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The 10 No-Nos of Wearing Sandals

A Registered Nurse by profession and a graduate of BS Zoology, I spend my free time freelancing as a writer.

People love wearing sandals because of their casual appeal. They offer comfort, functionality, and style. They are also quite versatile and are available in a wide variety of styles and designs to match one’s fashion preferences.

Like any other form of footwear, sandals must be worn with the proper observance of certain conventions. Make sure you observe the following no-nos so you can avoid making a fashion faux-pas.

Image source: Wikipedia

Image source: Wikipedia

10 Things to Avoid When Wearing Sandals

1. Wearing Sandals That Are Too Small

Sandals that are too small for your feet will not only make you feel uncomfortable, but they also tend to devour your feet and make them look like stuffed sardines. This is not a pretty look.

2. Wearing Loose-Fitting Sandals

Avoid sandals that are too long, too big, or too loose-fitting. Besides making your feet look like misfits, loose-fitting flip-flops give you an awkward posture and noisily flap around when you walk. You can also easily trip or slip on them. You will fare better if you avoid wearing those fancy oversized sandals you found in your big sister’s closet.

3. Wearing Open-Toe Sandals With Dirty Nails

When you have dirty or untrimmed toenails, do not wear open sandals. This does not mean that you must get a pedicure every time you wear open-toe shoes, but your nails should be trimmed, and your heels should be brushed to make your feet look clean and presentable.

4. Leaving Cracked Polish On

If you want to wear open-toe sandals, be sure to remove all traces of cracked polish. Not doing so will make you look messy. If cracked polish could pass as unique nail art, then you may have a chance, otherwise, go get a pedicure. If you don't have the time or budget, simply rub the cracked polish off with an acetone-soaked cotton ball, and wash your nails with soap and water.

5. Wearing Tight-Fitting Toe Rings

Toe rings are beautiful, but don't wear them if your toes are going to look like squeezed flesh. This not only impairs circulation, but also makes your toes look like tiny sausages.

6. Wearing Loose-Fitting Toe Rings

Likewise, wearing loose-fitting toe rings should be avoided, as they can throw off your gait. If you wear loose-fitting rings, you tend to walk awkwardly to keep them from falling off your toes. So what’s the point in wearing toe rings if they are going to hamper your agility and ruin your poise?

7. Choosing the Wrong Type of Sandals

When choosing a pair of sandals, you need to consider the type of material, the place you’re going to, and the occasion you’re attending.

  • Material: If your feet tend to perspire a lot, you should avoid sandals that are made of sweat-inducing materials, such as plastic, rubber, or faux leather. Try to go for those with cotton or absorbent linings instead. You may also use absorbent insoles, like Summer Soles. A simple trick to minimize sweating is to spray the bottom of your feet with antiperspirant.
  • Place: Are you going to the beach or to the park? Many people make the mistake of wearing flip-flops at the park and end up getting dirt on their shoes and feet. If you're going to the beach, avoid sandals made with leather or those with a heel. Common sense will go a long way in saving you discomfort and embarrassment.
  • Occasion: Rubber sandals should not be worn at semi-formal or formal places like the office, church, or school—though there are some exceptions to this. Remember that open-toe sandals can only be worn on casual occasions. If you are attending a baptism or baby shower, opt for closed-toe sandals.

8. Not Considering the Appropriate Heel Height

It is always wise to give careful thought to the height of the footwear’s heels. If you plan to wear the sandals many times during the week, choose heels that are low to moderately high, especially if you do a lot of walking.

9. Wearing Torn or Damaged Sandals

This one is a big no-no. If you have a pair of damaged sandals, be sure to have it fixed before wearing it. If it cannot be fixed, then buy a new pair. If your flip-flops break while walking, it will not only be embarrassing, but also dangerous.

10. Using Scotch Tape or Band-Aid to Fix Your Sandals

You should never do this to fix damaged shoes. Perhaps, it would be acceptable if you had an emergency situation where your sandals literally gave way, and you needed to fix it quickly or else you walked barefoot. Otherwise, this should be avoided at all costs.

Final Thoughts

Sandals are very versatile, casual, and comfortable. Yet, like any type of footwear, there are certain things you need to consider and avoid when buying or wearing them. Be sure that you only buy ones that are really comfortable, appropriate, and practical. Carefully choose the right material, and remember, even if they cost more, finely crafted sandals made with durable materials are often more cost-efficient to buy than cheap ones that are likely to retire after a few uses.

© 2009 Melody Lagrimas


Robert on August 06, 2013:


Jason William Dore on March 20, 2012:

Read More From Bellatory

I'm 31 and I LOVE sandals and flip-flops.

Shady on February 13, 2012:

There's only one rule for wearing sandals: don't.

mysisters on March 10, 2011:

Great Hub. Another no no I can think of is wearing socks with sandals.

Trusted Marketing from Charlotte, North Carolina on July 29, 2010:

So it's yes, yes to sandals.

Nice article.

lilly_dens on May 27, 2010:

simple yet very useful tips! nice hub! I remember a classmate who wore high heeled shoes instead of sandals and when she got down from the taxi, her one heel got detached and was left at the center of the road! to keep it cool, she still walked as if nothing happened and good thing another classmate of ours was nearby and got her heels and fixed it for the meantime. That was a lesson, never wear a footwear that's not in a good condition

tion on April 26, 2010:

not nice

cs on March 12, 2010:

I'm a 36 year old male. I love to wear sandals. They feel so much more comfortable then closed up shoes. I live in Florida where its warm most the time. It's hard to find nice looking sandals. Most are clunky and ugly. I don't think all men can pull off wearing sandals, I'm lucky in that I have very nice feet and go out of my way to keep them up. Just thought I'd share from a males perspective.

milynch43 from Philippines on August 26, 2009:

Thanks for the good advice. I live in these things.

anglnwu on August 15, 2009:

My favorite kind of footwear--cool, casual and so easy to slip on and off. No air, just pure humbleness and functionality--the person who invented it was a genius.

Love the rainbow sandals--my daughter loves her pair.

And yes, LOL on your last no-no--desperate situation calls for desperate measures--I've been there.

Thanks for the lovely hub.

Melody Lagrimas (author) from Philippines on June 30, 2009:

Thank you, everyone, for dropping by and for your comments.

Ethel, thanks for that. I did think of that but somehow it was missed.

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on June 29, 2009:

They are especially important in climates where it is hot. Let the feet breathe, I say! LOL

franciaonline from Philippines on June 29, 2009:

Hi Melody,

I'm wearing sandals all the time and your hub is a very good reminder about the no-no's on this type of footwear!

Ethel Smith from Kingston-Upon-Hull on June 28, 2009:

Also men wearing socks with them and women with cracked skin on their heels

kiran8 from Mangalore, India on June 28, 2009:

I love wearing sandals..the last one , with all those lovely blue and pink color is really pretty

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