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Can Apple Cider Vinegar Stop Hair Loss?

More than a million people have read my articles about cider vinegar, and many of them have shared their positive experiences with me.

Apple cider vinegar will give you beautiful, healthy hair.

Apple cider vinegar will give you beautiful, healthy hair.

Reverse Hair Loss with Apple Cider Vinegar

I’ve been taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) for years to help me lose weight and to improve my skin. But I only learned recently that it can also help with hair loss. I've lost more hair in two years than I’d like to admit. When I heard from a friend that apple cider vinegar can improve hair quality and stop hair loss, I had to try it for myself. And this is what I discovered.

I’ve been using an ACV hair rinse about twice a week for almost a year now. I’ve stopped losing so much hair and the hair that remains is healthier, shinier, and stronger. If you’re interested in reversing or stopping your own hair loss, or even just in repairing damaged hair, then this article will show you how apple cider vinegar can help.

I will first discuss how it can benefit your hair and then will give you some tips on how to use it based on my personal experience.

How ACV Helps Your Hair

Apple cider vinegar nourishes hair and creates a healthy scalp in a number of different ways:

  • Nutrients. ACV provides a number of much-needed nutrients, such as potassium, which is essential for hair growth. It also helps smooth your hair, reducing the incidence of split ends.
  • Protective Layer. It also repairs damaged hair by restoring the hair’s protective layer. Excess shampooing, UV rays, and air pollutants all weaken this protective layer.
  • pH balance. Shampooing typically increases the pH factor. Human hair is acidic, with a pH factor of 4 to 6. Apple cider vinegar has a pH factor of about 4. Using ACV helps restore your hair’s natural pH balance, which also helps maintain your hair’s protective layer.
  • A healthy scalp. ACV eliminates any nasty chemicals and dead cells from your scalp. This allows the skin to breathe naturally and opens the pores in the skin. A healthy scalp prevents dandruff build-up. ACV also has anti-fungal and antibacterial qualities that can eliminate any itchiness.
  • Cleaning your hair: Mixing ACV rinse with 1 teaspoon of baking soda helps remove nasty chemicals from your hair. If you are adding baking soda to the ACV rinse, then you don't even need to use commercial shampoo.

How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Making the apple cider vinegar hair rinse is easy.

Simply take one part warm water and mix it with one part organic apple cider vinegar. That's it.

Don't use cold or hot water. Hot water can damage your hair, while cold water may not be able to get rid of the chemicals, and you'll end up with dandruff on your scalp.

How to Use the ACV Rinse

  • Wash your hair with normal shampoo as usual. While your hair is wet, apply the apple cider vinegar rinse to your hair.
  • If you have time, leave the ACV in your hair for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing off. This will maximize the benefits of apple cider vinegar by making sure all the nutrients and enzymes get absorbed. Then rinse your hair as usual.
  • Some people use ACV hair rinse without diluting it, which makes the treatment even stronger and more effective. However, first-time users should dilute ACV with water just to make sure there’s no adverse reaction.
  • If you add a bit of baking soda to the ACV rinse, you don't even need to use a shampoo.
  • Try to avoid getting any of the ACV in your eyes, as it can sting pretty badly.

What Kind Should I Buy?

Many commercial ACV products are not good for hair loss treatment.

While buying apple cider vinegar, make sure it is organic. Organic ACV is made from organic apples and does not contain harmful chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides.

Also, look for a raw and unpasteurized brand of ACV. Only unpasteurized cider vinegar contains the "mother" of ACV, which is the essential enzyme providing all the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

You can choose between powder ACV and liquid ACV. I have used liquid ACV and found it very effective as a hair product.

Notice how cloudy the organic ACV is compared to the non-organic.

Notice how cloudy the organic ACV is compared to the non-organic.

Start Seeing Results with the ACV Hair Rinse

Apple cider vinegar is not a quick fix for hair loss. You will need to give it some time.

Read More From Bellatory

The other benefits start to show a bit more immediately. Your hair will look and feel a lot better after just a few rinses. I don’t even need to use conditioner anymore! Your results may depend on your natural disposition, the quality of water, and the environment.

