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Hi, welcome to my profile page. Enjoy!

I am an educator, consultant and writer who loves to write, listen to music, read and discover new information, converse with others, swim, and spend time in or near water. I love spending time in nature and enjoy visiting and exploring new places.

I believe in the human spirit and believe every person has potential to achieve happiness and success. I cheer for the underdog and applaud those who live their lives in a manner that helps make this world a better place.

I have 22 years experience (and degree) in the field of Early Childhood Education, have traveled the United States extensively, teaching and consulting. I listen, teach and inspire.

I'm very interested in promoting and living a healthy lifestyle and enjoy writing about food and fitness, and ways to enhance harmony and balance in our lives.

I love to write poetry and will be sharing some of my poems here. Poetry is an art form, and I enjoy the creativity of crafting words and images together. I was honored to be one of the poetry judges for the first HubPatron of the Arts contest held in November, 2011.

I fell in love with France, and will be sharing some of my travel adventures while in Paris.

I look forward to sharing information, stories, practical advice concerning early childhood and topics that I find interesting and helpful to others. I was nominated and chosen as one of the 20 Top New Hubbers of 2009.

I am available for freelance writing and may be reached through HubPages by sending an email linked as contact author.

You can Twitter me @rebekahelle.

It's a fabulous opportunity to meet and connect wih other writers and people from various backgrounds throughout the world with whom we would never know otherwise. I look forward to seeing you around. Join the Hubpages community and start writing.

Thank you for reading my profile!

Make your dreams true~ love, light, Rebekah


"From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done..."

Elton John ~ Circle of Life ~ from The Lion King


"We survive in direct relationship to the dedication of our poets." ~ Maya Angelou


Happiness Lies Within ~