unlike dermabrasion, microdermabrasion is a less invasive skin exfoliating treatment often done in a spa setting that offers patient’s renewed skin via a very low risk, fast, pain-free procedure that will leave your skin feeling just a little more luxurious than before.

I have recently been seeking laser treatments for the removal of acne scarring. After several laser treatments, my skin technician recommended breaking up the laser treatments with a microdermabrasion which is great for exfoliating the surface of the skin and revealing new, softer skin underneath.

Microdermabrasion is great for anyone looking into improving the overall look and feel of their skin or for those who want to treat themselves to a short, affordable trip to the spa. Below, find out what skin conditions are best suited for the treatment, results you can expect, risks to keep in mind, preparing for the treatment, what to expect during the procedure and a review of my own experience with microdermabrasion.

Skin Conditions Best Suited for the Treatment

Microdermabrasion exfoliates the top layer of your skin, removing dead, dry cells, and revealing fresh, new cells below the surface. The procedure stimulates the production of collagen on the top surface of your skin. Typically, as your skin begins to produce new collagen, newer, younger looking skin is revealed.

It is important to keep in mind that since this procedure produces superficial exfoliation of the surface of the skin, it is best suited for the following skin issues:

If you are looking for a procedure to help with any of the following conditions, you should not expect to see great results with microdermabrasion; rather, ask your dermatologist about laser, dermabrasion, or other skin treatment options:

  • Severe acne
  • Deep scarring
  • Heavy discoloration or concentrated pigmentation
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Large age spots or sun spots
View the original article to see embedded media.

Results You Can Expect

You may be asking yourself if you could save yourself the time and money by using an exfoliating scrub to remove dead, dull layers of skin at home. While using exfoliating cleansers and scrubs are great, and often recommended by dermatologists, as a good way to maintain smooth skin at home, investing in a microdermabrasion will get you the results you want faster, and will last longer than at-home cleansing.

Below are just some of the benefits of microdermabrasion:

Most treatments take as little as 30 minutes to complete so it’s a fast, convenient way to feel rejuvenated and see improvement without having to make a big time commitment.

In addition, the treatment is a “kick off” of sorts to helping your skin produce more collagen. Skin that produces more collagen, will have a fuller complexion, leaving you with renewed skin surface that you will likely find not only soft to the touch, but noticeably brighter when you look into the mirror.

The best part of a microderm? The accompanying facial massage and relaxing atmosphere that many patients are privy to during the treatment. You will leave your appointment feeling refreshed and relaxed!

Consider the risks of any procedure

koalazymonkey via Flickr Creative Commons

Risks to Keep in Mind

As with most any procedure, there are always some risks to keep in mind. Microdermabrasion is a much lower-risk treatment than many other skin treatments like dermabrasion or chemical peels so it’s a great option for beginners or those looking for results but not looking for big risk.

Nevertheless, below are a few things to keep in mind as you consider making your next microderm appointment:

  • Infection risk if equipment is not properly sterilized
  • Skin irritation if the exfoliation is applied too strongly
  • Redness or irritation after treatment

In recent years, many retailers have started offering at-home microdermabrasion kits. While these may be low cost and very convenient, be sure to know what you are getting into before purchasing or trying these at home. To minimize any risk and to ensure you are getting the best results possible, look for accredited spas and licensed dermatologists to perform your procedure.

Use sunscreen with SPF

jeepersmedia via Flickr Creative Commons

Preparing for the Procedure

The best way to prepare for your appointment is to talk to your dermatologist or skin technician prior to the appointment, ask lots of questions, and inform yourself.

Some questions to ask before your appointment:

  • How many treatments will I need?
  • What results should I expect after the procedure?
  • What side effects can I expect?
  • How much will the treatment cost?
  • Is there anything I should/shouldn’t apply to my skin before or after treatment?

Some topical treatments and habits to avoid before your appointment include:

  • Stop using salicylic acid (found in many over the counter acne creams)
  • Avoid smoking which can prevent circulation of blood flow to your skin
  • Avoid sun exposure or harsh chemical peels or laser treatments in the weeks before
  • Avoid heavy exfoliation before your treatment so as to not overly irritate your skin
Facial spa treatment

israelphotogallery via Flickr Creative Commons

During the Procedure

Once you have assessed your skin issues and determined with your dermatologist or skin technologist that the microdermabrasion treatment is right for you, it’s time to prepare for your appointment! You will surely find that this treatment is one of the most relaxing and rejuvenating gifts you can give yourself and your skin.

On the day of your appointment, you will be made comfortable in a quiet room and usually asked to lie down on a table. The technologist may dim the lights and play relaxing music in the background while he or she begins to cleans your skin with an exfoliating cleanser to remove oil, dirt, and makeup. Then, he or she may place a warm, moist towel over your skin to open your pores and wipe the excess cleanser away.

Once your skin is cleansed, you will be asked to wear a small pair of eye protection goggles to protect your eyes from any stray crystals when the microderm treatment begins. Don’t worry, you shouldn’t experience any pain during the treatment so it will not be necessary to apply any numbing cream, which is commonly used in more harsh skin treatments.

The microdermabrasion device usually consists of a small pen with a fine, abrasive, crystalized tip and vacuum suction. You will feel the suction and tip make several passes over your face and neck often going back over the same areas in different directions. Many people liken the sensation of the suction and crystals to fine sandpaper or a cat’s tongue.

After the pen and section is over, you will likely be treated to another round of cleansing, a warm washcloth over your face to sooth your pores, and a facial massage to relax your muscles.

Often, skin can feel sensitive or have a light pink or red color after the treatment so most dermatologists or skin technicians will liberally apply moisturizer and sunscreen.

You should be all finished with your treatment after about 30 minutes!

Post-Procedure Care

After your treatment, your skin may be sensitive for the first 24 hours, so it is important to treat it very gently with care. Below are some tips you should ensure you follow after your treatment for the best results possible:

  • Keep skin very moisturized.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and use a sunscreen with high SPF.
  • Avoid exfoliating cleansers in the days following so as to not aggravate your skin in case it is still sensitive following treatment.

You should be able to wear makeup and cleanse your skin normally following your treatment. Ask your dermatologist how soon you can follow-up with other skin treatments if you chose to have a microderm as part of a series of laser treatments or in conjunction with treatments for other skin issues.

Use plenty of moisturizer

shawncampbell via Flickr Creative Commons

Why I Chose Microdermabrasion

As I briefly touched on at the beginning of this article, my skin technician recommended microdermabrasion to break up a series of fractional laser treatments I had been receiving to help improve the appearance of acne scars I have had since adolescence. The fractional lasers help stimulate new collagen growth deep in the skin. Along with the skin pen and the microdermabrasion which both help stimulate collagen on the skin’s surface, our hope is that the old marks and scars will fade away and plump back up so their appearance is reduced.

I can happily report that my experience with microdermabrasion was nothing but positive! I experienced only a slight reddish color immediately following treatment. After the next morning, any lingering redness was completely gone. I was able to wear makeup and get back into my normal skin care routine the following day. I also noticed the pores around my nose and forehead were visibly smaller, the texture and feel of my skin to the touch was very soft, and the dark marks took on a lighter appearance.

Have you ever had a microdermabrasion? Did you get the results you were hoping for? What was your experience like? Are you thinking about getting a microderm but have not yet taken the plunge? Tell us about your treatment in the comments, below!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[Review of Baby Foot Chemical Peel]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Baby-Foot-Chemical-Peel-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Baby-Foot-Chemical-Peel-ReviewWed, 29 Apr 2015 15:01:51 GMTObtain soft supple feet after using one treatment of Baby Foot fruit acid chemical peel. Peeling takes place over the course of a few weeks. Explore the pros and cons of Baby Foot.

Ariel Laur is a freelance writer from NYC who shares her wealth of knowledge about health, beauty, and nutrition.

Baby Foot is highly effective way to remove dead skin cells from the feet.

Ariel Laur

What Is Baby Foot?

Baby Foot is a Japanese product that will chemically peel dead skin cells off of the feet. It is a product designed to be used at home with the end result taking about 2 weeks to achieve. The name “baby foot” is meant to conjure up the image of a baby’s foot, which is soft and supple. This image lies in stark contrast with a typical adult foot, which tends to have thick layers of cracked skin. I am one of those adults! Baby Foot worked as described, and I am having the wonderful experience of becoming accustomed to having soft, beautiful skin on my feet.

Fruit Acid Causes the Dead Skin to Peel Off

The Baby Foot Company began selling its foot peel in Japan in 1995. The peel worked primarily through a chemical called pyroligneous acid. In 2008 this chemical was replaced by fruit acids that are gentler to the skin as well as offering a higher peeling effect.

Why Is a Peel Necessary?

The Baby Foot website explains that using a peel is the ideal way to remove the dead layers of skin. This is because using an abrasive method such as a pumice stone leaves the skin ragged and causes rough dry patches, and even if done every day, can’t compare with the results of this peel. Instead, the Baby Foot Peel uses fruit acid that “penetrates into the layers of dead skin cells and breaks down the desmosomes which hold the layers together.”

The cause of all of this accumulating dead skin is “pressure and friction from ordinary activities such as standing, exercising, and wearing shoes.” One way to avoid this accumulation is to wear “well-fitting shoes and insoles.”

Ordering Baby Foot

I was excited to try out Baby Foot, part of me was skeptical since it almost seemed too good to be true, but after seeing photos and hearing firsthand accounts of the effects of this peel, I decided to “go for it.” I ordered my kit from Amazon. After it arrived in the mail, I decided to set aside a Saturday afternoon when I would be able to sit for the one hour time it takes for the fruit acid to work. You can walk around while the product is on, but it is better to sit and relax.

Using Baby Foot

Here are the steps that I followed:

  • First I soaked my feet for about 20 minutes since some reviewers suggested that this would make the peel more effective.
Washing and soaking your feet helps prepare them for the peel.

Ariel Laur

Cutting the top off of the Baby Foot plastic sock.

Ariel Laur

Baby Foot sock type treatment

Ariel Laur

  • I opened the box and removed the directions and the plastic socks. Then using scissors, I cut the top off of the plastic socks and placed the plastic socks over my feet. The peel liquid is already in the plastic sock.
  • Then, using the plastic tape, (included) I sealed the top of the plastic sock.
  • I then placed a cotton sports sock over each plastic sock (optional) since I read that this helps the peel to make better contact.
  • I set a timer and waiting for the one hour time to elapse. During this time, I did walk around just a bit but the peel liquid and plastic sock made walking around seem cumbersome, and I felt like I might slip.
  • I then washed the peel off my feet and forgot about it. I didn't feel any difference in the skin of my feet. My husband noticed that my feet did feel soft directly after this treatment.
  • 5 days later I began to see some slight peeling, and the rough skin on my feet started to look dryer. My children took an interest in what to them was a science experiment. They liked watching the progression.
  • 7 days later peeling really began, and this was weird and fun as the skin was peeling off in bits, and it was also tempting to pull off the sections of skin with my fingers, but the directions say to allow peeling to occur naturally, only remove skin that is already separated. Taking a bath or soaking the feet helped the dead skin to come off more easily.
  • 2 weeks: By this point, all of the dead skin on the bottom of my feet had peeled off and there was some peeling on the top of my foot as well.
  • 3 weeks: There was still some peeling on the top of my feet that lasted a couple of days longer.
  • End Result: Beautiful soft feet, something I never thought I would have!


While I do highly recommend this treatment since the results are quite amazing, you really can have smooth healthy feet, but the experience takes a while. It is a process that might not appeal to everyone since there will be dead sections of skin falling off during the process. Also, although my feet are quite soft, there are a few parts—perhaps those are callouses—where the skin feels thick. I might consider doing the treatment again.

To sum up the cons:

  • Price
  • Length of time it takes for the peel to work
  • Process of dead skin peeling off


I purchased Baby Foot on Amazon.com for $35.00, which may seem like a lot of money, but I rationalized that it costs about the same as a manicure and pedicure. I have also had salon treatments that were meant to remove dead skin on my feet that cost around $15.00 and were effective but far less effective than Baby Foot. The average price right now for Baby Foot on Amazon is $30.00.

