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DIY: Top 5 Easy Homemade Hair Mask Recipes for Beautiful Hair

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

All-natural and organic homemade hair masks nourish the scalp and hair roots. Making a homemade hair mask is not only very cheap but also very easy—all you need are a few simple kitchen ingredients.

My grandmother always said that hair is like a precious seedling: You must water and nurture it so that it may grow into a healthy, strong tree, full of vitality. With these homemade hair masks, you will do just that. Feed and nourish your scalp and hair with powerful nutrients provided by mother nature to achieve bouncy, lustrous hair.

In this article, we shall explore the most powerful ingredients you can use to create homemade hair masks.

What Are the Roles of the Key Ingredients Used in the Recipes?


Extra virgin olive oil

Hydrates hair and acts as a natural conditioner for the hair. Olive oil has long been used for beauty hair care. Olive oil is brilliant for nourishing brittle, dry, damaged hair, rejuvenating it and giving it a healthy glow.


Softens hair.


A natural astringent, lemon closes the pores in the scalp, thereby getting rid of excess oil in your hair. A word of caution, though: Lemon can visibly lighten hair, so make sure you use it diluted with enough water, in a lemon to water ration of 1:2.

Coconut oil

An excellent conditioner, making hair feel soft and lustrous.


Moisturizes. Honey is very important in a homemade hair mask, especially if you have dry, dull hair. It has restorative properties that add moisture to lifeless hair, making it glowing and lustrous.

Apple cider vinegar

Eliminates excess oils and grease in the scalp and hair and helps clear away irritating, itchy dandruff.

1. The Nutrifying Egg Hair Mask

The egg hair mask will soften your hair and add a lustrous shine.

The egg hair mask will soften your hair and add a lustrous shine.

Eggs are packed with numerous nutrients, from vitamins D, B, and A to iron to protein. In fact, the protein found in eggs is of the highest quality you can find in any food. Here is a brief summary of nutrients found in eggs that benefit hair:

  • Protein. Nourishes the hair roots, which encourages growth.
  • Fatty Acids. Give your hair a natural glossy shine.
  • Potassium. Heals dry, damaged hair.
  • Vitamin A. Prevents hair breakage.
  • Vitamin D. Prevents hair loss and balding.
  • Vitamin B12. Promotes hair growth.
  • Calcium. Promotes hair growth and is important for the proper absorption of vitamin D.

Now before you make that disgusting 'eww' face, imagine the soft feel and lustrous shine your hair will have after you treat it to calcium, protein, and these other nutrients. Show your hair some love!

How to Make a Homemade Egg Hair Mask


  • 1 egg (for especially long or thick hair, use 2 eggs)
  • 1 cup milk (for shoulder-length hair, use 1/4 or 1/2 cup)
  • 1 squeeze of lemon
  • 2 tsps to 2 tbsps of olive oil

You will also need a plastic shower cap.

Quick Tips:

  1. Make sure to wash your hair very, very, very well, especially if you have really long hair. Do not use hot water to wash your hair—this will cook the eggs in the mask, and you will have cooked egg bits stuck around your hair strands. Use cold water and rinse out as many times as necessary.
  2. After ridding your hair of the egg mixture, you can lather an amazing strawberry shampoo (or any delicious-smelling shampoo) into your hair, so that all the egg-y smells are gone.
  3. Don't over-squeeze the lemon juice. It may give you a burning sensation on your scalp. Use the ratio 1:2 of lemon juice to egg yolk.
  4. You might want to do an egg homemade hair mask at least once a month. I know it is a bit icky, but if you are dedicated to making your hair beautiful, it is well worth it.