Finally, ACV is good for the environment since it is a natural product, and you won't be pouring chemicals down your drain and into the environment as you would with commercial hair products.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Apple cider vinegar has a number of other health benefits in addition to helping give you silky, smooth, and shiny hair.

It can also be used for skincare, giving you smooth, young-looking skin while also eliminating acne and other skin blemishes.

But the most popular use of apple cider vinegar is for weight loss. It improves your metabolism, helping you burn fat more quickly, and makes you feel fuller so you end up eating less.

Because of all its health benefits, I have made apple cider vinegar a part of my diet. When mixed with honey, it tastes amazing.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Right for You?

To summarize, hair loss treatments can be tricky, and you may have already tried a number of different options. However, before giving up and trying something extreme and expensive like hair re-plant/transplant, you should give apple cider vinegar a try.

It is a natural and safe hair loss treatment.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Oluwatoyin on August 03, 2018:

Thanks for sharing. I have been using ACV for almost 4 years and its really working for me from head to toes.

Travel Chef from Manila on August 03, 2018:

ACV is a strong kind of vinegar so it's better to be on the safest side. Like what you said, it might cause a different reaction to one's hair. Thanks for sharing this tip!

Goodnews Edet Bassey from Nigeria on August 18, 2017:

Wow... nice one. thanks a lot for the tip i really appreciate.

Deborah Minter from U.S, California on July 26, 2017:

Thank you for the tip.

Rick on June 17, 2017:

Would you suggest I use acidic water with the ACV? My Life Ionizer gives me alkaline drinking water and also about a 5 pH acidic water.

jenny on June 07, 2017:


Zahoor on April 30, 2017:

Hey, I have a oily hair. can i use apple cider vinegar with water on daily basis, because after 8 hours show oily hair on my head. please advice me. thanks

Rachma from Pakistan on March 16, 2017:

ACV is very good for hair and skin, good post.

Sarah Jason from Vermont on February 15, 2017:

This was a great read!

I've recently started taking Elmiron, a bladder medication, and one of the most common side effects is hair loss. I've heard things about ACV but this article has me sold for sure. I'll be sure to give it a shot!

craftybegonia from Southwestern, United States on January 30, 2017:

Does it really work? I wonder why aren't more men using it! It is such a simple remedy, readily available and quite affordable. I wish more men would find out about it or believe in it.

Sim on December 22, 2016:

I have a very oily scalp n hair. The air gets oily after 8hrs of my hair wash. Can ACV reduce the oilyness of my scalp n hair? As I m fed up of washing my hair alternate day and even the hair loss

Pls advice me

Julie on December 16, 2016:

I want to know how often I should use the apple cider in my hair for

Shiveena on October 30, 2016:

Hi um living in bording life ...and there is no more filtered water all the harmful chemicals made my hair damaged in tow years and my hair left like one finger size ...and when I saw that ACV kills all the harmfull chemicals I started using it ....but if I continue it for longer time ..did it realy make my hair to grow more thicker ...because my hair scalp is so dry and sensitive should I have to depend on ACV now?? ...pless help me ..

Drisya on October 25, 2016:

I had very curly hairs n recently got it straightened using chemicals.. I m experiencing severe hair fall due to dandruff.. I have tried enough solutions to fight dandruff but it was of no use... Will ACV effect the straightening treatment done to my hairs if i use it for dandruff issue???

Jung on October 11, 2016:

Do we really have to use 'organic' one?

AJ from Australia on October 02, 2016:

Is there anything apple cider vinegar can't do? I didn't know that it was so beneficial for hair loss and hair condition generally.

bhawana on September 05, 2016:

i was wondering as apple cider vinegar helps to tone the skin and it also helps to grow hair does that make sense if i apply vinegar in my face then i will have hair in my face aswell.... i dont know if i understood wrong but i really want ans my mail id is

vawana on September 05, 2016:

i was wondering as apple cider vinegar helps to tone the skin and it also helps to grow hair does that make sense if i apply vinegar in my face then i will have hair in my face aswell.... i dont know if i understood wrong but i really want ans my mail id is

Alex Hunter from Unites Kingdom on July 21, 2016:

Thanks for this article, I was just thinking about buying a bottle of it but now know that the one I saw was not organic. Will look for a healthier version.