Better Than a Pedicure

I am happy to adjust to having such soft beautiful feet, something that I never imagined would happen. Although I had some pretty good pedicure treatments to remove the dead skin on my feet in the past, this treatment gives results that are far better than any professional treatments that I have had.

Bottom Line

Baby Foot seems to be quite a unique product in that it is done at home and has better results than a dead skin removing pedicure treatment has. The odd experience of having dead skin falling off over the course of a few weeks is worth it when the soft skin results become apparent. The benefits are worth the effort and wait.

I will no longer be as envious of a baby’s foot since I can have one, too.

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Ariel Laur


Lana on November 21, 2019:

Is this product available in south africa?? What is the price in south african rand please.

Ariel Laur (author) from New York on May 06, 2015:

Hi Nell, I hadn't considered an at home peel either until it was recommended to me and then it seemed like a great thing. I hope the Baby Foot peel is helpful for your partner. Thank you!


Nell Rose from England on May 05, 2015:

Hi, to be honest I hadn't thought of this problem before, but after reading and watching it here I think it's a great idea! my partner has a bad heal which I blame on thick skin causing it to be too hard, so I will let him know about this, nice one!

<![CDATA[DIY Beauty: Coffee Scrub for Cellulite?]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Beauty-Coffee-Scrub-for-Cellulitehttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Beauty-Coffee-Scrub-for-CelluliteSat, 10 Jan 2015 04:16:21 GMTThe internet claims this trick really works. Learn the science behind it, and see before and after pictures.

I love to dye my hair all colors of the rainbow. I love all things vintage, and I enjoy creating art, taking photos, and doing it myself.


There are some weird beauty regimens out there, but this one may take the cake. Rubbing coffee and oil all over your butt to get rid of bumps? Right. Those were my thoughts, at least, until I read up on it.

I like to include the science behind the beauty tricks I share because then I'm able to defend myself against people who think I'm crazy. Hit them with the facts, and then who's the jerk?

So, here's the science behind this one: Caffeine constricts the blood vessels, causing the puckers in the skin to tighten and smooth out. Because coffee is a diuretic, it's supposed to withdraw the water in fat cells, also acting to even out the skin.

So it's worth a try, right?

"I call it 'Cup of Dirt.'"


The Scrub

The way this whole thing is supposed to work goes kind of like this: you make a scrub with coffee grounds, scrub it over affected areas, and rinse off in the shower. The alleged result? A smooth bottom, or wherever else you have the bumpy stuff.

I used a coffee scrub given to me by my friend Cassie (Thanks!). My best guess is that it's made up something like this:

¾ cup fresh coffee grounds
¾ cup olive oil
¼ cup sugar

As I've mentioned in previous posts, making scrubs from natural ingredientes is not an exact science. There are lots of ingredients that are good for your skin (honey, coconut oil, olive oil, oatmeal, sugar) so grab a few and start experimenting!


I try to experiment with everything I write about, because I feel like it makes me somewhat of an authority. If I've tried it, I can tell you what works and what doesn't. So obviously, I wanted to try this cellulite-busting scrub. The thing is, I fortunately do not have much of a problem with cellulite. I mean, I have a few butt-puckers, but nothing major.

Regardless, I decided to try. Please no comments about me thinking I'm fat or something—because first of all I don't, and second of all pretty much every female is affected with cellulite. 90%, actually. And I'm completely satisfied with my appearance, as all of you should be. You're beautiful! I'm simply trying to experiment this odd idea.

So without further ado, here's a photo of my butt.




The Process

Like I mentioned earlier, it's a very simple process. Make potion, scrub butt, rinse off. So that's what I did.

Sidenote—oil is very slippery on the shower floor, so be careful.

I scrub-a-dubbed coffee all over my bumpy spots for about a minute at the beginning of my shower. Then, I proceeded to use the scrub everywhere else too, because it's exfoliating and nourishing and stuff. Once I was done with my regular shower routine, I re-scrubbed my hindparts out of fear that it wouldn't work.

And did it? You be the judge. Here's the “after” photo of my butt.




The Verdict

Honestly, I don't feel like it did very much. My right cheek does appear slightly smoother, but you can still see the bigger dimple on the left. So does it really truly work? Can using coffee scrubs temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite?

I think it needs further research. Possibly a different bum. Theoretically, it should work. If science is telling us the truth, it totally makes sense. And I'll tell you the truth: If I was taking a shower before heading out to the beach, and I had my coffee scrub ready, I'd definitely still use it. At the very least, I'd have a silky smooth rear.

More butts!


Seeking the Truth

I'm kind of upset about this. I even came back to the experiment after writing this post, and tried to go more in-depth for better results. I scrubbed with my coffee for about 4-5 minutes and let it sit for at least 10 before rinsing off.

Still, no major difference.

It bothers me that most people online don't even bother to test this before posting it. Or maybe they do, but they NEVER post before/after photos, or they get no results and just lie about it. Well, I'm here to tell you guys what's up! I don't think it worked on me. However, it may on you—so if it does, please do let me know.

I'm honest when I write. So if you're interested in honest beauty tips, please don't hesitate to check out my other posts, some of which have to do with coffee too!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Sassy_cheri on November 21, 2019:

Im going to try it . Thanks for your post

<![CDATA[DIY Beauty: Get Rid of Undereye Bags and Dark Circles With Coffee Grounds]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Beauty-Get-Rid-of-Undereye-BagsDark-Circles-with-Coffee-Groundshttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Beauty-Get-Rid-of-Undereye-BagsDark-Circles-with-Coffee-GroundsWed, 07 Jan 2015 19:17:57 GMTDoes using coffee grounds to treat undereye bags and dark circles really work? Don't worry, I tested it for you—photos and all.

I enjoy fashion and looking trendy on a budget. I also create art, take photos, and save money by doing things myself.


A Home Remedy

One thing I think all females can agree on is that dark circles suck. And mine can get pretty bad. Even after a long night's sleep, I look like my head hasn't touched a pillow in ages.

There are lots of creams and facials that claim to reduce dark circles and bags, but I'll be honest—I'm cheap. I won't pay for something that could be attained with things I already have at home. I've been seeing articles about using coffee grounds for undereye bags, and since I just got a new coffeemaker, I decided to try it out. Join me on my quest for bright eyes!


Even after an exceptional night's sleep, I still get pretty bad bags.



Step 1: Make Some Coffee

I used my beautiful new Black & Decker coffeemaker. Not that it matters, but I just got it and it matches all of my retro-future-kitchen things. I'm pretty excited about it!

Anyway, make your coffee as it's supposed to be made. Once it's all brewed up, separate the parts and down the liquid gold. Scoop out the grounds with a spoon and put them in a small, separate dish.

Don't drink from the wrong cup!


Step 2: Chill

I kind of added this step myself, but it only makes sense. When you see people putting anything else on their face to reduce undereye bags, it's always cool. The science of it is that lower temperatures cause your blood vessels to constrict, which temporarily reduces bags under your eyes.

So chill that gunk out, and once it's cool, prepare for smearing.

Step 3: Apply

For a job.

Just kidding, that's what I'm doing. But you can just apply the cooled coffee grounds to your face. Situate yourself over a sink (it gets messy) and get a fingerful of grounds. Carefully rub it onto your bags—not too close to your actual eyes.

I covered the entire area under my eyes—from inside by my nose to the outer corners of my eyes, and about halfway down my cheeks.



Step 4: Let It Sit

Instructions state to leave this gunk on for 15 minutes, so naturally I did it for 20. Most of this time was spent running around the house avoiding my roommate-brother, who I'm pretty sure already thinks I'm crazy. Still, I don't want to have to explain why I have food smeared on my face.

My major thought during all of this waiting time was something like, "Holy Hell, my skin!" Seriously, I don't know what's going on, but it itches. Stings. Maybe it's the water drying, or maybe my skin doesn't like coffee, but this stuff was nearly impossible for me to let sit. Hopefully that means it's working...

Step 5: Rinse

At last, sweet freedom!! If your skin reacted anything like mine did, this moment is long-awaited. I recommend gently wiping off what you can while the grounds are fairly dry, and splashing water on your face to get rid of the rest.

Then, take a step back and see the change.



Does It Really Work?

Theoretically, yes. Coffee is supposed to depuff your eyes by restricting the blood flow, which reduces swelling. It's also a diuretic, causing it to draw water away from puffy cells. This results in a temporary reduction of bags.

I do think there was a change in my eyes. The bags were definitely reduced, but the color wasn't so great, probably because I irritated my skin. However, with a little bit of makeup, the color can be corrected. As you can see from the photo below, applying a dab (and I mean a DAB) of foundation after coffee-ing did a world of wonders for my dark circles.

With a bit of foundation.


Side-by-side comparison!


More DIY Beauty

As you may be able to tell, I'm all about the DIY side of things. My favorite home-remedies involve natural approaches to beauty. You can check them out here.

Coffee Grounds for Cellulite?
How to Make Lipstick out of Crayons
No Shampoo for Six Months

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Preetham on January 09, 2018:

Hi it's a great techniques after a long chatting in mobile my eyes become dark circles and lack of sleep even face is also turning tan except nose I'm normal colour shud I apply full face and daily I suppose to apply and how many days I must apply this coffee powder thanks a lot for your help

Kat on November 12, 2017:

I saw no bags under your eyes you look fine.

Deh on April 19, 2017:

What if you have real big puffy bags, what do you do for them?

ava on November 16, 2016:

i use intant coffee and olive oil and black pepper1

Leona on September 07, 2016:

Do you think that kcup coffee ground will work too?

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on June 10, 2015:

Very interesting technique. You seemed to have mixed feelings on its effectiveness.

Jadeofheart on January 08, 2015:

Yeah, I'll give it a try! I'll let you know :)

Alex Rose (author) from Virginia on January 08, 2015:

I'm thinking it may! It still has caffeine, and according to UC Berkeley Wellness, it may have more antioxidants than normal coffee. I'd say it's worth a try! Only thing is getting it to stick. You may try adding a few drops of water and making it into a paste? This is new ground for me - let me know if it works!!

Jadeofheart on January 07, 2015:

Great! May I ask a question? Unfortunately, I'm quite stingy as well. So I don't have the luxury of owning a coffee maker. Can instant black coffee work as well?

luisj305 from Florida on January 07, 2015:

Wow, I can really see a big difference, even before you applied the small amount of makeup. Great useful hub.

<![CDATA[A Review of the SkinPen Skin Treatment]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/A-Review-of-the-SkinPen-Skin-Treatmenthttps://bellatory.com/skin/A-Review-of-the-SkinPen-Skin-TreatmentFri, 21 Nov 2014 21:15:27 GMTA review of the SkinPen skin treatment. Learn about microneedling, how to know if you’re a good candidate, expected results, and potential side effects.

I enjoy trying various skin care treatments and giving my opinion on them.

Spa facial treatment

hotelcostacalero via Flickr Creative Commons

Have you tried topical creams and moisturizers with little to no results? Have you always wanted to improve the appearance of your skin but are not sure if cashing in on the latest treatments are right for you? Do you want to put your best face forward?

One of the latest breakthroughs in skin therapy is microneedling, which can help improve skin conditions like fine lines and wrinkles, acnes scars, and improve the overall appearance and health of your skin. I recently tried the skin pen to help fight old acne scarring. Learn more about micro needling below and read my review of the SkinPen skin treatment.

Needle used in microneedling

aldenchadwick via Flickr Creative Commons

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling, also sometimes referred to as collagen induction therapy, uses a small device, often referred to as a skin pen or derma pen, to rapidly and repeatedly puncture microscopic holes into the surface of the skin. This provokes a response in the body to heal the area. Through the healing process, new collagen is produced in the skin, which can help build up damaged skin, build up scarring, and correct any imperfections using the skin’s own healing power.

Currently, there are two types of skin pens:

  • Cord powered skin pens
  • Battery powered skin pens

What Can SkinPen Treatment Solve?

You should consult with a dermatologist or certified clinic to find out if the SkinPen is the right treatment for the skin condition you are concerned about. They may recommend a different path of treatment that may better suit your condition.

In my case, I first visited my cosmetic skin clinic to seek treatment for acne scarring along my temples that occurred during adolescence. My skin technician recommended a round of three fractional laser treatments, followed by a SkinPen treatment, and then followed up by another round of laser treatments.