  1. First, separate the egg white and yolk depending on your hair type. For oily hair, you will only use egg whites for this recipe; for dry hair, use only the egg yolk. For normal hair, use the whole egg. Place whichever part of the egg you are using in a clean bowl, and dispose of the rest how you will (maybe as part of a tasty omelet).
  2. Beat the egg. For steps 2–4, I recommend mixing the mask by whisking with an egg beater.
  3. Add the milk and olive oil to the gooey egg mixture, and mix well.
  4. Add a squeeze of a lemon to the mixture—this will give your scalp a refreshing feel. Mix well.
  5. Massage the mixture into the scalp, working from the roots to the hair ends, and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Make sure you stand in the shower or over a sink because this mask is really drippy. Cover your hair with a disposable plastic shower cap, as you do not want drops of egg mixture everywhere. While waiting for the mask to penetrate for 15 minutes, you can be soaking in a bath/shaving.
  6. Using lukewarm or cold water, thoroughly rinse the mixture out of your hair, making sure to tackle all areas of your scalp to get rid of egg bits.
  7. Use an organic fruit shampoo for a final cleanse.

2. Going Bananas: Homemade Banana Hair Mask

This homemade banana hair mask will nourish dry hair and regulate hair oil.

This homemade banana hair mask will nourish dry hair and regulate hair oil.

Bananas are simply the best fruits one can find year-round. They are incredible beauty fruits, as they are super rich in potassium, vitamins, anti-oxidants, and natural oils. Use a homemade banana hair mask for its amazing moisturizing properties. The moisture boost will strengthen your hair to prevent breakage and split ends, maintain your natural hair elasticity, and make your hair bouncy and healthy. Here are some of the powerful nutrients found in bananas:

  • Potassium. Heals dry, damaged hair.
  • Vitamin A. Strengthens hair follicles and nourishes dry hair.
  • Vitamin E. Promotes healthy hair and scalp.
  • Vitamin C. Regulates hair oil.

How to Make a Homemade Banana Hair Mask


Read More From Bellatory

  • 1 to 2 overripe bananas
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Quick Tips:

  1. Overripe bananas will make blending your bananas much easier. Freezing, then thawing the bananas before use will also make them easier to blend.
  2. Blend the bananas until your smoothie is very fine. If you rush through this step, you'll have a very unpleasant time trying to comb out tiny banana pieces. Good luck with that!


  1. Blend the bananas very smoothly, until there are absolutely no chunks or teeny banana pieces. This is not the recipe to be cutting corners—put in the time for the fine blending.
  2. Add the honey and coconut and olive oil to your delicious mixture and blend again.
  3. Slather the smoothie into your hair, and let it settle and sink into your scalp for at least five minutes.
  4. Thoroughly rinse the mixture out with warm water. Afterward, take your time to comb through your hair. You want to make sure you have removed any pieces you may not have blended thoroughly.
  5. Do a final rinse. Because bananas smell delicious, you need not shampoo.

3. Yo Yogurt! Homemade Yogurt Hair Mask

This homemade yogurt hair mask is easy to make and moisturizes hair while reducing excess oil.

This homemade yogurt hair mask is easy to make and moisturizes hair while reducing excess oil.

Yogurt is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, and protein. Yogurt has moisturizing properties that help control oily, greasy hair by washing away excess oil in the scalp and hair. This recipe can also be combined with other kitchen ingredients, such as bananas for more moisturizing hair care or strawberries for extra oil control.

How to Make a Yogurt Homemade Hair Mask


  • 1/2 cup of yogurt (or less, depending on your hair volume and length)
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Quick Tips:

  1. Remember only buy probiotic natural yogurt. You can even make yogurt at home! This yogurt contains live natural enzymes, which are a rich source of nutrients. Also, remember it should be plain yogurt, not sweetened or flavored.
  2. You may buy yogurt in paste form if you don't want to deal with a drippy mess, which can be quite disastrous.
  3. Don't add a lot of apple cider vinegar as it can actually give your scalp a burning sensation. Follow this recipe, or, if you want to use the ingredient alone, dilute it in a 1:2 ration of apple vinegar to water.


  1. Mix the yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and honey in a bowl.
  2. Apply the mixture to the scalp, working from the roots to the ends of the hair.
  3. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
  4. Wash again with an organic fruit shampoo to get rid of any lingering yogurt smell.

Use Yogurt for Beautiful Skin—Find out How!

4. Creamy Homemade Avocado Hair Mask

This creamy homemade avocado hair mask is perfect for restoring bounce to dry, brittle hair.

This creamy homemade avocado hair mask is perfect for restoring bounce to dry, brittle hair.