Adi Quamina from Trinidad & Tobago on July 11, 2016:

I know people who have tried this and they all have positive results. Very good hub.

LJ Scott from Phoenix, Az. on July 11, 2016:

I have given up my fight with "hair loss" but the article is excellent... great advice !!!!

Fatema on July 08, 2016:

Hi I am type1 diabetic patient and I am taking insulin. I m losing my hair and it is becoming bald from the front side of the head. My question is how to use the Apple cider vinegar on my hair? Should I use it directly or mix with something and how frequent I have to use it.

kian mokhtarian on July 08, 2016:

ive been using this about 2 weeks now and id like to know if i can leave on ,the rinse and let it dry with my hair or should i wash it out? also regarding the type of cider is pastene a good brand of the cider

Croberts on June 23, 2016:

I would like to try the Apple cider vinegar for thinning hair just was wondering after the rise can I still condition as usual or do I do the rise after the conditioning.

Ranitdas on June 01, 2016:

very good articles

Grace Marguerite Williams from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on April 10, 2016:

This is very interesting; however, like hair-replacement indicated that bald spots & more severe hair problems need the help of a good trichologist.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on March 31, 2016:

Hi Ayman, if your hair loss is sudden, please consult a dermatologist.

P Cochrane from London on March 21, 2016:

ACV is a really popular against hair fall but only in the begging. If you already have bald spots vinegar won't help you regrow your hair. But it's a great way not to lose more.

Ayman on March 19, 2016:

Hi, i'm a 17 year old boy, i've had dandruff for about 3 years. Lately my hair started to noticeably thin and fall off, and i've lost a big amount of hair from the front. What i can see from the comments is that ACV will treat dandruff but my question is will it help me regrow hair in my bald spots? If yes how do i apply it during a shower? Thanks in advance.

Anchal on March 03, 2016:

Hey, I use acv as a rinser by adding 1 tablespoon in one mug. So is it necessary to wash with normal water after this because I don't do this. Do it harm on my hair?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 27, 2016:

Hi Susan, I am not too sure about that. It is best to use ACV during the shampooing process.

Susan on February 26, 2016:

If your hair is colored will the ACV harm the color?

Victoria on February 06, 2016:

Hi Karuna, Organic is always the best way to go I use BRAGG ORGANIC raw~unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. You'll see a huge difference in the color and results

Karuna on January 10, 2016:


I have started using acv after readin ur post but im not getting the organic one here can i use the regular one n is it equally effective??pls reply

Krista on January 01, 2016:

Thank you for this article! I turned 39 and my hair became dry, fragile and thinner. I have blonde hair. Do you feel ACV is fade for blondes? Also, do you condition after the ACV rinse as well? Thank you!

Karen on December 31, 2015:

I have been using ACV for about a month, twice a week I have noticed much less hair fall (I was losing a bunch of hair after my regular conditioner). The smell is awful, but it's worth it!

TheTruth on November 23, 2015:

Is it possible to revive the dead follicles? using ACV?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on November 12, 2015:

Hi Tammy, it really depends on the current conditon of yoru hair, and your natural disposition. You could use it every alternate time you wash your hair, but not more often than once a week.

Tammy on November 09, 2015:

Can you tell me how many times per week you use this treatment on your hair? Thanks!

Abilash on October 23, 2015:

Does apple cider vinegar able to grow already lost hairs...,

Mary Craig from New York on October 19, 2015:

Very well done. I have read other pieces about the use of ACV in hair loss, but have to admit I enjoyed the relaxed nature of your video. Guess it's time for me to start using it as my hair has begun falling out. I know my age is a contributing factor, but I'd like to keep as much as I can.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on September 13, 2015:

Hi Gan, there's limited research available in this area.