I was curious why she recommended the SkinPen in between the rounds of laser treatment. She explained that the SkinPen is great for breaking up the laser treatments so that the skin responds better once starting the second round. She also explained that the SkinPen can continue the production of collagen between laser treatments. It can not only improve the acne scarring areas that I wanted to target, but also the overall appearance of my skin.

View the original article to see embedded media.

What Should I Know About the SkinPen?

Some benefits of the skin pen include:

  • The pen stimulates natural healing using your own body.
  • No chemicals or medication is injected into your skin or body.
  • It can be performed on all skin colors and skin types.
  • It’s a minimally invasive treatment.
  • It can be used to target small areas or used across the entire face.
  • It provides little to no downtime, unlike traditional laser treatments.
  • The treatment can be performed in an office setting.
  • Total treatment time takes less than 1 hour from start to finish.
  • You start to see results almost immediately—within the next few days after treatment.
  • The pen can be used in conjunction with laser treatments or as a touch up treatment every several months for long term maintenance of the skin’s appearance.
Technician administering skin treatment

josephmorris via Flickr Creative Commons

What Can I Expect From the SkinPen Treatment?

I waited almost six weeks after my last fractional laser treatment before receiving the SkinPen.

Upon arriving, I was brought to a private treatment room, where the clinician applied a topical anesthetic cream to numb my face and neck. That was to ensure I would not feel any discomfort during the treatment.

Then, 30 minutes later, my skin technician arrived and gently removed the topical anesthetic cream. I laid back in the room with the lights dimmed and soft music playing and it was time for the treatment to begin!

The technician used a battery-operated SkinPen and began slowly moving the pen across my skin. I was very pleased to find it was not painful—not even a prick or pinch! I could slightly feel the vibrations of the pen on my skin, but no discomfort at all.

The overall treatment took only about 15 or 20 minutes. All of the skin on my forehead, templates, cheeks, chin, and nose were covered by the tiny needles.

Check out this video demonstrating an actual microneedling treatment.

After it was over, the technician advised that my skin was responding normally. Typical reactions during and immediately following treatment include:

  • Slight bleeding from some of the microneedles.
  • Overall red sensation across the skin.
  • Slightly warmer temperature of the skin at the site of the application.

My technician then gently applied a soothing moisturizer and advised me on how to properly take care of my skin during post-treatment over the next several days.

Taking care of your skin in the days following the SkinPen Treatment

How to Take Care of Your Skin After SkinPen Treatment

Are There Any Post-Treatment Side Effects?

Immediately following treatment, you may experience redness, swelling, or slight bleeding from the microscopic holes at the site of the skin. Typically, the skin will feel warm to the touch as well.

You should treat your skin as if you have a sunburn. In my case, it only took 1-2 days after treatment for the redness to completely disappear.

If possible, I would recommend that you receive the treatment later in the afternoon or evening when you can go to bed shortly following the treatment due to the redness. The next morning, you will already begin to see the redness disappearing.

Most clinics recommend about six weeks between treatments so that your skin has enough time to produce new, natural collagen.

Reduced fine lines and wrinkles

neriumad via Flickr Creative Commons

What Type of Results Can I Expect From the SkinPen?

Most patients will start to see results in the days following treatment. Your dermatologist or skin technician may recommend several cycles of the SkinPen for more dramatically, long lasting results.

My Results

After just a week of receiving treatment, I already noticed a significant change in the fine lines and wrinkles in my forehead. The pores on my nose appeared much smaller, and the overall feel of my skin was smoother than I had felt in years.

In my opinion, these are not the kinds of results I would have been able to achieve on my own with topical, over the counter creams or moisturizers. These results were a great bonus as well as I initially was recommended to have the SkinPen treatment to help treat old acne marks and scarring along my temples.

I am also pleased to report that I can see a noticeable difference in the acne marks after just one treatment! I am hopeful that as the collagen production continues over the next 6 weeks my skin only continues to improve.

I would definitely recommend the SkinPen to friends and family. While it is an investment, the results are long lasting and can definitely boost your confidence in your appearance.

Have you ever tried a microneedling treatment? Would you recommend it to friends and family? Would you ever consider trying the SkinPen? Share your own experiences and thoughts in the comments!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


rich rike on April 01, 2019:

is 1.5depth using skinpen deep enough tg fix acne scars

Tressie Dawson on December 30, 2017:

Nice post! This treatment sounds good! I have acne marks on my face and I wanted to go for a laser treatment. What according to you is best? Should I go for laser treatment or skinpen treatment?

WheelerWife (author) from Minnesota on January 22, 2015:

I loved the SkinPen - I thought I saw pretty good results after just one treatment, too! It surprisingly didn't hurt at all. My technician numbed my face with numbing cream first. Afterward it was red and warm for about a day. Good luck - hope it works for you!

my on January 22, 2015:

Thank you for posting this insight article. I have a lot of acne scar on my face and I don't like it. I tried laser treatment couple times now and it does not see to work. I might try to get this a try. Does it hurt during the process?

<![CDATA[Glycerin: The Anti-Aging Moisturizer That Restores Elasticity to the Delicate Eye Area]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/glycerin_anti-aging_moisturizer_restores_elasticity_to_eye_areahttps://bellatory.com/skin/glycerin_anti-aging_moisturizer_restores_elasticity_to_eye_areaThu, 13 Nov 2014 16:33:51 GMTGlycerin is a natural, anti-aging substance used for the treatment of loss of elasticity, wrinkles, dryness, dark circles, and puffiness in the delicate eye area.

Chrissy is a free-lance writer who loves cosmetics, fragrances, and bath and body products.

Eye Wrinkles that have obviously not yet been treated by glycerin.


What is Glycerin?

Glycerin is a natural, anti-aging substance used for the treatment of loss of elasticity, wrinkles, dryness, dark circles, and puffiness in the delicate eye area.

Glycerin is a sweet, clear, odorless, thick liquid extracted from plant or animal fats. It is a natural substance that exists in all fats and oils and, due to its anti-aging and non-irritating qualities, should be an included on the ingredient list of any anti-wrinkle eye treatments purchased.

What is the Origin of Glycerin?

Glycerin was first discovered by Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Sheele in 1783 when he extracted it from an olive oil. Sheele referred to it as "the sweet principal of fat." It was first developed into a soap by French chemist Michel Eugene Chevreul in 1811. It was Chevreul who gave it the name "glycerin". In the late 1950s, glycerin became a treatment for glaucoma of the eyes. Today, modern science has proven its effectiveness as an anti-aging remedy. Glycerin is used in luxurious soaps, moisturizing lotions, and anti-aging skin treatments due to its skin conditioning properties.

What Effects Does Glycerin Have on the Skin of the Eye Area?

The delicate eye area is one of the first places where signs of aging begin to appear. The skin in the eye area is extremely thin and becomes thinner with age. This area has very little underlying fat, and what fat it does have loses its plumpness with age. Thinning makes the skin appear translucent (almost see through) revealing a bluish or reddish tint from blood vessels under the skin. Other factors for aging are dryness, which damages elasticity, inflammation, which causes swelling, and facial expressions, which can leave lines. Thin skin, little underlying fat, damage due to dryness, inflammation, and facial expressions make the eye area highly susceptible to aging (dark circles, puffiness from irritation, and crease lines). Glycerin thickens skin, restores elasticity, restores moisture, and is an anti-irritant.

Additionally, as skin ages the skin's epidermal (topmost) layer becomes lacking in what is called AQP3 (aquaporin-3). A deficiency in AQP3 results in dryness of the skin and loss of elasticity. AQP3 is a water/glycerol (glycerin) transporter within the skin. Topical (external) glycerin replacement through the use of a cream (a thick, liquid cosmetic preparation) or serum (a highly concentrated but thin-appearing cream or liquid) can help to correct a deficiency of AQP3 in aging skin.

Experiencing dark circles and puffiness? Glycerin can help with that!


How Does Glycerin Improve the Skin of the Eye Area?

Glycerin works to prevent and reverse aging by providing moisture to the skin and forming a protective moisture barrier on the skin's surface. Glycerin lubricates the skin, draws moisture up toward the skin's surface, and holds moisture in the skin. Restoring and holding moisture in the skin improves the elasticity of the skin and plumps out lines and creases. A 2003 Denmark study demonstrated that glycerin restored elasticity (resilience) to the skin after only 10 minutes from application.

A 1988 study published in the Journal of Dermatology stated that glycerin reduced redness and irritation. This could relieve some of the puffiness and swelling associated with inflammation in the eye area.

Because glycerin is found in the skin naturally, it is considered a "skin identical" ingredient (an ingredient that is the same as a substance already found in the skin). Glycerin lubricates the intercellular matrix of the skin which means it fills the spaces in between the tissues responsible for holding the skin's shape and providing smoothness to the skin's texture. This will plump out facial expression lines.

Glycerin aids in the regeneration of skin cells and increases skin cell turnover by keeping the skin cell renewal cycle moving forward. Fresh new skin cells replace damaged aging skin cells. Multiple studies have demonstrated that glycerin increases the thickness of corneocyte skin cells (a type of skin cell found in the outer epidermal layer of the skin). Improving skin thickness in the thinning eye area will reduce the look of dark circles.

Who Would Benefit From an Eye Product Containing Glycerin?

Persons who would benefit from an anti-aging treatment with glycerin in it are those who have or wish to prevent loss of elasticity, dark circles, puffiness, and facial expression lines such as crow's feet in the eye area.

Why is Glycerin Significant?

Glycerin is important as an anti-wrinkle, "skin-identical" substance to restore elasticity to the delicate eye area, creating more supple and beautiful skin and re-establishing the proper moisture balance.

Glycerin is a natural, fatty substance that combats loss of elasticity, thinning, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness, and dryness of the delicate skin in the eye area. It plumps the skin of the eye area, regenerates fresh new skin cells, and reduces irritation which can cause puffiness. Glycerin should be on the ingredient list of any anti-aging eye care skin treatment purchased.

View the original article to see embedded media.

© 2014 Chrissy Candace


Cheryl on April 29, 2019:

VEGETABLE GLYCERIN, does not make dark spots darker...it will lift the hyper-pigmentation. It also made my black hair, turn brown.

Tressie Dawson on February 15, 2018:

Nice post! Using glycerine on the daily basis can help your skin smoother and prevents other problems linked with dryness.

Chris Walker on January 23, 2017:

Your definition of glycerine is wrong. Glycerine is the backbone of fats, but should have no fatty acids in it, because they got taken off, to make it.

Nicole Farish on November 22, 2016:

If you are looking for a great eye cream I highly recommend checking out Solvaderm! They have an amazing eye cream that can help with wrinkles, aging, dryness, etc. Not to mention their other great skincare products.

<![CDATA[Grape Stem Cell Extract Reverses Signs of Sun Damaged Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/grape_stem_cell_extract_reverses_signs_of_sun_damaged_skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/grape_stem_cell_extract_reverses_signs_of_sun_damaged_skinMon, 10 Nov 2014 06:52:11 GMTGrape fruit cell extract has been demonstrated to reverse and prevent aged skin resulting from exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Chrissy is a free-lance writer who loves cosmetics, fragrances, and bath and body products.

Grape fruit cell extract has been demonstrated to reverse and prevent aged skin resulting from exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Photo by Nacho Domínguez Argenta on Unsplash

What Is Grape Stem Cell Extract?

Grape (vitis vinifera) fruit cell extract refers to a concentrate made of stem cells harvested from a grape. The grape, considered a berry, has been discovered to have substantial anti-aging benefits coming from the grape peel and the grape seed. Both peel and seed are subject to a technique of extracting stem cells. This technique involves making an incision (cut) in the peel or seed and removing the plant's stem cells from the callus that forms as it attempts to heal the wound.

There are two main types of stem cells found in plants, humans, and animals: embryonic and adult. Embryonic stem cells are capable of changing into any type of cell found in the host. Adult stem cells are capable of replicating themselves or only changing into a cell that is the same as any of the cells in the surrounding tissues. As grape stem cells are embryonic in nature, they are a catalyst in helping aged, sun-damaged skin to heal itself.