Avocados have long been used in beauty treatments for their nourishing and hydrating properties. This homemade avocado hair mask is perfect for those with dry hair, as the avocado contains moisturizing properties that revitalize dull, lifeless hair.

How to Make the Creamy Avocado Hair Mask


  • 1 small ripe avocado
  • 1 tablespoon olive or almond oil
  • 1/4 cup milk

You will also need a plastic shower cap.

Quick Tips:

  1. Choose a very ripe avocado to mash and blend very finely.
  2. Remember to rinse very thoroughly in order to remove all avocado remains.
  3. Add the milk a little at a time until the avocado mixture reaches a conditioner-like consistency. You may only need to add as little as 1/4 cup. Don't add too much unless you want a drippy hair session.
  4. After the rinse, you can leave without using a conditioner, as avocado acts as a natural hair conditioner.


  1. Blend the avocado chunks until you get a very smooth avocado puree with absolutely no lumps.
  2. Add the milk and your choice of oil, and mix very well.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair, from the roots to the very ends.
  4. Cover with the plastic shower cap and wait for at least 15 minutes. Now would be an excellent time for a warm, cozy bubble bath.
  5. Rinse well with warm water. Use your fingers to remove all avocado residue while rinsing.

5. Homemade Sweet Strawberry Hair Mask

This strawberry hair mask smells delicious and works wonder on oily hair.

This strawberry hair mask smells delicious and works wonder on oily hair.

Strawberries are tart fruits, loaded with vitamin C, which makes them perfect for controlling scalp oil. They help rinse away excess oil build-up and are very gentle in doing so. Strawberries also regulate the scalp's natural pH. Use strawberries in your homemade hair mask for glossy, shiny hair!

How to Make a Homemade Strawberry Hair Mask


  • 1 handful of fresh strawberries (roughly seven for medium-length hair)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Quick Tip:

You have to use a moisturizing ingredient together with strawberries to prevent your hair from over-drying, as strawberries are mostly used for very oily and greasy hair.


  1. Blend the ingredients to form a fine puree of sorts.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly throughout damp hair.
  3. Rinse well with warm water. You don't even need organic shampoo, because strawberries have their own mouth-watering delicious smell.

Lastly, remember, the longer you keep the hair masks on, the deeper the nutrients will sink into your scalp, nourishing and energizing the hair roots. The time you keep your hair mask on will also impact how soft your hair will become.

With these vitalizing homemade fresh and fruity hair masks, your hair is bound to become naturally healthy and beautiful!

Attention Homemade Hair Mask Lovers!

Hair Masks Targeted at Specific Types of Hair

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 healthmunsta


Macaroni Dude on June 30, 2020:

The egg one smelled like vomit and nearly made me regurgitate my breakfast I took it out straight away in the shower with cold water

Mae on March 26, 2020:

Thx for the recipes! FYI: vinegar is spelled incorrectly in recipe #3 photo

Hi on February 18, 2020:

Do vegan products (e.g. soya milk/yoghurt) work?

Veronica on July 06, 2019:

Is it the same thing if I use a towel instead of a plastic bag to wrap my hair when I do these masks?

Jeannette bos on May 15, 2019:

I use whole egg honey and olive oil mixture and i have not had cooked egg in my hair i rinse luke warm water.makes hair really baby soft feel good healthy and very shiny.

g8-26 on January 13, 2019:

i do not recommend the nutrifying egg mask (1) because it went absolutely terrible for me. when i was in the shower the mask was very thin and it wouldn't stay in my hair. it says in the directions that you must wash your hair out with cold water so that the raw egg doesn't cook, so i used cold water and the egg still cooked in my hair... and to add to that it wouldn't come out. i even tried a fine tooth comb and the egg remained in my hair. finally when i went to dry my hair i smelt a horrible odor and it was my hair. it smelled positively awful and i had to rinse my hair 3 times afterwards to get the smell out. so overall i think this is a great page but i defiantly do not recommend mask 1.

Ariana Grande on January 03, 2019:

Any replacement for the apple cider vinegar in the yogurt masque.Cause it smells horrible

Maple on June 27, 2018:

Are you supposed to wet your hair before you put them in your hair?