Gan on September 05, 2015:

Hi 101.. Is it possible to get hair in bald head ,if I use ACV. I am using "Unati" brand . please advice.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on August 16, 2015:

Hi Aronaldo, I am not aware of ACV's usefulness in treating Hepatitis-C.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on August 16, 2015:

Hi Belle, it is important to buy a known and trusted brand, for obvious reasons.

Aronaldo on August 11, 2015:

Can it cure hepatitis-C ?

Belle on August 09, 2015:

thanks for ur response, very much appreciated! Maybe I bought also the wrong acv which is non organic, this one was orange color not same as the organic which is yellowish color. Would u think I can still cure this one if I used the better one which is BRAGG product with its mother? Lots of thanks! ☺️

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on August 05, 2015:

Hi Belle, going by the description of how you applied ACV rinse to your hair, it seems you have followed the correct process. There is no reason for you to lose excess hair. My personal experience is that when I apply ACV hair rinse, it is a transparent mixture and as such, I tend to notice the hair fall more prominently than I would if I was to use the conditioner. However, if you are concerned, please discontinue the use.

Belle on August 02, 2015:

hi, last week ago I used this natural vinegar Apple cider (American Garden product) I put 2 tablespoons and 2 cups of water. After shampooing, still my hair are wet I put the mixture into my hair.. But after a minutes of doing that I noticed my hair becomes to fall one by one it's going to my fingers. I suddenly rinse it water and I'm shock that I found too much hair strand down my tub..until now, since last week I've done that rinse I've found too much hair strand going out especially after I finished my bath.. Can u give me an advice about this? By the way my hair was threatened last 2 years ago..

Very much eager too read ur advice to me. Thanks..

catmalone on July 19, 2015:

What a coincidence as I ran across your hub I was sipping on some apple cider vinegar and water reaping its may benefits. Very great hub with useful information. Thanks for sharing!

Andriana Jane Goodell from Capitola, CA on July 07, 2015:

Maybe if the vinegar is left on the face for a period of time but asa diluted solution that is rinsed it is probably used as a cleanser in that application.

Each treatment described is adaptive on an individual basis so that you have greatly addressed the use of apple cider vinegar from a personal perspective. I like your article for these reasons and find the information about skin care a great use; thank you!

Connie on July 01, 2015:

Doesn´t putting it on the face stimulate hair growth in the face? I mean, since it is stimulating hair follicle, and many use them for regrowth (also men use them for growing beard).

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on June 30, 2015:

Hi Melody, thanks for sharing your routine. Glad to see that it is helping you with skincare and hair care too. Yes, it is safe to use in diluted form for most skin types.

Melody on June 29, 2015:

Hi Hub Author.

I'm excited to share my own experiences with you about trying ACV for my skin and my hair. Like you said, i think ACV with the brand Bragg is better than ones are sold in grocery stores. I've used ACV that I bought from Walmart and also I've gotten good results. Before going to sleep, I wash my face with warm water and sea salt ( I have had a bad acne on face and my back). I pat dry and apply ACV+honey+warm water 4:1:4 on my face by a cotton pad. The following morning, my face leaves less oil and pimples were healed. For my hair, I mix ACV with water 1:1 and apply on my hair with massaging in few minutes. I rinse it with water, then with shampoo to take the smell away. After blowing dry, I see my hair looks shiny and really healthy. Dandruff has gone away. Shoud I keep ACV in one of my routine beauty tips? Is it safe for any kind of skin?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on June 29, 2015:

Hi Amber, all the things you mentioned should help stop hair fall. At the same time, it is important to eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and sleep well, so that stress is managed well.

amber on June 26, 2015:

I have scarring alopecia and get scalp shots monthly plus use rogaine daily. I haven't had any hair growth and still experience shedding. This has been going on for 4 years now. Do you think drinking acv with water daily will help? Also what about rinsing after shampooing with the 1:1 acv water ratio? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on June 15, 2015:

Hi Patrik44, make sure the brand you pick up contains unfiltered, unpasteurized ACV.

