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Audrey Surma

“We change the world a little each day with our kindness.”
― Tom Giaquinto

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In highschool I wanted to be a journalist. Instead I became a teacher, thinking I could change the world. I eagerly signed up to teach in the inner city of Detroit, Michigan and learned more about teaching during the time I was there than any other time in my life. Having now taught in a few different communities, I realize that all children have the need to feel important, successful and loved. Now, along with teaching, I find myself returning to writing. I have learned so much over the years and I am excited to share my experiences and also to write about the hobbies that interest me.

This forum is a great venue for me, and I feel a sense of accomplishment with each published hub.

My professsional experience includes thirteen years teaching elementary school-age children and am now in my third year of experience as an elementary school library media specialist. As hobbies, I enjoy diy projects, anything outdoors, and have a huge love for literature and mathematics. I have a Master's in Teaching, an English major, and a Library Media Specialist endorsement.