Kristin field on April 09, 2018:

This was really helpful can't wait to try the avocado hair mask

April on February 17, 2018:

It's funny, but I only decided to try a hair mask once my husband and I decided to put ourselves on a budget. That means I have to spend less money on hair products and skin products, so I started doing some research on DIY solutions.

I tried the last mask, substituting the coconut milk with some half and half I had in the fridge. I left the mask on my hair for a little over an hour, and I was amazed at how easily my hair detangled!

I styled it using a new and cheap product for the first time (Eco Styler Krystal - I have 2c curls). I'm sure it was a combination of both the deep conditioning and the new hair product (it's much lighter and less sticky than my other products), but regardless, my hair has never looked so good. My curls have body and bounce, my strands have shine, and the color is so defined.

Thank you!

Sherry Turner on January 04, 2018:

Glad I stumbled across your page. My oldest daughter has been loosing a ton of hair lately. She’s a nurse, but won’t get his issue taken care of! I’m positive it is h thyroid, but she get a doctor to Eder a CNC panel with an emphasis on the 3 types of Thyroid tests that should me mandatory when getting older and lose of hand fulls of har been fatigued way more than normal, etc...I just received my Fasting cbc panel and everything came back within the lowest rating of the lowest end of the guide lines. Why would he have waits 4 MONTH after I’d already told Home this regarding my extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, moody, falling4 times in just two days, etc...

Nikki on October 10, 2017:

What it can do for my hair i need something to do my hair to fast grow fast and heavy and healthy and amazing

Joanne Ikani on September 05, 2017:

This is a lovely page, full of edifying topics.

nubianldn on August 01, 2017:

Hi I had a look at this article and after trying a variety of different hair masks I also tried to make my own based on items I knew would be fantastic for my hair, and ones that were used in products for well over £10/$15 in the hair care shop for Natural Hair

Check Out a video of the process

izzy on July 09, 2017:

any replacement for honey in the strawberry one?

Nancy on July 03, 2017:

Please help. My hair has always been my pride and joy. I figured since it is pretty damn healthy, it could deal with some bleach damage. And I figured the master stylist who did all the color-corrections would know how much would be too much. I was wrong, and now I want to burst into tears every time I look at my hair or touch it. I just don't know what to do. my hair has also NEVER been shorter than this and it breaks and falls out. What should i do to regrow hair?

Wtf on June 23, 2017:

These recipes are horrible. I tried the banana mask and ended up with matted and tangled hair. I followed the instructions exactly and still ended up with pieces of banana stuck in my hair that could not be washed out. It took me over an hour to brush out all remaining pieces and ended up washing my hair over four times. I would not recommend these masks to anyone as the smell was not pleasant and the results were worse from when I started.

Sharron on June 01, 2017:

Does this help your hair grow, I am eager to know, I also have shorter hair and I am doing about everything to help, but it is super slow. I am glad I found this site

krissy on February 23, 2017:

any replacement for olive oil?

lily brown on February 20, 2017:

is there any replacement for honey because my mom says it makes your hair white

anonymous on January 29, 2017:

Can u use evaporated milk instead of fresh milk?

Moiella on December 27, 2016:

How long do u keep the last one in for

Ariana on December 06, 2016:

Can i use shampoo after if i want to?

Roo on November 06, 2016:

pls explain apple cider vinegar and apple cider are both same? or not?

Liv on November 05, 2016:

Any replacements for the coconut oil on the last recipe?

Muntaha on September 17, 2016:

I did the lemon, milk, egg and oil one ... My hair feels like a horses tail, lost hair and had white reside after I throughly washed it. It was like I had cooked egg sites in my hair

Amanda on September 12, 2016:

Please help. My hair has always been my pride and joy. I figured since it is pretty damn healthy, it could deal with some bleach damage. And I figured the master stylist who did all the color-corrections would know how much would be too much. I was wrong, and now I want to burst into tears every time I look at my hair or touch it. I just don't know what to do. my hair has also NEVER been shorter than this and it breaks and falls out. What should i do to regrow hair?

