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Best DIY Hair Masks for Dry Hair

I love discovering and sharing DIY beauty tips, especially all-natural solutions that you can easily make at home.

Is your hair dry, damaged and withering away? Are you looking for all-natural easy hair treatments to liven up your dull locks? Using totally simple ingredients that you can quickly fetch from your kitchen, you can create amazing hair masks to bounce your dry hair back to life! Let's look at three easy peasy hair masks you can make at home:


1. Moisturizing At-Home Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Using just two kitchen ingredients, you can whip up a nourishing hair mask that will feed your dry hair with vitamins and healthy fat, transforming it into a silky mass of lustre. Coconut oil is well known for its wonderful hair moisturizing and conditioning properties. Honey is the all ancient cure for many common ailments including dry flaking skin and it will work wonders for dry damaged hair! Here's a quick look at the benefits the ingredients in this hair mask provide for dry hair:


Coconut oil

A powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamins. Contains antiseptic fatty acids that guard the scalp against acne and fungal infections. Nourishes hair roots. Prevents dandruff and heals itchy scalp issues. Soothes painful scalp. Conditions and moisturizes hair. Softens and smoothens dry hair locks. Tames wild frizzy dry hair. Protects hair from split end damage.


Rich in powerful vitamins and minerals. Great moisturizer. Natural humectant. Locks moisture into dry hair strands. Nourishes sun damaged dry hair. Deep conditions hair. Softens dry hair. Contains anti bacterial and antioxidant properties that keep your scalp healthy and promote hair growth. Leaves your tresses looking shiny and bouncy.

Useful Tips

Wet your hair.

It's easier applying the hair mask to damp hair. You can also simply apply coconut oil alone to your dry hair strands without adding honey and wash off.

Always use organic.

When making this hair mask, use extra virgin coconut oil and pure honey for the best results. Pure coconut oil will be easier for your hair to absorb.

How often?

Since it's an all-natural hair mask, you can use this as often as you want. Once a week is good for dry and normal hair. Take care not to add a lot of coconut oil - just a tablespoon will do for long hair (mid-back length). If you have short (shoulder length) hair, you can use 1 teaspoon.

Long/short hair modifications

You can always add more/fewer teaspoons of some ingredients if you have longer/shorter hair.

Coconut and Honey Hair Mask Recipe


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons honey


  1. In a mixing bowl, add in the above ingredients and stir well till you get a thick mixture. And voila, your hair mask is ready to use! Yes, it is that simple!
  2. When applying the hair mask, use clean fingers and slather the mixture into your scalp first. Use a circular motion to massage the mask into your scalp gently. Work coming downwards from your scalp to your locks.
  3. After the application, you can sit with a warm towel wrapped around your head to open up your hair follicles so that all the goodness of the hair mask can sink in.
  4. After 15-30 minutes, rinse off your hair. You don't even need to condition your hair as coconut oil is one of the conditioners!

2. Nourishing At-Home Hair Mask for Dry hair

This nourishing hair mask also needs just two kitchen ingredients: eggs and olive oil. Eggs are rich in protein, vitamins and fat - all of these being very nutritious to nurse dry hair back to its shiny lustre. Olive oil is one of the best nourishing and moisturizing oils for dry hair treatment. Let's look at the in-depth benefits of these ingredients for dry hair:


Egg Yolk

Loaded with b-vitamins and healthy fat. Very nourishing for dry hair. Nourishes, lubricates and waters dry damaged hair. Strengthens hair follicles and roots. Reivtalizes dry hair. Softness hair and transforms dry hair into silky locks. Deep conditions hair. Prevents hair loss.

Olive Oil

Hair mask ingredient used since ancient times. Moisturizes and nourishes hair. Rich in vitamin E and healthy fat. Hydrates dry brittle hair and strengthens hair strands, preventing breakage.


Rinse with only cold to tepid water.

Make sure to use cold to tepid water to rinse especially for this hair mask. Using hot water to rinse off this olive oil and egg hair mask can leave you with cooked bits of egg in your hair.

Rinse, rinse and rinse.

Rinse your hair thoroughly as many times as possible to remove the hair mask completely from your hair. Use an organic shampoo to wash it off and give a final rinse.

Massage your scalp.

Give your scalp a soothing massage as you apply the hair mask. This will stimulate blood flow to your scalp, promoting a healthy scalp and luscious long hair locks.

Egg Yolk and Olive Oil Hair Mask Recipe


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  1. Whisk the egg yolk in a small mixing bowl till it turns frothy.
  2. Add in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mix well.
  3. Using clean fingers, apply the hair mask onto your scalp first. Massage the hair mask into your scalp in a gentle circular motion for about 1 to 2 minutes.
  4. Cover your hair with a disposable shower cap/plastic bag.
  5. Sit for 15 minutes.
  6. When the time is up, rinse your hair thoroughly with cold water. Please do not use hot water.
  7. Use an organic shampoo to remove the egg smells from your hair.
  8. Give your hair a final rinse and condition as usual.