Mamkik on June 13, 2015:

Use Bragg apple cider vinegar unpasturised with mother and organic .. It is best

Patrick44 on June 12, 2015:

Does Heinz ACV contain all the benefits needed to achieve the hair care benefits you outline or would you recommend another brand name?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on June 11, 2015:

That's a great tip Deb. And energy drinks contain much higher amount of caffeine that regular coffee drinks.

shirley on June 10, 2015:

When I first used ACV it stopped my breakage.My hair is soft and shiny.I use to have long thick hair. I also have lots of new growth. I Prayed for this.Thank GOD and you very much

I,m looking forward to Long Hair again.

Deb Dey Ermand on June 10, 2015:

Hi this is a wonderful article. I also wanted to mention that caffeine products tend to cause shedding of hair due to the caffeine slowing our absorption process of nutrients and vitamins. Thanks.

Paula Jiménez from Zaragoza on June 10, 2015:

Great content thanks ;)

Summer LaSalle from USA on May 22, 2015:

This is a great hub. I've used Aveda hair loss stuff for a couple of years and it tends to work well, but this is much, much less expensive. My hubby's at the store and I just told him to pick me up some ACV. Thanks!

Whitney Rose Wood on May 20, 2015:

I wish I saw this article before I tried non-organic apple cider. It is truly amazing how it cleanses the hair and makes it so soft and shiny! This is one of those tricks that really shouldn't be kept a secret. Voted up.

Colin Garrow from Inverbervie, Scotland on May 20, 2015:

Interesting stuff - I've been losing my hair for years and it would be great if ACV could help. Thanks for posting. Great Hub.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on May 13, 2015:

HI ogechi, since ACV is great for overall health of the hair, you could apply to the entire head.

Ogechi on May 12, 2015:

Great article, will sure look for it. My front hair have thinned out after giving birth, but my hair is generally full aside from the from hair.I'm just confused on how this could help my front her. do I need to just apply on the affected area or what?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on May 12, 2015:

Hi Anand, please use ACV as directed in this article.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on May 12, 2015:

Hi David, yes you could leave ACV in hair overnight. I would recommend that dilute it in water in 1:1 ratio, and apply. If you don't experience any side-effects, you can apply undiluted ACV in your hair.

Anand on May 08, 2015:

I am from chennai. I had severe dandruff problem for past 6 years and also oily skin, I feel very itchy in scalp even after daily washing hair. I lost many hair in the top portion of head and now I heard about ACV . I bought organic mother . please advise me how to use it for dandruff, hairfall and itchy scalp.

David on May 08, 2015:

I'm 27 yrs old man, I started losing my 30% of my hair, is it advisable if I left the ACV overnight and rinse it in the morning

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on April 28, 2015:

Hi Marlo, thank you for the feedback. I always use shampoo first and then ACV rinse, and I have found that he cleanses my hair extremely well.

MarloByDesign from United States on April 28, 2015:

Great Hub! I use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (and olive oil) as my full-time salad dressing and will now use it in my hair! Do you think ACV can replace deep cleaning shampoos for removing impurities (which are not cheap)? Thank you.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on April 11, 2015:

Hi Patty, usually it is ideal to clean your hair with shampoo first, and then apply ACV on clean hair so that it is able to get rid of any residual dandruff, as well as restore the pH balance. Rinse off ACV after 15-30 minutes. Sometimes, I just leave the ACV in my hair and let it dry out.

patty on April 11, 2015:

Hi, can i apply acv rinse first and then wash it off shampoo? thanks!

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on April 08, 2015:

Hi Ravali, you probably need to use it once a week, but you can experiment with more or less frequent use and see which suits you the best. I can only tell you from experience and feedback from other users.

ravali on April 08, 2015:

i have so much split ends and hair loss.... in a week how many times should i use this?

Hezekiah from Japan on April 07, 2015:

I should introduce this tp the Japanese, they are extremely sensitive about hair loss. The older generation is full of horrible combovers and toupeés.