What Is the Origin of the Grape?

For thousands of years, the fruit of the grape has been used as a food source and as a medicine. Evidence suggests humans have interacted with the grape as far back as the Neolithic period, and written accounts of the grape are documented dating back to the third millennium BC. Ancient Egypt is known to have noted hieroglyphics of the grape. The ancient Greeks introduced the grape to Europe, and Greek philosophers commended the healing properties of the grape. Around the 17th century, European colonists brought the grape to North America, South America, Africa, and Australia. Traditional European medicine sought to alleviate cholera, smallpox, nausea, skin infections, eye infections, kidney disease, and liver disease with the grape. Today, scientists are discovering the many healthful properties of the grape, but of particular interest is the grape seed which appears to have the most benefit due to its phytochemical content.

What Parts of the Skin Do Grape Stem Cells Effect?

The skin has two main layers: the epidermal layer and the dermal layer. The epidermal layer is the topmost surface layer of the skin. The dermal layer is the underlying layer consisting of blood vessels, sweat glands, hair follicles, etc. At the base of the epidermis is the basal layer. This is where it is thought that adult stem cells in humans reside. Adult stems cells are responsible for regenerating skin by replicating themselves and creating new skin cells. However, it is a slow self-renewal process. In addition, as a person ages, the rate at which new cells can be created declines. This is, in part, due to the adult stem cells ability to only replicate themselves a limited number of times. As the number of adult stem cells in the skin decreases, the number of new skin cells that can be created also declines. Thus, the skin's ability to regenerate and heal itself declines also.

It is estimated that 80% of aged (damaged) skin is the result of sun exposure to ultraviolet rays. Toxins and free radicals are produced in the skin due to ultraviolet rays. These toxins and free radicals in the skin's tissue damages or destroys the adult stem cells residing in the basal layer of the skin. Again, adult stem cells are responsible for regenerating and healing skin tissues.

Pluripotent stem cell that can be generated directly from adult cells

How Do Grape Stem Cells Act On the Skin?

Grape fruit stem cells are harvested from selective grapes able to withstand ultraviolet light. They are able to protect, maintain, and regenerate (promote the creation of) epidermal adult stem cells. Grape skins and grape seeds contain what is called phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, and antioxidants. Anthocyanins act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Proanthocyanidins stabilize collagen, maintain elastin, reduce swelling, and also act as an antioxidant. Of note, collagen and elastin form a fibrous matrix in the skin that provides support to the skin's structures. Damage to the fibrous matrix can result in wrinkles, creases, crepiness, and sagging.

The antioxidants in proanthocyanidins are 20 times more effective than vitamin C and 50 times more effective than vitamin E. Free radicals produced by ultraviolet light exposure scavenge the tissues of the skin looking for healthy skin cells to bind to. Once this occurs, the healthy skin cells become damaged or die. Antioxidants will bind to the free radicals, preventing them from binding to healthy cells.

Who Would Benefit From a Product Containing Grape Stem Cells?

Persons who would benefit from a cream or serum containing grape fruit cell extract are those who have noted wrinkles, deep creases, crepiness, or sagging due to loss of collagen and elastin from exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.

Grape fruit cell extract is important because it is a natural botanical substance, and it has been proven to protect and heal skin exposed to ultraviolet light and its damaging rays. Creams and serums with grape fruit cell extract in them are anti-aging, anti wrinkle treatments for the skin.


View the original article to see embedded media.

© 2014 Chrissy Candace

<![CDATA[The Best Facial Treatments Right From Your Pantry]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Best-Do-It-Yourself-Facial-Treatmentshttps://bellatory.com/skin/Best-Do-It-Yourself-Facial-TreatmentsFri, 31 Oct 2014 13:13:14 GMTWhile most of us are stuck at home, it can be a struggle to keep up with your normal beauty routine. Luckily, you may have some great skin-care remedies in your kitchen right now!

I've tried a number of natural face masks, some with varied results, and below are my top choices for the best masks you can make at home!

Need some easy mask ideas? Look no further!

Photo by Kimia Zarifi on Unsplash

Real Beauty Shouldn't Cost You

You can buy the nicest clothes, the latest hairstyle, and the trendiest accessories, but when your face isn't looking its best, you don't feel at your best either.

To feel beautiful every day, it's important to put your best face forward. When your skin is healthy and glowing, you feel confident. Many women spend hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars on expensive exfoliating treatments, wrinkle creams, chemical peels, and many other pricey procedures.

But good news, everyone! You can get some of the same results of these treatments with many products you probably have in your home right now.

Avocados are a girl's best friend.

Photo by Irene Kredenets on Unsplash

DIY Avocado Face Mask

Avocado has many health benefits, inside and out! These delicious fruits are very high in healthy fats, which studies have shown may help improve skin's suppleness and elasticity when consumed regularly.

Avocados are also high in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that is widely known to protect skin from UV damage and may even help repair damage from everyday activities. Combined with other essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, the ingredients in avocado make it the perfect at-home face mask go-to!

The best part of the mask? It's simple!

  1. Simply mash up a ripe avocado.
  2. Apply to your face using your fingers or a beauty spatula.
  3. Wait 30 minutes and remove the mask with a towel.

That's it! Plus, it's a great base if you'd like to mix in other skin-loving ingredients as well, such as:

  • Honey
  • Eggs
  • Lemon juice
  • Green tea

Avocado is also great for sensitive, dry, acne-prone and combination skin so that everyone can use it! So Go Green for a Healthy Glow!

Apples have many purposes.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

The Best Natural Toner: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a very inexpensive facial cleanser available at almost all local food stores!

The beta-carotene ACV works to fight the toxins and bacteria in your skin and cleanse the skin of many of the impurities that can cause acne, discoloration, or dullness. Simply apply a small amount of ACV to a cotton ball and gently brush along your T-zone as your toner to remove dirt, oil and impurities.

As a bonus, drinking two tablespoons of ACV mixed with at least 8 ounces of water has been shown to help improve skin from the inside-out and to aid in weight loss as well!

This egg mask is easy and awesome.

Photo by Amr Serag on Unsplash

Blackhead Buster: Egg Whites and Lemon Mask

For this mask, all you'll need are two eggs and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

  1. Separate the eggs and discard the yolks, as you'll only be using the egg whites for this mask.
  2. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and whisk the mixture together until well-blended.
  3. Spread this mixture around your entire face, and don't worry if it appears to be thin; this is normal.
  4. Leave on for at least 15 minutes.
  5. Gently peel off. Do not rinse off! This mask is meant to pull out all of the gunk from your pores.

Use only 1-2 times a week, as this could lead to rashes and other issues if over-used.

I have also added other ingredients to this mask, such as:

  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp of cream

Check which of these add-ins may be appropriate for your particular skin type before adding!

The Best Peel-Off Mask: Gelatin and Milk

My all-time favorite mask, and one I must say has provided the best results, comes courtesy of Allison at Petit Elefant, and you should check out her original article here for the complete breakdown.

To make this mask:

  1. simply mix one tbs. Unflavored gelatin (nothing with sugar, color or flavoring! Trust me, it could have the opposite of the desired effect) with 1 1/2-2 tbs. of milk.
  2. Heat mixture in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Careful, it may be hot!
  3. Apply to your face quickly, as this hardens very, very fast.
  4. Leave the mask on for at least 20 minutes - the mask should be completely solid to the touch.
  5. Then, start peeling away!

This mask acts similarly to pore strips and pulls out blackheads, whiteheads, and those little hairs around your face. Apply to problem areas or all over, if desired. Your skin will feel fresh, incredibly soft, and your pores will thank you!

Who doesn't love coconuts? Who knew coconuts had so many purposes?

Photo by Shibi Zidhick on Unsplash

Best Natural Moisturizer and Make-up Remover: Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been receiving an increasing amount of attention in the beauty world in the last few years, and it consistently lives up to the hype. It is great for sensitive and combination skin, but be sure to test it first if you have primarily oily skin.

Like avocados, coconut oil is high in healthy fats, vitamin F and lauric acid. These ingredients all work as natural antibacterial agents. These ingredients in coconut oil help your skin by:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Increasing collagen production
  • Naturally hydrating the epidermis
  • Reducing the appearance of scars and dark spots

Face Mask

  1. Apply a small amount to your entire face before bed.
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes before wiping away any excess. Your skin should feel soft and moisturized to the touch but not oily!
  3. Wash regularly in the morning.

Make-up Remover

Coconut oil can also double as a make-up remover.

  1. Simply dab a cotton ball with some room-temperature oil
  2. Swipe across eyelids, lips, and the rest of your face as needed.

You'll be pleasantly surprised at how much comes off naturally and for far less than your go-to remover.

Related Articles

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Kay Plumeau (author) from New Jersey, USA on November 17, 2015:

You always have such wonderful comments, K&T, thank you so much! Your writing is always a pleasure to read as well. Thank you!

Kiss andTales on November 17, 2015:

Wonderful information that is affordable .thank you for sharing your gift as a writer.

Kay Plumeau (author) from New Jersey, USA on October 06, 2015:

Thank you very much! Let me know if you try any out for yourself, I've tried them all with pretty good results, and I'd love to know how they work for others as well! =)

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on October 05, 2015:

KMS, great ideas. Good hub!

<![CDATA[Can Lemon Juice Really Lighten Skin?]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Can-Lemon-Juice-Really-Lighten-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Can-Lemon-Juice-Really-Lighten-SkinSat, 11 Oct 2014 10:31:51 GMTLemon juice is commonly used in skin whitening recipes to reduce the appearance of dark spots or to lighten the overall complexion, but does it really work?

Angie is a science teacher with an interest in a wide range of topics.

Lemon Juice and Skin Lightening

Lemon juice is commonly suggested as a skin lightening treatment, but does it really work?

The short answer is YES it does, but it does take time, and it is not a permanent solution.

Citrus fruits, especially lemons, are effective for treating dark spots, acne damage and freckles because they are packed with vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-oxidant. When applied topically to the skin, lemon juice has been shown to play several roles in preventing hyperpigmentation.


Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a natural exfoliant that can help to lighten the skin and improve skin tone. The upper layer of the skin (the epidermis) is exfoliated by the acid, removing old skin cells, including old cells with dark pigmentation.

The outer layer of our skin naturally exfoliates every 3–4 weeks as new cells move upwards from the basal layer to the epidermis, gradually dying after they move up. Vitamin C reduces the cohesion between the cells in the outer skin layer, causing them to slough off. This stimulates the production of new skin cells, which makes the skin appear brighter and more youthful. After several months of regular use, there will be a noticeable reduction in fine lines and an overall improvement in skin tone and texture.

Stimulates Collagen

As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C can help to minimise the cell damage caused by free radicals, and it has been shown to stimulate the production of skin collagen. Vitamin C is water soluble, so it can be readily absorbed into the skin to protect non-water-soluble molecules located within cell membranes.

Applying vitamin C can help the skin to become stronger with a more even complexion. For this reason, it is often used in anti-aging products to promote skin peeling and re-growth.

Vitamin C can also boost the level of vitamin E in the body, which helps to protect cells from oxidation. This results in healthier skin and more even complexion.

Reduces Melanin Production

Vitamin C, in its ascorbyl form, has been clinically tested and shown to reduce melanin production in the skin. While melanin has an important role to play, protecting us from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays, an overproduction of melanin can result in skin problems in the form of dark spots and other areas of hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin C causes skin lightening by interrupting the action of the enzyme tyrosinase, which stimulates melanin production in the skin. Studies conducted at the Tulane University School of Medicine by Patricia K. Farris, M.D in 2005 found that vitamin C, when applied topically, was effective in "promoting collagen synthesis, photo-protection from ultraviolet A and B, and lightening hyperpigmentation." The results of this study were published in the journal of "Dermatologic Surgery."

Fresh Lemons for Skin Lightening

Use fresh lemons for your skin lightening treatment and not bottled lemon juice. Bottled lemon juice purchased in the supermarket is often diluted with water and contains preservatives to keep it fresh. Lemons are cheap to buy, and you might only need one lemon per day, depending on the treatment you use. You can make fresh lemon juice quickly each morning with a hand juicer.