Read More From Bellatory

3. Hydrating At-Home Hair Mask for Dry hair

Lock moisture into your hair cells with an amazing avocado and banana hair mask. This hydrating hair mask will definitely rejuvenate your dull dry hair. You will be astonished to see how fast your dry locks spring back to their original lustre. What's more is that this hair mask doesn't stink at all! All you need is avocado and banana. Sounds yummy, doesn't it? Let's first discover the importance of these two ingredients for dry hair and hair in general.



Contains vitamins A, E D, b-vitamins, healthy fat and natural oils. Adds shine and lustre to dry hair. Prevents hair loss. Nourishes hair promoting hair growth. Guards against hair breakage and split ends. Revitalizes dry hair, softening and moisturizing it.


Loaded with vitamins, potassium, antioxidants and moisture, banana works wonders for dry brittle hair. Strengthens hair follicles. Prevents split ends and hair breakage. Maintains natural hair elasticity. Controls hair oil production. Promotes healthy hair and scalp.


Place a towel around your neck.

Wrap a soft cotton towel around your neck to protect your clothes from this hair mask.

From top to bottom.

Work the hair mask from your scalp to the tips of your hair. Slather a generous amount of the hair mask onto your hair ends, where most damage occurs.


As the hair mask works its magic, you can relax your mind by reading a book, meditating or even pampering your nails with a lovely manicure.

Sticky/oily hair mask

Don't over proportionate the amount of teaspoons or tablespoons of ingredients you need to put in your hair mask. For example: Adding too much honey can make a very sticky hair mask which you'll spend a long time trying to remove. Also, using a lot of coconut/olive oil can give you greasy hair which is also hard to rinse off.

Avocado and Banana Hair Mask Recipe


  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 2 ripe bananas


  1. Puree the above ingredients in a food processor until it turns thick and is absolutely lump free. This is important: Make sure the hair mask is very smooth with no chunks whatsoever. It can be a big pain trying to comb out dry banana/avocado bits from your hair!
  2. As usual, using clean fingers, apply the mixture to your damp hair from the hair roots to the ends.
  3. Cover your hair with a plastic shower cap.
  4. Wait for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse your hair thoroughly. Take your time rinsing, ensuring the whole mask is off. This hair mask smells great, so you don't even need to shampoo your hair.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


unicornchic on January 25, 2020:

always blend as well as mash bananas

from experience it goes REALLY LUMPY

SkinMudra from Pune on November 18, 2018:

all good stuffs....keep it up

Teresa on April 02, 2016:

I'm desperate about my dry hair....

I'm definitely going to try these masks asap.

Thanks a lot!

Paige on August 04, 2015:

Omg the egg yolk and olive oil hair masks worked wonders for my hair. Like it just dried and my hair is so silky and smooth and it shines ! I love my hair now.

Baconchick on July 19, 2015:

I was going to try to qmake a mask with honey, milk, and eggs. But im haveing second thoughts that mixing these together could end up messing up my hair. Will it?

jaz on December 01, 2014:

Should you wash your hair before the mask and after the mask ? And do you use conditioner?

Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on November 23, 2014:

I have tried coconut but not avocado with banana. Will have to try this. My hair is really dry right now.

Josely on August 26, 2014:

I'm going to try the coconut oil and honey but one question: after washing your hair will it still smell? Thanks!

mona on August 26, 2014:

I relaxed my hair & its satisfying and all but its dry and looks un-natural, i only have the egg yolks,honey,olive oil & avacado. what should i mix?

Diana Harvey from Philippines on August 21, 2014:

Excellent advice thank you so much

Ombre haired girl on July 14, 2014:

Hiiii, thank you so much for the post!

I have ombre hair and it's starting to get a bit dry and some split ends, which mask would you say between the egg one and the avocado one, which one would you say is the best for me?

Byeee xxxx

healthmunsta (author) on January 13, 2014:

Try the olive oil and egg yolk first, it'll hydrate your hair cells from deep within. I love hair masks with egg to give my hair a protein boost, making it look strong and healthy!

rls8994 from Mississippi on January 13, 2014:

These sound great. My hair tends to be on the dry side these days and nothing I have bought seems to help. I am definitely trying these. I bet they will help!

healthmunsta (author) on January 13, 2014:

Hi Moon Daisy! Thanks for pointing that out - it's a typo. You need 1 tablespoon of olive oil. 1 tsp is too little, even for short hair. Try out the mask, and you wont feel like buying ole 'poo anymore! ;)

Moon Daisy from London on January 12, 2014:

These sound amazing! My hair gets dry sometimes and I don't really like hair products because of all the chemicals, so these are a great idea, and all things I have at home! And it sounds like a nice way to pamper myself.

I would like to try the egg yolk and olive oil one, and I just have one question. Do you add 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon of olive oil? (You've put tablespoon in the ingredients and then teaspoon in the directions. Maybe you mean a different amount depending on how long your hair is?) This is a great hub, voted up. :)

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