Tahja on August 12, 2016:

I haven't yet tried these recipes but am anxious to try them out

......... on July 29, 2016:

will they work

Ann810 from Sunny Cali on July 10, 2016:

Awesome article, many Black people are going natural by not wearing perms in the hair. The avocado recipe hair mask I will try, but my milk of choice will be almond milk added. Organic ingredients are best for all hair types. Thanks

Kiki190 on April 01, 2016:

Do the same hair masks above apply to curly hair?

Best of Aying from Philippines on November 05, 2015:

Cool tips, thanks

tranhieu on October 26, 2015:

this cool post ! Thank...

my website :

Sakshi Davessar from Punjab, India on October 26, 2015:

Thanku for sharing....great!

Anna Christie from London, United Kingdom on October 21, 2015:

Great Hub I love all the homemade masks. I get the Lush ones sometimes as well.

Veronica Adams from Mobile,AL on October 21, 2015:

I can save money with recipes.

Ana Maria Orantes from Miami Florida on October 12, 2015:

I like your hub. It is great to know other ways about the natural masks for the hair. I like natural products as well other products made on the lab for the regular use for cleaning the hair. Thank you for writing and creating a wonderful hub miss healthmunsta.

Susannah Birch from Toowoomba, Australia on October 10, 2015:

This came up in my feed - interestingly, I'm currently sitting here with my hair full of coconut oil - haha. I'll wash it out in a few hours with a smidge of apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil then some shampoo.

waliur rahman from sreemangol moulvibazar Bangladesh on October 09, 2015:

real share,thanks

Becs from Brooklyn, NY on October 07, 2015:

I am OBSESSED with D.I.Y. skin and hair care, Thanks for sharing I need to add this recipe to my to do list!

Danielle Nash from North America on October 06, 2015:

I love DIY hair and skin care. These are great, and I can't wait to try them out.

Bano Ghaffar from Karachi on October 06, 2015:

Thanks for all wonderful tips . I will try one of them.

Jasmen Vilando from Yokohama on October 05, 2015:

Thanks for this. I tried the banana mask without the bananas...I was afraid my hair would smell like bananas all day so I just used the coconut oil, olive oil and honey and like the results.

Angelina on September 19, 2015:

is the egg recipe supposed to be so liquidly? and do you have to blend the avocado or can you leave very small lumps?

Melinda on September 05, 2015:

can you use lemon juice in a bottle rather than a real lemon for the egg recipe

Elbee on August 17, 2015:

For the first one do u need lemon juice

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on July 31, 2015:

Great recipes to make a natural homemade mask with the ingredients at home. Very useful! Voted up!

healthmunsta (author) on June 12, 2015:

Please everyone, if you have any questions, ask me on my facebook page where I can see you and reply to you immediately. I'm always available there.

@Amihra - Sure you can make the banana mask without the honey, but it obviously has better results with honey.

healthmunsta (author) on August 09, 2014:

Don't panic, just let your hair dry completely and begin brushing it, the lumps will fall off. You can wash your hair the next day do get rid of all the banana particles.

But next time, remember to blend the mask to a silky puree!

Irina on July 25, 2014:

And I want to add something after that mask (yogurt-vinegar-honey) my hair became amazing. Its really great

healthmunsta (author) on June 29, 2014:

Yes, the first recipe is more of a hair rinse or non-foaming shampoo, so it is liquidy indeed. Just slowly pour it all over your scalp and length of hair, while gently massaging. Then allow it to sit only for 10 mins and rinse off your hair at least 3 times. Ideally, you'll use this in the shower so you don't need to worry about making a mess. Hope you get gorgeous soft hair with this! It also cleanses the scalp and clears dandruff.

Hakunamatata on June 29, 2014:

I got a question:

I did the first mask and with one cup of milk it is so liquedy I couldn't even make it stay on my hair. It was running down my face the whole time. Is it supposed to be like that? Because that was super annoying :/

healthmunsta (author) on March 31, 2014:

@ Cat M: Keep it for 15 - 30 minutes. The longest time you can keep it on for is until it starts getting dry-ish and sticky. Don't let it dry on completely though - it may become hard to wash off.

Cat M on March 31, 2014:

How many minutes do u place the first mask ?

healthmunsta (author) on March 07, 2014:

You may use diluted lemon juice.

heena on March 07, 2014:

Any replacement for vinegar?

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