Eileen from Western Cape , South Africa on April 07, 2015:

Just tried about everything without success - will give the ACV a go . I've always known it for its health benefits but never knew one can use it for hair .

deepti roonwal on March 24, 2015:

Hii i read your article.... honestly it give me hope...i m losing my hairs... for many years on n off. ....i tried so many thing,lotion spray ,oil..but its useless.....after reading ur i m gona try this...... thanks

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on March 20, 2015:

Usually, it is said that warm water weakens the roots and causes hair fall. If you can, use cold water for shampooing and ACV.

Pari on March 18, 2015:

Hi... Thankyou for such a valuable article! Alike others even I am suffering from heavy hair loss and hopefully this treatment will help me out. Now, my only question is, do i need to use warm water after shampooing and applying ACV, or cold water will do? or is it like after shampooing warm water and after ACV cold water? Kindly help me ... Thanks a ton in advance !!

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on March 14, 2015:

Hi Thinninghiar, thank you for your question. I wouldn't use baking soda to wash hair on a daily basis or even on an alternate day basis. It could cause too much dryness. The best way to use it is once in a fortnight or once a month. Regarding ACV and baking soda being used simultaneously - that's fine. Use baking soda and shampoo to wash hair, and then apply ACV as a conditioner.

Thinninghiar on March 13, 2015:

Hello there. Great article above! I just wanted to ask. Is it ok to wash your hair with baking soda mixed into your own natural shampoo... And then rinse with acv daily? Bcs washing hair with acv after using shampoo/baking soda Will balance the ph right ? Is that ok on a daily or every other day basis ?

Aisha on February 25, 2015:

ACV is working great for me ... But last time i forgot to wash with water after ACV rinse ... I slept and in the morning my hair was looking like a desert .. So dry .. Any way adivce for those who want to keep ACV ... Plz don't make this mistake .. do wash

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 17, 2015:

Hi Alvin, thanks for the question. To my knowledge, ACV does not turn hair grey.

Alvin on February 16, 2015:

will my hair turn grey if i use apple cider vinegar to my scalp and hair?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 16, 2015:

Hi Mamk, please use unfiltered and unpasteurized ACV. If it is also organic, that's preferred. Hope this helps.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 16, 2015:

Hi Ben, if your scalp is not sensitive, it is OK to never rinse it. However, you may find your hair getting a bit too dry.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 16, 2015:

Hi Star, yes the facial skin is more sensitive. Please test it on a small part on your face first.

Mamk on February 15, 2015:

Any apple cider vinegar can i use .. Or it must be organis raw with mother unfiltered unpasteurise .. Kindly advice

Ben on February 13, 2015:

If I use the ACV treatment once a week, but I NEVER rinse it out. What can I expect? Thanks

Star on February 13, 2015:

Hey. I have pretty sensitive skin. I tried acv on the skin of my hand. Nothing seems to have happened. So is it ok now if i use it on my face? Or is it possible that the skin on my face will react defferently?

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 12, 2015:

HI Riffat, please put half a cup water in half a cup ACV and use it as conditioner. Some people use it undiluted, which is fine, but it is best to start with diluted ACV.

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 12, 2015:

Hi Mohammed, you could use ACV once a week.

riffat on February 11, 2015:

hi... i read your article.... honestly it give me hope...i m losing my hairs... for many years on n off. ....i tried so many thing,lotion spray even laser treatment...but its useless.....after reading ur i m gona try this.... please tell me the ratio of vinger and water bit confuse on this.... thanks

mohammed on February 10, 2015:

I have hair. Lose in. 5 years my age is. 31.if i use vinegar loss. Hair will re grow tell me.can. i use vinegar. Daily or once in a week

Aisha on February 08, 2015:

Today it was my third ACV wash .. Its really amazing and miraculous remedy for hair loss... Highly recommended to the people who have sever hair loss

Alana Niall (author) from Christchurch, New Zealand on February 07, 2015:

Thank you Aisha. Am glad my article was of help to you. :)

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