While lemon juice is a safe and natural remedy, if you have any serious skin problems or allergies, you should be cautious when using this treatment. Lemon juice is a natural astringent, which makes it a great treatment for oily skin, but people with dry skin could find lemon juice too harsh, and it could burn or sting the skin. You could also try mixing the lemon juice with natural yoghurt or honey to make a more nourishing mask, and remember to moisturise daily.

Skin Treatment Using Lemon and Milk

To make this refreshing skin treatment, you can use the juice of half a lemon, or a whole lemon, mixed with equal parts of milk. The juice will cause the milk to curdle, but that is not a problem.

Milk contains lactic acid, a mild alpha-hydroxy acid that will exfoliate the skin and promote cell renewal. Milk is also rich in amino acids and enzymes that enhance water retention and skin moisture. This helps to soften the skin and allows for deeper penetration of the lemon juice. The lemon juice is acidic and acts as a bleaching agent that will help to fade uneven pigmentation. If you find the lemon is too acidic for your skin, you can add a little more milk and less juice.

This treatment should be applied as a polisher to exfoliate the skin. To apply the milk and lemon, you can soak a flat sponge in the mixture and use that to massage it into your skin using a circular motion for about three minutes. This can be used on any part of the body, including the hands and feet, and does not need to be washed off—but the smell might be a bit overpowering!

If you are using this mixture on your face, you can massage it in and leave for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off and patting it dry with a towel. Your skin will feel nice and smooth afterwards.

This lemon-milk whitener can be used once or twice a week. Remember that lemon will make your skin more photosensitive so you will need to use a good quality sunscreen during the day.

Lemon Skin-Whitening Tips

Here are some tips to consider when using lemon juice to whiten your skin:

  • Test a small area of your skin with dilute lemon juice first in case of allergic reactions.
  • Lemon juice will make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so remember to limit your sun exposure and always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen.
  • Lemon juice can dry out your skin, so you may need to apply moisturiser afterwards.
  • Don't use lemon juice if you have a cut or injury on your skin as it could sting or burn.
  • Avoid getting lemon juice near your eyes or eyelids as it can sting.
  • Lightening your skin with lemon juice can take a while, but it is better to stick to using this treatment three to four times a week instead of every day. Lemon juice has astringent qualities, so it can dry the skin out too much if applied every day.
  • Don't go out into the sun with lemon juice on your face. Lemon juice makes your skin extra sensitive to sunlight, and it can burn, so rinse off any traces of lemon juice before going outside.
  • Lemon juice is useful for lightening the skin and reducing freckles, and it is also a time-honored treatment for oily skin.

DIY Creamy Lemon Face Mask

Lemon Skin-Whitening Creams

Vitamin C, or lemon juice extract, is a major ingredient used in many skin lightening creams and serums. If you are looking for an all-natural lightening cream, check the ingredients first.

Skin-whitening products like Cuccio Lemon Skin Whitening Serum combine the power of lemon extracts with Kojic acid, a natural skin-bleaching agent that comes from an Asian fungus.

Whitening creams such as Meladerm Pigment Reducing Complex include vitamin C and lemon extract in their formulation, along with other proven whiteners like bearberry extract, mulberry extract and emblica.

Ingredients to avoid in whitening creams include chemical-based lighteners like hydroquinine and mercury. While hydroquinine is banned in some countries, it is available by prescription in the US and can be sold over the counter in concentrations of up to 2%.

Mercury is banned in the US, but it can still be found in lightening creams outside the US, where the industry is not so regulated. While these ingredients effectively lighten the skin, they have been found to have dangerous side effects when used over the long term.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: Can l mix lemon juice with my body cream?

Answer: It is possible to add lemon juice and milk to a body lotion to help lighten skin. Just be careful the lemon juice doesn't irritate or dry out the skin. Remember to also use sunscreen or your skin could burn. Lemon juice will make your skin more sensitive to the suns UV rays.

Question: How long will it take to lighten skin with lemon juice?

Answer: You can usually see results in one to two weeks using lemon juice

Question: Will using lemon juice as a skin lightener show a noticeable result for dry skin and how many days does it take to work if applied daily?

Answer: Lemon juice can be very drying for the skin so you will need to keep upur skin moisturised if you already have dry skin. If you apply lemon juice daily it should take 2-3 years to see results.

Question: What can of milk can I use for skin lightening?

Answer: For lemon juice lightening recipes, it is best to use regular full cream milk.

Question: Can we use any other solution except lemon juice?

Answer: There are many other skin lightening ingredients that can be used aside from lemon juice. For example kojic acid or bearberry extract. You can find many skin whitening recipes online that use gram flour, turmeric, milk, and other common kitchen ingredients.

Question: Can we use lemon on the face everyday?

Answer: Yes, you can use lemon juice every day but be aware that it can be very drying so you might need to use a quality moisturizer.

Question: If I only use lemon juice when will I start to see results?

Answer: Most people see results in two weeks after using lemon juice to lighten spots. However, it can take 3 to 4 weeks for other people.

Question: What are the side effects of using lemon juice on skin ?

Answer: Lemon juice contains acids that can help to lighten the skin. However constant use of lemon juice on the skin can have side effects because the same acids can irritate the skin, causing redness, dryness or flaky skin. It can also increase the risk of sunburn. If you have sensitive skin you should do a small test patch first to see if irritation occurs.

Question: Can I use bottled lemon juice in my body lotion?

Answer: It is better to use fresh lemons for skin whitening lotions if you can. Bottled lemon juice is sometimes watered down and usually contains preservatives.

Question: Is the treatment of lightening skin with lemon juice permanent?

Answer: Lemon juice whitening is not a permanent solution. You will need to maintain your lightened skin by using a good quality sunscreen and avoiding too much sun exposure. Use a skin lightening mask weekly to help maintain this.

Question: Can I mix lemon juice with my bathing water?

Answer: Yes. You can add freshly squeezed lemon juice to your bath water. Add about 1/2 cup of lemon and soak for 15-20 minutes.

Question: Is the skin lightening permanent or will you have to keep using it?

Answer: Lemon juice helps to lighten the skin but it is not a permanent solution. You will need to avoid sun exposure when using lemon juice on the skin and use suncreen with a high SPF. You will still need to use natural lighteners like lemon juice from time to time to maintain the desired results.

Question: You mentioned that the effects would be temporary. Why would lemon juice only have temporary skin lightening effects and how so?

Answer: Brown spots and pigmentation of the skin is caused by melanin, the pigment in our skin that provides protection from the sun's UV rays. It is not possible to stop the production of melanin permanently. Lemon juice can be used to lighten the appearance of dark spots but it is highly acidic and should be used with caution. Lemon juice is high in Vitamin C and citric acid which exfoliates the dead skin cells producing a lighter appearance but it does not inhibit melanin production.

Question: How to treat darkened skin caused by lemon?

Answer: Lemon juice will usually not darken your skin but lighten it. If you are using lemon juice consistently it might make you skin more sensitive to the sun's UV rays. So if you are outdoors a lot you could find your skin darkens, because the exposure to the UV rays is causing your skin to tan (produce melanin). You need to wear sunscreen with a very high SPF.

Question: Can I mix a kojic cream with the lemon juice?

Answer: Yes, you can mix these but be careful they don't irritate your skin. Both ingredients can be drying to the skin.

Question: When I add lemon juice to my cream...will it enhance natural whitening without skin break outs?

Answer: You can add lemon juice to your mousturiser and even to your anti-acne cream. However, some people suggest mixing just a little of the lemon juice and mousturizer in your hand just before applying, rather than add it to your bottle of moisturizer. This apparently stops it from blocking your pores if you are acne prone.

Question: Do unripened lemons lighten the skin or should I get the ripe ones?

Answer: I would probably use the ripe lemons although green lemons still contain vitamin C.


Angie Woods (author) from Australia on June 23, 2020:

Lemon juice applied daily will usually lighten dark spots in about 2 weeks. It depends how dark these spots are. Some people report that it can take longer (3-4 weeks) to fade dark patches.

Ruchi on June 22, 2020:

How much time it will take when we use lemon on body for removing dark patches??

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on December 10, 2019:

Im not sure what ingredients you have in your rice cream. I am assuming it is a skin whitening cream. It should be fine to add a little lemon juice to this.

Esther on December 07, 2019:

Can I add lemon juice to my rice cream?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on September 17, 2019:

Hi. You can still use lemon to whiten the skin but just be cautious. Lemon juice is very acidic and can cause skin to dry out or become red. You can apply lemon juice once daily but maybe test a small patch of skin first.

It is important to avoid sun exposure or use a high SPF suncreen when lightening with lemon juice. It can make your skin more photosensitive. It can sometimes cause phytophotodermatitis which is a reaction of the skin to citrus juices. When exposed to UV rays the skin may become inflammed.

Ynah Clarisse Ferrer on September 16, 2019:

Hi, It’s me again.

As you said or even based from different articles, exposed to sun when using lemon on face can make your skin darker or worse, can cause hyperpigmentation.

My face looked darker because of lemon, how to treat it? Can you use lemon also to whiten it?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on September 15, 2019:

Hi. I can't say for sure but when you use lemon for skin whitening, or any skin lightening products it will make your skin more photosensitive and caution is needed if you are outdoors.

Clarisse on September 14, 2019:


So I’ve been using lemon for skin whitening, I’ve stopped using it for so long and summer came, I can’t avoid sun exposure. Although, I used SPFs and sunscreens, I noticed that my face looked darker. Darker than my natural colour. Was it because of the lemon? If so, how do you treat darkened skin caused by lemon?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on June 13, 2018:

Hi Kayla. There are a number of skin whitening recipes online that target acne scars. Common ingredients for lightening acne scars are lemon or lime juice, apple cider vinegar, cinammon and honey and some essential oils lke sandalwood.

If you are really concerned, you could see a doctor or dermatoligist.

kayla on June 13, 2018:

i have an oily skin and as a result i get pimples that at times leave dark marks on my face

what should i do as my skin is becoming darker with all the spots in it

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on May 01, 2018:

Hi Usha. Im sorry to hear you are unhappy. There are other skin whitening recipes you could try. Maybe try one of the recipes here using lemon juice and see if that helps. You could also speak to a dermatologist about your problem and see if they can help you.

Usha on May 01, 2018:

I used to have a whiter skin..

But because of pollution i turned to black colour completely....... I have tried using tomato along with rice flour daily but after using this i even turned black..... Wat should i do

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on December 18, 2017:

Hi Nansi. Try using dilute lemon juice (mixed with watet) to start with to check if your skin is sensitive to it. Lemon juice can be very drying so use a moisturiser and sunscreen after it is applied.

nansi on December 18, 2017:

Should I use lemon on face..

After applying on face it starts scrubbing ..

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on November 09, 2017:

Hi Issha. You can mix lemon juice with your face cream but on your hand just before applying, not in the bottle as it can make it go sticky.

Issha on November 09, 2017:

Hi Angie

Pls is it OK to add lemon juice to my facial Cream that I used every day? Pls am waiting. Thanks.

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on September 26, 2017:

Hi Madhvi

Lemon juice can be used to fade acne scars. It wont happen overnight but you should see results after a few weeks. As lemon juice can dry the skin you should also use a moisturiser and remember to use sunscreen if you go outdoors. Lemon juice will make the skin more sensitive to sun damage.

madhvi on September 26, 2017:

Hello Angie,

i used to had acne, but it left brown scars. It would be grateful, if you could advise if lemon juice will help to fade them away.

Thank you in advance.



balaji on August 30, 2017:

thank you

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on August 29, 2017:

Hi Balaji. It can take 2-3 months of consistent use to lighten the skin with lemon juice

balaji on August 29, 2017:

how many days it will take to see change in face using lemon

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on July 24, 2017:

Hi Bad. Lemon juice will lighten the skin but I'm not sure if it will remove a chemical burn if the scar is deep.

Bad on July 22, 2017:

will chemiCal burn like Colgate scar will be removed with this ?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on July 18, 2017:

Hi Abi. Its no problem to use lemon juice with make up. Just use lemon first and then moisturise before applying makeup.

abi on July 18, 2017:

Applying lemon on face .Is make problem or not

Paris Dar on July 11, 2017:

Ive been suffering from extremely sensitive skin my entire life. I used to have dark spots on areas like pits and knees and inner thighs. I did this method practically everyday for almost 2 years (fresh lemon alone & i never even bothered to rinse it off) and believe it or not my pits are now lighter than the rest of my skin! (I think I mightve overdone the lightening)

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on July 02, 2017:

Hi. You can apply the whitening mask above with a small sponge and massage into the face in a circular fashion for about 3 mins. Leave for 10 mins before washing off and pat with a towel.

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on June 27, 2017:

Hi Andrew Paul. You can just try fresh lemon juice but it depends on your skin type. You might want to mix something like honey or yoghurt with it because fresh lemon juice can be very drying, unless your skin is very oily.

Andrew Paul on June 26, 2017:

or what would have the best effect? Would just putting the lemon juice on your skin be as effective as the other methods

Andrew Paul on June 26, 2017:

What method do you recommend would work the best?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on May 26, 2017:

Hi brady. It wont lighten your skin straight away but most people start to see results after a couple of weeks. Some people continue using a lemon juice recipe over several months. 3-4 times a week. It depends what result you want to achieve. It can dry your skin put so just use it cautiously or mix with moisturizing ingredients.

brady on May 25, 2017:

how long does it take to make your skin light?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on March 14, 2017:

Hi Priya. Im sorry to hear that. Lemon juice can make you skin more sensitive to the sun which can cause dark patches. Or the lemon juice could be reacting with the skin causing post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or dark spots. You should stop using the lemon juice and, if you need to, consult a dermatologist if the condition is worrying you.

Priya on March 13, 2017:

Pleaseeee help...I had big pimples on my face...I applied lemon on them and left overnight...now there are dark black patches around the pimple...how can I remove them..?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on November 20, 2016:

Yes you can apply fresh lemon juice to your face but some people find it dries out the skin. You can try the lemon juice and natural yoghurt suggested here. This method does take while so be patient . Lemon juice is great for lightening but dont leave it on your face if you go out in the sun. Wear a good sunscreen to avoid more tanning.

anx on November 20, 2016:

can i just directly apply the fresh lemon juice onto my skin? recently i had 2 hours of sports in the hot sun and it made me really tan on my face, neck, arms and especially the legs. will b glad if u could answer sasp

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on October 17, 2016:

Yes I believe you could add this to body lotion although I have never tried. You could try the method above of mixing it in your hand.

Mirabel+2348170315595 on October 17, 2016:

Can one add lemon extract to his or her body moisturizing cream and still get the lightening effect?

Angie Woods (author) from Australia on September 11, 2015:

Hi Alex , yes you can add these to your moistutising cream. Its best to do this in your hand just before applying and not in the bottle as it can become a bit sticky.

Alex on September 08, 2015:

can one mix lemon juice and orange peals with body moisturizing cream?

sharma on May 11, 2015:

Im eager to do tis

Blah blah blah on January 26, 2015:

Yeah I've used lemon juice on my face for a long time and I can personally tell u that it only shows results after using it A lot so u gotta have patience

Nutankumarisinha on October 25, 2014:

I really feel that lemon juice can really make your complexion fairer and flawless as i use it regularly in my beauty routine.

<![CDATA[20 Easy Treatments for Flaky and Dry Skin on Your Forehead and Face]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Flaky-and-Dry-Skin-on-forehead-and-on-Face-Easy-Treatment-and-Tipshttps://bellatory.com/skin/Flaky-and-Dry-Skin-on-forehead-and-on-Face-Easy-Treatment-and-TipsMon, 25 Aug 2014 04:03:11 GMTFlaky skin is no fun to deal with, especially when it's on your face. Fortunately, there are many easy treatments for dry skin. Read on to discover an extensive list of treatments, as well as detailed information about skin types and various skin conditions.

Trained in dentistry, Sree is currently studying lab sciences. She enjoys researching various health topics and writing about her findings.

Karolina Mis, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr

Though dry skin is often felt more than seen, it can be an embarrassing nuisance when it becomes noticeable, and having visibly dry skin on your face—the most prominent part of the body—can feel downright unfair. Christina Smitley, FNP-C, a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with Advanced Dermatology PC, explains:

"The skin on our face is the thinnest, which makes it more susceptible to drying and damage. The face is also exposed to environmental factors daily which can cause drying and flaking. [...] Additionally, improper skin care such as using hot water, harsh soaps, and not moisturizing the skin contribute to drying of the skin."

The good news is, there are lots of ways to try to get rid of this pesky problem. It just takes a little research into the causes of your dry skin to figure out the best way to try to fix it.

This article will cover the following topics:

  • Easy treatments for dry facial skin
  • Causes of dry, flaky skin on your forehead and face
  • What is dry skin?
  • Specific skin problems and their treatments
  • Description of skin types
  • How to find your skin type

Continue scrolling to find the right skin care solution for you!

Easy Treatments for Dry and Flaky Skin

  1. Stay hydrated.
  2. Avoid washing your face with hot water.
  3. Use a mild cleanser.
  4. Use milk to wash your face.
  5. Use milk to moisturize.
  6. Shorten your showers.
  7. Try an oil cleansing method.
  8. Pat (don't rub) your face dry.
  9. Apply (the right) moisturizer.
  10. Apply your moisturizer at the right time.
  11. Use a petroleum jelly or glycerine mask.
  12. Make your own moisturizing facial mask with natural ingredients.
  13. Use fresh aloe to soothe and hydrate your skin.
  14. Do an egg facial.
  15. Choose your makeup carefully.
  16. Protect your face when you go outside.
  17. Use sunscreen!
  18. Use a humidifier at night.
  19. Eat well.
  20. Avoid alcohol and other drugs.

20 Easy Treatments for Dry and Flaky Skin

Though the following treatments are numbered, they are in no particular order. I encourage you to scroll through and see which ones appeal to you.

1. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is the key to preventing skin dryness. Drinking lots of water every day—about eight glasses—goes a long way in replenishing the skin's moisture level. Eating fruits and vegetables is also a great way of staying hydrated.

2. Avoid Washing Your Face With Hot Water

Experts say that it is best to wash your face with warm water. This is a notch warmer than lukewarm and is best for relaxing the pores of the skin without drying it out. It also makes cleaning the face easier. Whereas warm water is quite gentle, hot water is a natural exfoliator. If one has dry skin, hot water is an enemy that may cause aggravation, especially on the forehead. Keep in mind that this includes baths and showers!

3. Use a Mild Cleanser

Using a mild facial cleanser may also help in maintaining the skin's water content, but only if you find the right one. Avoid perfumed cleansers with alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate (a synthetic organic compound that dries up the skin's moisture), and opt for fragrance-free cleansers with ceramides. Fragrance-free cleansers are better than perfumed ones because the latter commonly contains alcohol, which quickly dehydrates the skin. Ceramides lock in moisture and keep skin soft and hydrated.

4. Use Milk to Wash Your Face

Instead of water, one may also consider washing the face with milk. Milk contains ingredients that both cleanse and protect. For example, the lactic acid in milk naturally cleanses the skin while milk's lipid content supplies the natural oil the skin needs to stay moisturized.

5. Use Milk to Moisturize

You can also use milk to naturally moisturize your skin. Simply dip a baby washcloth (these are gentler than regular washcloths) in a bowl filled with cold milk, and drape it over your face. Leave it on for about ten minutes to allow the milk to get rid of oil and dirt, infuse moisture, remove dead skin, and reduce redness. Choose whole milk or two-percent milk to ensure that your facial skin looks rehydrated, soft, and plump. You can do the milk cleansing method twice or thrice a week to give your skin a break from your usual cleanser.

Note: Milk will not remove makeup, so make sure to remove all traces of makeup before cleansing your face with this method.

6. Shorten Your Showers

To keep showers and baths from causing dry skin, make sure to keep the bathroom door closed and to limit your bath or shower time to about five to ten minutes.

7. Try an Oil Cleansing Method

Give the oil facial cleansing method a try when washing your face before bedtime. The oil you use will attract the oils on the surface of the skin. This method is excellent because it removes sweat, dirt, and makeup from your face without drying it out. That being said, cleansing oils don't work for everyone, so it's important to choose one designed for your skin type. It can also be beneficial to make a cleansing blend with multiple oils. To combat oily spots, infuse the blend with a bit of castor oil. Here are the best oils for various skin types:

  • Oily, acne-prone skin: grapeseed, coconut, argan, and lavender oil
  • Dry skin: jojoba, avocado, almond, and sunflower oil
  • Sensitive skin: rosemary or camelia seed oil

After splashing your face with warm water, rub the oil mixture all over with clean fingers and then gently wipe off with circular strokes using a washcloth dipped in warm water. After rinsing your face with some warm water, pat it dry using a soft towel.

8. Pat (Don't Rub) Your Face Dry

When patting your skin dry, do so for only up to twenty seconds to keep potential irritation down to a minimum. Use a soft, water-absorbing cloth such as terry cloth. You will know that your face is sufficiently pat-dried if it feels moist (but not dripping wet).

9. Apply (the Right) Moisturizer

It is not enough to just wash the face; in order to keep skin hydrated, you should also use a good moisturizer. Apply liberal amounts to the face, especially the dry skin on the forehead.

Including the use of a face cream in one's daily makeup regimen can prevent a lot of regrets later on. Choose creams that are fragrance- and alcohol-free; in fact, pass up any moisturizer with too many ingredients that end in "-ohol." If possible, pick one that contains glycerin, ceramides, stearic acid, or shea butter, which aid in replacing the skin's moisture-retaining, protective layer. Creams with high pH levels also protect the skin from prolonged exposure to sunlight.

10. Apply Your Moisturizer at the Right Time

Make sure to apply your facial moisturizer right after cleansing while your skin is still damp. This will ensure that your moisturizer traps an optimal amount of moisture on your skin.

11. Use a Petroleum Jelly or Glycerine Mask

Petroleum jelly or glycerine can help make skin supple and less irritated. Simply cover the spots on your face that easily dry out with a thin coating to lock in moisture, let sit for ten minutes, and then wash thoroughly. In winter, you can do this every time you need to step outside to combat the season's harsh and drying air. For the rest of the year, you can do this twice a week.

12. Make Your Own Moisturizing Facial Mask With Natural Ingredients

Try making your own deep moisturizing facial mask using natural ingredients. Here are three easy face masks you can make with ingredients you have at home:

  • Combine one tablespoon each of olive oil and honey with one mashed banana.
  • Combine one tablespoon each of grapeseed oil and honey with one mashed avocado.
  • Mix one tablespoon each of milk, honey, and grapeseed oil.

Simply smooth the mixture over your cleansed face, let sit for fifteen minutes, and rinse off with warm water.

13. Use Fresh Aloe to Soothe and Hydrate Your Skin

Aloe has natural soothing, hydrating, and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit dry facial skin. Just break open an aloe leaf, remove the sap inside, and apply it on your cleansed face. Let the aloe sit for about fifteen minutes before rinsing off with warm water. You can use an aloe face mask every week to help keep dry facial skin at bay.

14. Do an Egg Facial

An egg facial is a great weekly treatment. Simply whip a couple of egg whites and then apply the mixture to your face. Let the egg white mask sit for ten minutes before washing it off. Repeat the process with the remaining egg yolks, and then gently pat your face dry before applying your favorite moisturizer.

15. Choose Your Makeup Carefully

When it comes to fighting off dry skin on forehead and face, it is important to scrutinize your makeup routine. Your makeup may contain ingredients that contribute to your problems with dry skin. It may even be best for you to wear no makeup at all, but if you feel that you cannot go without it, you can try using oil-based cosmetics that do not have harsh ingredients (like alcohol) in them. Make sure to choose makeup made with all-natural ingredients such as almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax, and shea butter. These items help in nourishing your skin as well as keeping it from drying out.

16. Protect Your Face When You Go Outside

Cover your face whenever you have to go out. It is also important that you always protect your face from the sun's harsh UV rays with sunscreen. The winter months are notorious for sucking moisture from the skin on your forehead and face. Consider wearing a mask on cold and dry winter days to protect your face from the harsh air. If a mask feels too intense, you can wear a hat and cover your face's lower half with a scarf before heading outside.

17. Use Sunscreen!

Most dry facial skin problems can actually be attributed to sun damage. This is the reason you should never forget to apply an SPF 30 sunscreen product all throughout the year (yes, even when it's cloudy or rainy!). If you worry about covering your face with heavy sunscreens, you can use a facial lotion with SPF instead. Be sure to use a sunscreen with dry skin formulation. This ensures that your skin gets not just the right SPF but also the moisturizing help it needs. Because dry skin is more likely to get irritated compared to normal skin, it would be wise to choose a sunscreen that does not contain colorants, perfumes, and other irritating additives.

Note: Do not forget to protect your lips as well; you can use a lip balm with an SPF of 15 or more.

18. Use a Humidifier at Night

Running a humidifier in your bedroom overnight will greatly help in preventing dry air from dehydrating the skin on the forehead and face. This is also a good way to infuse additional moisture into your facial skin, which helps prevent it from shedding too quickly and flaking in the morning. Keep in mind that keeping your bedroom's humidity at fifty percent is ideal.

If you're opposed to using a humidifier, you can put a bamboo fern, Boston palm, Ficus alii, or another kind of naturally humidifying plant in your bedroom. Placing a container of water beside the radiator works is also effective at keeping your bedroom somewhat humid in winter.

19. Eat Well

Preventing dry skin problems on the forehead and face becomes easier and more effective when you take steps to keep your body healthy on the inside as well as on the outside. The foods you eat greatly affect how your skin appears. Healthy eating habits are essential in keeping your skin healthy, hydrated, and glowing.

Get Your Fair Share of Healthy Fats.

Ensure that your body gets the fats it needs for healthy skin by eating fish, which are rich in skin-friendly omega-3 fatty acids. Good choices of skin-nourishing fish include salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herring, rainbow trout, and sardines. The healthy fats they contain have the ability to strengthen your skin cells, protect your skin from sun damage, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Your body needs these healthy fats to enable the skin as well as other organs to function properly. Omega-3s have also been found to help the cardiovascular system work optimally, allowing it to circulate blood (and the nutrients it carries) to all cells, especially in the skin. Some fish also contain selenium, a trace mineral that helps preserve the skin's elastin, resulting in supple and smooth skin.

If you're not big into eating fish, omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in high amounts in fish oil. Your skin will also benefit from less inflammation with the consumption of fish oil since it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Olive oil (extra virgin) is another good source of healthy fats and vitamin E, which can moisturize your skin when eaten as well as applied topically.

Make Sure You Get Plenty of Vitamins and Antioxidants.

Another great way of hydrating and protecting your skin is by eating fruits, especially water-dense tropical ones. High amounts of antioxidants, as well as vitamins C and A, can be found in most fruits. These help in replenishing skin nutrients, promoting the production of collagen, and maintaining your skin's firmness and suppleness. Check out this list of the top 10 fruits for glowing skin for more information.

Seeds and nuts are also great go-to sources for antioxidants, vitamins E, A, and B, minerals, omega-3s, and monounsaturated fatty acids. These nutrients have the ability to promote skin hydration, skin elasticity, and cell regeneration, as well as provide protection against free radicals and pollutants. Vitamins E and C can also be found in high amounts in avocados, which is why the fruit is effective in locking moisture into the skin.

Yellow and orange vegetables are good sources of beta-carotene, another nutrient that promotes skin health. Beta-carotene is a form of antioxidant, enabling it to help fight dry skin on the forehead and face and protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Most yellow and orange veggies are also rich in vitamins C and A, both of which aid the body in repairing tissues as well as producing collagen.

Dark green, leafy vegetables, like spinach, are rich sources of vitamins E, A, and B as well as iron and omega-3s. These aid in protecting the skin and giving your immune system a boost. Dark, leafy greens also contain folates and phytochemicals that help in hydrating the skin and keeping it healthy.

Pack in the Protein!

Protein is needed by the body for the regeneration of cells. This nutrient can be found in high amounts in eggs. Eggs are also rich in lutein and sulfur, which help improve your skin's elasticity and hydration.

20. Avoid Alcohol and Other Drugs

It is also important that you avoid smoking, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, and taking drugs. These vices greatly impact your skin, making it look drier and older. For your healthiest skin, it is best to do away with alcohol, drugs, and tobacco entirely, but even significantly cutting down on them will help improve the quality of your skin.

What Are the Causes of Flaky, Dry Skin on the Forehead and Face?

The forehead is particularly susceptible to dryness and irritation. Many external and internal factors contribute to facial dryness, the severity of which depends on how many and how intense these factors are. While the causes of skin dryness, especially on the face, are mostly external, it is important to note that the cures to these come from external sources as well. Here is a comprehensive list of factors—both external, internal, and other—that may be the cause of your dry skin. I will only list the causes here, but their solutions can be found in the following section.

1. External Factors

Skin Care. Ironically, attempts to take care of our skin often have the opposite effect. Here are some ways that our daily routines, from maintaining basic hygiene to using skin care products, can actually cause dry skin.

  • Washing, bathing, or showering too often, too long, and with very hot water can remove many of the skin barrier's lipids.
  • Using harsh cleansers or excessive treatments can also cause dry skin.
  • Using things like washcloths and cleansing mitts on your face can be harsh and drying.

Environmental Irritants. Environmental factors can have a huge effect on the dryness of our skin.

  • UV rays hasten the aging rate of the skin, making it more prone to becoming dry as you age. Your chances of having dry facial skin are likely to increase with excessive exposure to the sun. Being exposed to UV light for long periods of time and without any protection also greatly increases your risk of premature aging (developing wrinkles and fine lines too early).
  • Dry air, whether it is cold or hot can be very drying.
  • Other harsh weather conditions and seasonal changes can also be problematic, which is why symptoms of dry skin are more common during the summer and winter months.
  • High levels of pollution can seriously damage our skin.

Medication. A number of medications can affect the skin's internal water balance. These medications include diuretics or those that are taken to control blood pressure levels. If you begin taking a new medication and notice symptoms of dry skin, consult your doctor about changing the dose or switching to a different medication.

2. Internal Factors

Genetic Influences. Each individual has a set of genes (which are responsible for your hair and skin color as well as skin lipid and moisture levels) that are unique. These genetic influences are what make different individuals have different lipid and moisture levels in their skin, even under similar conditions. This is the reason fair-complexioned people tend to have dry skin more easily than dark-complexioned individuals. Some diseases that have influences on your skin include:

  • Diabetes (poorly controlled glucose levels can result in dehydration)
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels can cause skin to produce less oil)

Diet. To properly carry out its functions, your skin needs a wide range of nutrients as well as vitamins and fatty acids (unsaturated). Having a deficiency in any of these diet essentials can result in dry skin. The following nutrients are crucial for healthy skin:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Vitamins A, C, and E
  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Hormonal Influences. Changes in the body's hormone levels can affect the moisture balance of the skin and cause it to become dry. Certain instances that cause the body's hormone levels to change include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Adolescence.

Age. As a person gets older, there is a reduction in the ability of his or her skin to produce lipids and sweat since the skin's sweat and sebaceous glands functions are also reduced. Aging increases an individual's chances of having drier skin, which also increases his or her likelihood of having wrinkles and fine lines.

Dehydration. The quantity of water in the body is reflected in the quantity of moisture present in the skin. This means that becoming dehydrated prevents the body from providing enough water to the skin, leading to insufficient moisture and dry skin. Elderly people (whose feelings of thirst get reduced with age) and manual laborers, as well as regular exercise enthusiasts, are the especially prone to becoming dehydrated and having dry skin.

3. Other Factors

Smoking. Cigarette smoke contains blood flow-reducing nicotine as well as other toxins that slow down skin metabolism, causing it to dry out and undergo premature aging.

Occupational Hazards. Gardening, playing outdoors, or spending the holidays in a cold place can cause facial skin to become dry.

When to See a Doctor About Your Dry Skin

If you live in an area with intense sunshine and experience persistent dry skin, it may be worth visiting a dermatologist to make sure nothing more sinister is going on.

Getting real for a moment: dry skin could mean skin cancer. Skin cancer can increase the sloughing of skin and fool us into believing it’s simply lacking moisture. [...] In my office, [with] patients above age 40, dry-appearing spots on the forehead and face have a 50% chance of being (or becoming) early skin cancers.

— Andrew J. Newman, DO, Affiliated Dermatology

What Is Dry Skin?

Dry skin, or xerosis, is caused by the stripping away of lipids (fatty oils) that seal moisture in the skin. Due to this lack of hydration, the skin cracks and flakes, causing unsightly blemishes that are sometimes mortifyingly visible to others. Dry skin is associated with reduced oil production on the skin surface. Both men and women put more effort into skin care for their face than any other part of the body, but more treatments aren't always the answer, and one of the most obvious backlashes of excessive treatments is dry and flaky skin on the forehead.

I've Tried Everything and I Still Have Dry Skin.

If after all these easy treatments, the dry and flaky skin is still there, one may consider talking with a dermatologist to determine the cause. This might be a prelude to a more complex skin problem.

Inflamed and flaking skin is called dermatitis and could be due to several factors. The following are the most usual skin problems and some possible treatments. The table provides a brief overview and is followed by in-depth discussions of each condition.

A Brief Overview of Common Skin Conditions

Contact Dermatitis: Allergic and Irritant

There are two types of contact dermatitis—allergic and irritant.

Causes of Allergic Contact Dermatitis

  • Poison ivy or poison oak
  • New makeup (that you've only used once or a few times)
  • Jewelry
  • Latex
  • Nickel (tweezers or eyelash curlers are a common culprit)
  • Fragrance (hair products and makeup)
  • Cell phones

Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Contact Dermatitis

  • Red bumps or rash
  • Hives
  • Mild to severe itching
  • Dry, scaly, flaky, and cracked skin (if your contact dermatitis is chronic)
  • Crusting, blisters, and draining fluid (if you have a severe reaction)
  • Tenderness, burning, or swelling
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Swelling in the face, groin, or eye areas

Causes of Irritant Contact Dermatitis

The nature and extent of rashes related to irritant contact dermatitis depend on how much of the irritant came in contact with the skin, and for how long.

  • Soap
  • Excessive water (e.g. overwashing hands)
  • Food
  • Bleach or other toxic substances
  • Fabric softeners and detergents
  • Hair dye
  • Prolonged wetness (e.g. soggy diapers)
  • Extreme climate conditions

Signs and Symptoms of Irritant Contact Dermatitis

  • Mild to severe itching
  • Dry, scaly, and cracked skin
  • Blisters
  • Open, crusty sores (generally this is only with severe reactions)
  • Swelling
  • Ulcerations
  • Skin that feels stiff or tight

Treatment and Prevention of Contact Dermatitis

Most cases of contact dermatitis subside of their own as soon as the allergic or irritating substance is no longer in contact with the skin. That being said, it is important to remove that substance, or symptoms will continue.

  • Keep reaction-causing substances from getting in contact with your skin. If you get contact dermatitis from jewelry, you can protect your skin from the metal by painting the inside of your bracelet with a coat of clear nail polish or lining it with clear tape.
  • Cover the affected area with calamine lotion or some anti-itch cream. You can also try applying cool, wet compresses to it throughout the day.
  • Keep yourself from scratching at the affected area.
  • Do not forget to apply moisturizer several times a day.
  • Make sure to trim your nails. If you cannot resist the urge to scratch, cover your hands with gloves.
  • Treat yourself to a cool bath soak. You can sprinkle the bath water with oatmeal or baking soda to soothe itching.
  • To help avoid irritating your skin, wear smooth-textured clothing made of cotton.
  • Use only mild, dye-free, and fragrance-free soaps when cleansing your skin. Be sure to rinse completely before patting your skin dry and applying moisturizer.


The most common type of eczema, atopic dermatitis, primarily affects children, although it is known to occur in adulthood as well. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that is characterized by periodical flare-then-subside episodes. People living in dry climates and cities are more prone to this.

Causes of Eczema

No one knows exactly what causes an individual to have eczema. What we do know is that skin has to be healthy for it to be able to retain moisture as well as fight bacteria, allergens, and irritants. A combination of several factors are likely to cause eczema to occur:

  • Less effective skin barrier function as a result of having dry, irritable skin
  • Dysfunction of the immune system
  • Affected skin barrier function due to a gene variation
  • Staphylococcus aureus or another type of bacteria that compromises sweat gland function with the film it creates on the skin
  • Certain environmental conditions
  • Hay fever or asthma
  • Excessive stress
  • Food allergies

Signs and Symptoms of Eczema

Signs and symptoms of eczema are different for each person but may include:

  • Mild to severe itching, particularly at nighttime
  • Raw, swollen, sensitive skin due to scratching
  • Red or brownish-gray patches on the face and scalp (in infants), eyelids, neck, upper chest, inside the elbows and knees, hands, wrists, ankles, and feet
  • Dry, scaly, cracked, and/or thickened skin
  • Small, fluid-leaking, raised bumps that crust over when scratched

How to Treat Eczema

  • Consider taking an anti-itch or oral allergy medication.
  • Give bleach baths a try. Though they may sound scary, they help reduce the bacteria on your skin and minimize any related infections. To prepare a bleach bath, fill your bathtub with forty gallons of warm water and then add one-half cup of household bleach. Soak the areas of your skin affected with eczema for ten minutes before rinsing, patting dry, and moisturizing. You may take bleach baths twice or thrice per week.
  • Apply calamine lotion or an anti-itch cream to the eczema-affected area of your skin prior to moisturizing. Once your eczema has subsided, you can use the lotion or cream less frequently for preventing flare-ups.
  • Apply moisturizer to affected areas at least twice per day. Remember to do this while your skin is still damp (i.e. after your shower or bath).
  • Avoid scratching eczema-affected areas. If scratching is inevitable, trim your nails and cover them with gloves, especially during nighttime.
  • Soothe the affected area with cool, wet compresses. You can then use dressings and bandages to cover and protect them from being scratched.
  • A 10- or 15-minute warm bath is great for relieving eczema. You can add uncooked oatmeal or baking soda to the bathwater to further soothe your skin. Once done, pat your skin dry and then apply moisturizers and/or medicated lotions.
  • It is best to use mild soaps that are made without perfumes or dyes. Always be sure to rinse completely afterward.
  • Try using a humidifier to prevent dry, hot indoor air from parching your sensitive skin and making all that itching and flaking worse.
  • Wear cool clothing made of smooth-textured cotton to help reduce irritation.


Causes of Psoriasis

Although it is not yet known what exactly causes psoriasis, it is believed to be linked to immune system issues. This skin condition can get worse when triggered by any of the following factors:

  • Stress
  • Strep throat
  • Skin infections, or any other type of infection
  • Cuts
  • Scrapes
  • Severe sunburn
  • Bug bites, or other forms of skin injury
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Cold weather
  • Lithium (for bipolar disorder)
  • Beta-blockers (for high blood pressure)
  • Iodides
  • Anti-malaria drugs, and other medications

Signs and Symptoms of Psoriasis

Signs and symptoms of this condition differ for each individual, but may include:

  • Red skin patches (may range from dandruff-like scaling covering a few spots to big eruptions covering large areas) encased in silvery scales
  • Soreness, burning, or itching
  • Small scaling spots (in children)
  • Stiff, swollen joints
  • Ridged, thick, or pitted nails

Most individuals with psoriasis experience symptoms in cycles that may flare up for weeks or months before subsiding or going into remission.

How to Treat and Prevent Psoriasis

  • Take daily baths to help calm your inflamed skin and remove any scales. You may add colloidal oatmeal, Epsom/Dead Sea salts, or bath oils to your bath before soaking, but make sure to steer clear of harsh soaps and hot water to avoid worsening your psoriasis symptoms. Instead, use oil- and fat-enriched mild soap and lukewarm water.
  • Do not forget to use a moisturizer after bathing. Pat your wet skin and apply a thick, ointment-based moisturizer right away. If your skin is extremely dry, you might even consider using oils since they are more easily retained by your skin compared to lotions or creams and do a better job of keeping the water on your skin from evaporating.
  • Apply moisturizer throughout the day, especially during cold and dry weather.
  • Allow small doses of sun exposure. Controlled amounts sunlight are effective in significantly improving skin lesions, but you must make sure not to get too much sun, as that can worsen your symptoms as well as make you more likely to have skin cancer. Remember to apply a sunscreen with SPF 30 or above to your unaffected areas. Apply the sunscreen generously, and reapply after perspiring or swimming (every two hours is ideal).
  • Do your best to avoid your psoriasis triggers.
  • Stay away from alcoholic drinks, which can reduce the effectiveness of certain treatments for this condition.

Seborrheic Dermatitis (a.k.a. Dandruff)

This condition is not contagious and is not an indicator of poor hygiene, but it can still make the affected individual feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis

This skin condition's exact cause is not yet known, although it is thought to be linked to Malassezia (a fungus present in skin secretions), early spring or winter, and psoriasis-related inflammatory response.

Symptoms of Seborrheic Dermatitis

  • Red skin
  • Stinging or itching
  • Dandruff on hair, scalp, eyebrows, or mustache/beard
  • Greasy skin patches with yellow/white scales or crust on the face, scalp, ears, chest, armpits, and other body parts
  • Blepharitis (crusting or redness of eyelids)

How to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

  • Use olive oil or mineral oil to soften scales on your hair and scalp. After one hour, rub your scalp to remove the scales, brush your hair, and then wash gently.
  • Make sure your skin is cleansed regularly with mild soap. Rinse all soap traces off your scalp and body. Use moisturizers as well as an antifungal cream or mild corticosteroid cream afterward.
  • Never use products that contain alcohol. These tend to cause seborrheic dermatitis flare-ups.
  • For less irritation and more air circulation on your skin, wear cotton clothes that have a smooth texture.
  • Shave your mustache or beard, which can cause symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis to worsen.
  • Never scratch an itch. This leads to more irritation and a higher risk of infection. To relieve itching, apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream.
  • If your eyelids show signs or scaling or redness, gently wash them with baby shampoo every night. This will effectively wash your eyelids without further irritating them. You can also try using hot or warm compresses.
  • When washing your baby's scalp, use a non-medicated baby shampoo. Do this once a day if your baby has cradle cap. Use a small brush with soft bristles to gently loosen any scale prior to rinsing your baby's scalp.

What Are the Different Skin Types?

There are five common types of skin for humans—normal, oily, combination, sensitive, and dry.

1. Normal Skin

The normal skin type shows no excess oil or flaking skin. Signs of normal skin include:

  • An even-toned, smooth, and supple complexion
  • Minimally visible pores
  • No severe sensitivity
  • Few or zero imperfections.

Normal skin is also characterized by good elasticity as well as the right balance of oil and moisture.

2. Oily Skin

The oily skin type is shiny, particularly on the forehead, down the nose, and on the chin (referred to as the T-zone). Signs of oily skin include:

  • Enlarged pores
  • Dull or shiny complexion
  • Prone to breakouts and blackheads (due to the excess oil produced by the sebaceous glands)

The good part about having oily skin is that it lets you age gracefully; the skin is kept moisturized by the oils, and fewer wrinkles are formed. A number of young women find that their usually oily skin becomes drier as they enter their mid-30s.

3. Combination Skin

Skin experts say that most women have combination skin, which means their T-zone is slightly oily, their cheeks are drier, and other areas of their face have dry, patchy spots. Signs of combination skin include:

  • Larger pores on your forehead and cheeks (vs. medium pores everywhere else)
  • Healthy color
  • Good circulation
  • Even, smooth texture

4. Dry Skin

Having dry skin means your face feels tight, particularly after washing it. (As one gets older, skin tends to become drier due to hormones.) Signs of dry skin include:

  • Flaking
  • Red patches
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Women with dark skin may find that their skin looks dull or ashy due to an accumulation of dead (dry) skin.

5. Sensitive Skin

Having sensitive skin can make it hard to find the right skin care regimen, as many products (such as makeup, detergent, and even moisturizer) contain irritants that will cause your skin to react. Signs of sensitive skin include:

  • Dryness
  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Itching

Acne, rosacea, and contact dermatitis are just a few common causes of sensitive skin.

What Is My Skin Type?

Determining your skin type is an easy and essential step towards figuring out what skin care routine works best for you. There are two common ways to figure out what your skin type is, and it's not a bad idea to try both.

The Blotting Paper Method

This one-step method is excellent and effective. Simply apply an oil blotter or clean tissue to your face as soon as you wake up and analyze the results.

  • If small amounts of oil are picked up by the blotter on your forehead, nose, and chin, your skin type is normal.
  • If there are lots of very greasy spots on the blotter, then your skin type is oily.
  • A clean blotter that picks up skin flakes and no oil indicates a dry skin type.
  • A blotter that shows oily spots on the T-zone is a sign that you have combination skin.

The only downside of this method is that the results may be skewed depending on what you've done that day. It's no surprise that trying to determine your skin type after a sweaty session at the gym won't give you a clear answer, but even testing your skin type after eating a spicy bowl of ramen might give you funky results. A good way to make sure the results are correct is to try testing your skin with this methods a couple of times on different days and comparing the results.

The Clean Face Method

This method requires slightly more effort than the blotting sheet method, but it has the benefit of yielding more accurate results.

  1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and warm water to remove any makeup, dirt, and oil.
  2. Pat your face dry (rather than scrubbing it) with a clean towel.
  3. Do not apply any products to your skin for one hour.
  4. Use a blotting sheet to dab your T-zone.
  5. Analyze the results according to the criteria from the Blotting Paper Method.

Note: if you do not have blotting sheets, a thin square of toilet paper will also work.

Other Skin Type Indicators

You can get a decent idea of your skin type without trying either of the two methods above. A simple cleansing followed by careful observation is usually enough to tell what your skin type is. Here are some simple indicators of skin type to look out for immediately after cleansing your face:

  • If your face feels cleaner, you may have oily skin.
  • If your face feels taut, you may have dry skin.
  • If your T-zone feels clean but your cheeks feel tight, you may have combination skin.
  • If you feel any itchiness or see signs of a rash, you may have sensitive skin.
  • If you don't experience any of the above, you probably have normal skin.

Note: It is not uncommon for your skin type to change with shifts in the weather, so it's a good idea to keep tabs on how your skin reacts to warmer/colder weather and adjust your skincare regimen accordingly.

View the original article to see embedded media.


Dry skin can be very annoying, but eating healthy and living healthy will likely help you avoid this issue, facial or otherwise. There is simply no substitute for a clean body! Of course, being conscious of the products that one uses never hurts. I hope these easy treatments will help you banish dry skin and get back to being the best "you" you can be.


This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


LourdesAcosta on January 05, 2019:

If you have very dry to severely dry skin patches foderma serum helps almost instantly. Over a few weeks, it almost completely cleared my skin. I would recommend foderma serum.

Karen on November 27, 2018:

The information in this article is very helpful. I believe that incorporating into my diet, the food, etc., mentioned in this article will help get rid of my dry, itchy skin that occurs during the winter months.


Elliot on September 14, 2018:

I have had an allergic reaction to a face wash since December & been in total agony, and through looking on this site & seeing to leave vaseline on for 10 mins then wash off with lukewarm water I have finally found some relief so thank you, regarding somebody else's post regarding their hands breaking out & cracking, I suffered with this for years & finally discovered it was contact dermatitis with wearing gloves for work, I started wearing cotton gloves under my work gloves & my hands healed within days

Lori Colbo from United States on February 20, 2017:

I have red scaly skit on the bridge of my nose spreading out a bit. No itching or discomfort but it's unsightly. I'm wondering if it happens from wearing glasses.

The bleach bath thing sounds very unsafe.

deniselopez45 on February 12, 2017:

I have extremely dry skin and suffer from patches of eczema on my fingers and I have found that foderma serum definitely helps soothe when used regularly. I also have issues with my hands cutting and splitting. I don't find this helps much with that aspect, but I would recommend overall.

Clair R on August 05, 2016:


Thanks for telling us about skin problems and treatment. Every one gone through different skin problem you gives the best for everyone problem.This hub is very informative. Keep posting these type of articles.


John Hansen from Gondwana Land on June 13, 2015:

I often suffer from dry skin on the forehead and chin areas. This hub was very helpful. Thanks for sharing.
